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Health DMT and Schizophrenia


Oct 15, 2000
DMT is unlike any of the standard psychedelics even close cousins like psilocybin. I noticed (years back) that it would cure my own voices, friends of mine, while we were staying up late partying 3 days.

Anyway its all documented here from 2005. My schizophrenic friend with 4 voices (that had been bothering him for years) took one toke of DMT (not enough for hyperspace but enough to trip hard) had them all destroyed. He said it was like the pieces of his brain blew apart but came back together in the right places.


Some people got angry in that thread, some didn't believe it, some other schizophrenics came forward to say it helped