Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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Yeah, it did up my tolerance massively too. Sorry I led you astray brother but glad to hear it worked on your behalf.
Tapering is miserable as heck. Slow torture. I am really up shit creek now as I have been needing 120 mg MS Contin a day to not be in withdrawl. I was at 75 mg a day and am only prescribed that much.

Help! What do ya all think is best to do? Just return to the 75 mg and wait out the hellfire? Will I get used to the 75 mg again or have I completely fucked myself?

Sorry this is dragging out n driving you crazy as it is.
I do not have personal experience with high dose / long term oxy or MS. ... but as far as a General rule of thumb.... I think if you can manage to put up with Whatever ALL suffering, that reducing the dose and staying asLow as possible will actually be of Benefit to you, as far as Pain Relief. That damned opiate induced hyperalgesia is Real I can via experience attest to that. The more you're ON, the more you Hurt at some point. Reducing or eliminating the drug altogether is the only way out.
You will get used to 75mg again but it will take time. You around just about halving your dose and there is some tolerance so it is likely miserable for you, sorry to hear about that. If you have the means to get more pills I'd taper more slowly. This is why I couldn't taper, personally, apart from lack of restraint. My tolerance was extreme compared to what I was scripted (at least an order of magnitude higher, I would say 10 to 20 times higher than the dose I was prescribed I would be using. Even more when heroin was involved. I would be tapering great, but then start running out. Hit withdrawal hard, freak out in cold turkey, and get a hit as soon as I can manage to. If I cold turkey, I get through the shit fast. The pain is over fast, the days do go by. Only takes 10 to 20 days for me to feel great again.

I just finished my second day. Cold turkey is awful feeling, but I have been staying active this time. I refuse to lay in bed as my body decays and I grow older each day, but all I can really do is trek. I get out walking in the snowy nice weather each day. The cold weather is comforting since the windchill and stuff distracts me from the feeling that the bones in my upper arms are being gnawed and chewed away at by bugs. Fuckign skin crawling, muscle aches, extreme pain in my spine, depression... I almost got fired today as I slept through my shift. I never do shit like that normally. Got restless legs like crazy but that isn't so bad I find as it is just irritating; not physical agony like the full body muscles aches. That is my worse symptom. Makes me feel like I'm burning alive.

To think, a couple weeks ago I had none of this whatsoever in my life. I was waking up each day feeling great, little stressed and explosive but that is normal for me. Tapering is okay it is miserable but cold turkey is a fucking nightmare. Not at first - I am only two days in and it has been alright. But, I can see myself bedridden for a day or two coming up. Days 3 - 10 are the worst for me since the withdrawal is ongoing and the lack of nutrition, the anhedonia really gets to me and I start freaking out. I expect to start crying uncontrollably; I have been too braindead to do so as of yet.

Not having cravings. Why would I, when I felt so great a couple weeks ago and was not dealing with this utter nonsense. Got out today for a few hours to the health food store and learned a lot about nutrition. Got a plant-based omega 3 fatty acid oil on sale, with lots of EPA and DHA in it. And doesn't taste like fish oil more like wheatgrass or something. Awesome stuff and I shouldn't be having fish oil as I am becoming more and more strictly vegetarian with my diet.

Suffering a lot. I was really high though and pain free. Can't forget about why I feel like such shit. This is shit though. I was off it for so long I am not used to being sick like this at all let alone fucking miserable cold turkey. At least when I was tapering and dosing short acting opioids/opiates every 12 hours, I would have a little relief to look forward to. I have nothing but a week of hell ahead of me.
PainfulOne- I have been in your shoes. Rx’d 90 mg, taking 120 mg, running out and need to drop to 60 or even 30 for 2 weeks or I’ll run out. That’s how I found Loperamide.
You can do it. For me it takes 4 days to get used to a new lower dose. With high doses of Loperamide it takes only about 2 days. I like to let myself suffer most of the day on little or no oxy, then take most of today’s dose in the evening. It stops withdrawal for a few hours and resets my depression threshold.

Shroomi- welcome back. I’m really sorry to hear you’re suffering again. Stick with it brother. You’ve proven to everyone you can do it. Just one day at a time.
Thanks guys. I have managed to get my dose down to 90 mg now. I'm going to stay at that for a few days since I'm mighty uncomfortable on that and then cutting back to my normal dosage of 75 mg.
I'm going to come up short again but I think I am going to just show up early at my doctor and beg on his mercy. He knows I live in pain and he has said he will work with me. I'm just going to have to be honest with him if it comes down to it.

Hopefully he will refill me early cause I can't take cold turkey with this pain. I'm going to hand my medication over to my mom to lock up and give me a days dosage everyday. I can't keep putting myself through this. I just want to be stable again and not have to stress every month about how many days I am coming up short.

Shroomy, I hope you are feeling a bit better today. I'm sorry you are going through this. Again. But it should not be too long before you feel better. You caught it quickly. Well done.

Hope everyone is doing well and hanging tough. Sending you all lots of love.
Shroomy is kinda losin his shit over in the social thread.
I'm posted to him that it'a just the Down that follows the Up and that it will pass soon. Poor guy.
Hey I don't have time to read your messages yet I'm sure they are sweet and kind and nice just stopping in for one thing I will get to but I will just say THANKS I feel like FUCKING TRASH. I even got depressed early I ran through my entire life everything from the beginning and talked shit about myself for every mistake I've ever made... I can't get into it was traumatizing anyways I'm over it I decided to trip out on some 2c-d which has an antidepressant effect. I need that today I was wishing I was dead

I held it together the first 2 days and then exploded today. Couldn't fuckin take it anymore I feel like I'm burning alive.

Squeaky dude I was stopping in to specifically say that I'm feeling like such trash shit worthless waste of life better off dead that I took a leaf from your book and got some loperamide. I took 12 gel caps I'm assuming 12 or 24mg, whatever. The point is I've been on the verge of shitting myself all day and it is bad... bad bad bad. So I needed it anyway. I'll see how it works for more mild withdrawal like this than the heroin abuse which was more like an exorcism than a hangover times a million.

But that isn't why I am so fucked up. The restless legs whatever. It's the sensation of burning the fuck alive on the stake that's the best way I can describe it the way the addiction has progressed to the point where I am now risking my life through my use more than ever before, because I never know what the fuck my tolerance is.

I'm heading to the mall to take my mind off shit, and I have a gift certificate. Just gonna rock tunes, get some tea maybe, or if something catches my eye ; )

Dude at the tea store is a stoner dude we are good friends he gives me free tea with his employee discounts EVERY time he is so damn chill so I am tipping him something special today LOL I really hope he's in. It will only enhance our hilarious inside joke cause he's always like how are you today? Oh! I'm tripping again man, been tripping for a month straight at this point, needed to get out of my acidfreak den. Or like, man I'm down in the dumps, fuckin relapsed it's serious. He's such a chill guy it's cool to have a friend but like not even really chill out or know each other's numbers or anything like that. So I hope he is there (he is EVERY time it's so weird, but I want to tip him lol for being a friend).

My emotions are all over the place though I'll check in later... I'll probably want to die again and wish I was dead (seriously.).
Shroomy my brother, lay low right now. You are not in your right mind and someone could call the paramedics or something on you out of worry for your health.

The loperamide should stop or at least help the burning.

Are you going through benzodiazepine withdrawal as well? Have you been taking your benzo medication?
Shroomy is kinda losin his shit over in the social thread.
I'm posted to him that it'a just the Down that follows the Up and that it will pass soon. Poor guy.

Good work Runningfox. In fact I have seen excellent help all over this website from you. Very well done sister.
Yeah, we need to watch out for shroomy right now. He tends to get suicidal.

Shroomy, we are here if you need us! This will pass. Hang in there. Just hold.
Yeah, my friends are on vacation so I have nobody to talk to about this. I can't lay low in fact if I spend my time in my place I go insane. I am not full blown H sick so I have been making it outside for walks, and the mall just now was great. I found a pair of mahogany gloves I really like a lot they are just plain wool with the tips cut off so I can hold joints. I noticed the tiniest little nit picky hole since I was tripping and they gave me a 20% discount, and then a random discount on top of that, and they were the last pair and already on sale. So I got like 75% off and they cost like pennies for a sweet pair of gloves. They even matched the burgundy jeans I was wearing.

Apart from that, I am shit out of luck. It is not the withdrawal been there done that it hardly phases me anymore. I get suicidal because I am. I see the logic in it completely. There was a cute girl there when I was getting a good conditioner since I triple bleached my hair and well both of them were really cute and complimented my pink peony hair right away. Cause with vivid colours like that you pull it off or you don't and mine is epic, I already knew that. But I told her she is the only girl I ever saw who made green hair look good. She is a cutie elf, even matches her eyes so she was quite flattered. Well then why do I not get so much as a kiss since the summertime when all I do is wonder around talking random shit to people. That is really getting to me. A lot of things are really getting to me I seriously feel like blowing my fuckin brains out so I don't have to stay up all night working even though I like my job, everything is pointless when I resent myself. Until I slit my wrists, I will continuing on with my beaming smile, silly hairstyles and random chit chat, electric guitar just whatever gives me enjoyment. My life is pretty sweet, it's just completely pointless and I can't get anywhere with women which makes me want to tie up a fucking noose this very moment and end it. Although, I no longer have any long term plans for my future, as I won't be having a future for very much longer.

Can't take it anymore. Not the withdrawal... when I stop withdrawing I will in fact feel worse, as I will not be so numb. At the moment I am caught up in physical agony. It distracts me from the cognitive torment. I wouldn't really expect me to be around for much longer. I have foreshadowed my early demise a million times and one because it is what I want for myself. I would say before my 30th birthday next year. There is no sense talking me out of feelings I am very in touch with and I am very stubborn just saying. If I want to snort heroin and slash my wrists a few minutes before the 15 minute mark when it kicks in, then that is all well and good. It is the only thing I can think of that I have left to do.
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Thanks. Might not post for a while I don't really feel like talking to people anymore. I'm all socialized out I've had meaningful connections with too many attractive women to count since I got clean I am a magnet for that but then I don't know what the fuck to do and never get anywhere and end up hating myself for it knowing I could have done something. I have only had dates with such a cute foxy girl because she asked me out first, otherwise I am very passive apart from being super social it's a really bad combination and knowing I am attractive and all these things too I have high self esteem. It makes it worse that I can't do that. Everyone is a robot, everything is exactly the same. That is the only thing wrong with my life that I can think of, but it is enough for me. I want to have love in my life. I am shit out of luck in that regard, and not willing to try any longer because I only end up feeling hurt. I'm just a burnout I guess. Nobody likes me enough and I just want a cutie romance I could give a fuck less about anything else but being myself :_ (

I really won't give a damn whenever it is that I take that hit which is just a little too heavy for my tolerance. I won't even be aware of it. The hardcore nod I had made me realize it is the ideal way to pass for myself. I'd like some more tattoos and piercings first and keep messing around with my hair so I can leave a beautiful corpse. I have no plans whatsoever for past my Taurus birthday next year. I am will be more and more fed up and I already can't take it anymore. At least on heroin I am not tormented by this.
Good work Runningfox. In fact I have seen excellent help all over this website from you. Very well done sister.
Yeah, we need to watch out for shroomy right now. He tends to get suicidal.

Shroomy, we are here if you need us! This will pass. Hang in there. Just hold.

Thanks for the props. I have so much empathy for others.... and I've been Mom to so many for so long, all I know to do is to love and to nurture.

Sadly words on a screen from someone who cares are not always (ever?) Enough to Ease the suffering of our friends ..... would that it were.

Life IS hard.
Well the lady from work who asked me out first, and I make a great team. She is on vacation for now and we have been going on dates. That is the time in which I am most happy because I am not by myself enjoying my own company but I get to share myself with someone else. I do this all the time randomly with people but with her I lose myself completely. We really like each other. We thought of plans for a health oriented business to help others and make money, and a trip to NYC so I'll just let it be and see what happens next year as I have known her for a long while now and she might just make a nice fiancee maybe even not that far down the road. I can see myself having a great life with her as we complement each other so well. I have a whole entire vision. She motivates me too and I work really well in teams but not by myself.

It has been 15 years though so I can't take it anymore. Nothing will help but it is still kind of you to try and I appreciate it. This shit brings me to tears I am simply a cutie lover that can apparently have it all except for the most basic thing I would like out of life. I like things I find romantic, like red roses, ornamental candlelight, and love letters. Stuff like that, and more fun cozy stuff too hehe. Life doesn't have to be hard the world is just fucked the fuck up if I am who I am and I can't find that. As I know what I am and I don't have to change shit. I'm stuck. I am not an oxycodone addict. That shit doesn't exist. I am someone with a broken heart. I don't really care anymore. I'm interested in a lot of new creative outlets though and my friend is sketching me a thorny black rose for my forearm all up the underside. I like shit like that. I will get a triple conch piercing soon too in my other ear, and keep those roots pink lol. I will certainly leave a lovely young corpse at the prime of my life. It sucks that this is the one little thing that has always held me back from being completely content. I can't think of one other thing I am not happy about. It is to the point that death seems the most reasonable option. I should do another rail of 2c-d for the hell of it, or maybe drop that acid. I have to stay up all night anyway and if I foresee my future as dropping dead within 6 months I may as well trip out all the time since that is fun.
I was gone a minute... had to serve the evening snack. boys were getting impatient

So. I'm struggling myself tonight. Stress. Sadness .some physical woes and those often lead to emotional Lows.
I'm aware though-- and often this is the trick : I'm aware that these are Feelings I have. Plain n simple
Rough times. Problems. Issues
Troubles. Struggles. They happen and yes we feel Desperate and Awful. Miserable and Traumatized. We have these feelings ---they come when they come

Yet they are temporary. Our circumstances are temporal as well : Good things will happen again. Joyful events and smiles and pain free moments and LOVE will ALLhappen again. The sun will shine again
Our pain will be less, again.

Meanwhile there are those whom love us. They're thinking of us, praying for us maybe, sending good wishes and caring because they are human too and they know some things we might not know in our dark moments. They know our value. They remember good things about us. They want us to be well and to succeed. These thoughts and feelings and good vibes are going on, all throughout our dark times. Sometimes I wonder if it's THAT which sustains us....those secret possibly? Uncommunicated often, prayers or whispers or wondering about us, that others DO while we happen to be hurting?

Is that what gets us thru the hard times? When we got Nothing left to spend emotionally or physically and seemingly no help left for ourselves --- I actually sit around REMINDING myself , things I somehow intrinsically Know--

That they love me.
They send their energy n care.
They want me to succeed , be well and take good care of myself.
(People who haven't necessarily even made contact ) they Care.

That sustains me. It truly does

The other side of the coin is of course the suicides I have known. Those losses of those precious people Influence me. They, as well, Sustain me. Knowing that my burdens are indeed Bearable, that sustains me. Respect and deep love for others whose burdens were too heavy, this pushes me onward to say, "I'll be Damned if I let the darkness EVER take me away from here."

I saw somewhere in the threads I think it was herby, counselling a peer regarding having an "existential crisis". I think we all have that feeling from time to time, like "WHAT'S IT ALL FOR??" and just like all mysteries, we Do not know. We may know, one day. We don't know, right now.

Desperate feelings are the worst. I just pray that ppl I love won't act on those awful feelings when they occur . Be mindful that the feelings are strong but not absolute. The circumstances are temporal. Life is change and growth and in there someplace there will be joy again.

I for one intend to stay around, and grab on to those joys as hard as I can fucking grab. I know the darkness too and yes it's threatening. Overwhelming. I do NOT intend to accommodate it. It's a feeling. That's allllllllll the darkness is. A feeling that Will change. The light will come back.
I feel okay today, I recover so fast my health is good. I sense I am going to die young whether I like it or not as I am so unstable it is bound to happen at some point.

I couldn't really focus enough to read your post I would like to but I am feeling braindead. All I can do is write hardly keep my eyes open. I'm sure I'll want to kill myself again later today, I woke up feeling that way this morning freaking out. I deal with it better with more etizolam and 2c-d intake. I feel like trash though and depressed.

What keeps me going is 1. my guardian angel or whatever entity is always around protecting me and who I have seen in physical form several times. 2. My appearance I really dig how I pulled off pink hair I totally did I don't need compliments from the cute elf girl who somehow pulled off green hair that looks lovely but that is nice too. Styling it is hard haha I am improving. I had to triple bleach it and the colour is crazy vivid pink lol. 3. Never really know where I will be in one or two years from now and if it's still shit then that is when I will be 100% convinced... I'd say I have 6 months to one year before I really start to freak.

I have a friend from Amsterdam coming over today I don't know if that will make things better or worse. If my boss remembers to pay me then I am going to get a triple conch piercing on my other ear to contrast with the double conch on my right ear.

Still wish I was dead but I always wanted to do stuff like this my past girlfriends hated it I've always dyed my hair ("...at least you were cute" lol) but it's not like I can find anyone anyways so I may as well stir up as much shit as possible. Get some face tats to make sure I never work a miserable office job. Whatever. I'll die looking how I'd like to look.

Give me a break from all this bullshit. Mom sent me a pic from when I was 17 today. Looked happy. I wasn't, but I sure as hell wasn't thinking of slitting my wrists on a daily basis back then. Was still fucked up always have been. If I get paid and can afford that triple conch I will be psyched though. Fucking pay up ya fucks it has been 2 weeks. I don't really save my money because there is nothing to save it for if I don't think I will be existing for all that much longer.

Yep... the person who is supposed to pay me is bailing. He says "Tuesday or Wednesday" well I need a specific biweekly payment the dumbass. I could literally destroy his whole entire business today if I wanted to and he chose the wrong day I am about to SNAP. I needed that money for a bill and I wanted a triple conch to cheer me up before covering all the other employees shifts. I will not be treated this way. I am going to wait until my shift starts, and then tell him to go fuck himself... after telling him I am running 15 minutes late. There is absolutely nobody else to cover for me this weekend, it is essentially a startup and he is so busy he forgets to treat his actual employees with respect. He can SUCK IT cause I can't get any from women anyway. I am going to beat the bloody shit out of his fucking face when he comes here to pick his stupid shit up if I haven't trashed every last $5000 piece of it.
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I don't even know if that was sarcastic or not. I don't even remember what I wrote. I'm just fucked up... my posts weren't like this when I was clean. I can't help it right now.

My friend from Amsterdam is visiting today love the dude high school friend! And I got someone to front my pay until I get paid like 5 days from now so crossing my fingers that I have time for the triple conch today : )

I always, consistently get suicidal for 10 days in opiate withdrawal. It has progressed to that point. I know it will pass and I will feel great again it is healthy I think to vent the horribly morbid feelings so, yeah, sorry about that I'll be talking to my friend about it a little today :)

He's on his way over soon can't wait to give him a hug and show off my ridiculous hair LOL. I styled it pretty fuckin nicely today considering it was like my 3rd time doing it ever. The cute elf with magical green hair recommended a grooming cream, it has a nice aroma and is less shiny more chilled out less up front I like it. The colour attracts enough attention lol.
Good to hear you have a friend coming over today shroomy. Go ahead and vent. I know you are feeling really bad.
You are right about having a guardian angel around you. In fact, more than one, I sense them strongly.
Your going to be alright.

It is a wonder your hair did not disintegrate, triple bleached it. Wow! I'm a licensed hairdresser and I am pretty impressed.
Rock on with your pink haired self!

Had a rough night myself. Cutting back now to my regular dosage of 75 mg has me very uncomfortable.
I'm going to try some of that CBD oil stuff and see if that helps some. It did comfort me that you guys said that I would adjust back to this lower dosage in a few days. Thanks for the information friends.

Sending you all lots of love and support.
To really adjust for me anyway it takes 2 weeks. I wouldn't drop a taper dose before then.

I got my triple conch in my other ear today. This is so badass I am loving it. They were pierced through cartilage that is more near the back of my ear whereas the 2 on my other ear are almost snuck in the flat part. So these ones will be really great for putting a triple ring in (after about a year of healing haha)... and my other two are great for little bars. And the newer ones are more visible from the front, the other 2 from the side. It is a nice contrast like asymmetric but also somehow symmetric. Love it. Hurts like FUCKING HELL though lol... worse than any withdrawal shit I'm going through other than the depression. I won't be wearing my headphones for about a month.

So epic piercings became friends with the piercing dude who did all 5. He took pics for instagram just like when I got my haircut. Let my friend take a video of it too which isn't allowed but yeah... it's that badass a triple piercing haha. Oh fuck it hurt and was like 5 minutes of agony. Will probably help get those natural endorphins going again. He says a lot of people find them extremely painful and they are, but I didn't even budge. It was monstrous, but I am so used to feeling like shit anyway it doesn't matter to me. He's just like it's nice to see people doing creative stuff cause like nobody would have done something like this before really. It looks soooo nice I am super happy. I look ridiculous now I am super happy with how I look it's just so different. I get a lot of compliments but also give a lot of compliments too when I see people with cool tattoos or piercings or dyed hair done right and stuff.

Then again my friend left and I started screaming at myself internally. I guess I'll be less depressed in a few days, but for now I am screaming at myself internally that I wish I was dead. Sucks. In a few days it won't be nearly as bad I don't think... but this is going to be a 2 week recovery process minimum. I screwed up. This piercing is really making me happy. Triple conch piercings are a rarity in the world of piercings and pretty hardcore. I can't think of a piercing that would be more painful than what I experienced. My other two burned and ached like hell for 3 weeks.

At least that is a nice distraction. Give me a break from all this bullshit. I'm glad my friend was willing to drive me there it wouldn't have happened otherwise. I can't really drive somewhere to hurt my ear haha. Need a little encouragement. If you look up triple conches you'll see what I mean. My ear is really nicely shaped and designed for them, just my fucking luck. But other than those tragus piercings (I'm getting one on the ear with my two conches eventually) they are easily the sickest looking piercings. They take a really long time to heal since it is cartilage there just isn't much blood flow. Had a really great day I helped my friend choose gifts for his family too, so it was a little adventure. Since feel like shit about myself but at least I look good, like lonely self :_ (

These conch piercings and the pink hair are definitely the best thing I ever did to my head. I love all of it so much and I look a lot different... more of a reflection of my spirit. I love styling the hair too in different messed up ways I don't really know anything about that I just do what I want and apparently it looks good because I can't go anywhere without people making friendly compliments about this.
I looked up triple conch piercing. WOW! OUCH! That is pretty sexy shroomy. Don't mutilate yourself with tattoos on your face and stuff though. This low will pass you know that.
I bet that piercing burns like a mutha! What did they tell you to put on it? I was thinking aloe may work a miracle with that.

I got extremely sunburned when I went to Hawaii one time and the locals broke open a plant that grew by the beach and squeezed it and put it on my shoulders and it completely took away the sting (instantly) and the burn (overnight). Aloe!!!

Did you get the outer ear or the inner done? I bet you look great.

Hope you are feeling somewhat better today. That is awesome on the score of those nice gloves with the fingertips cut out too!
I love it when I find stuff like that. Sending you all lots of love.
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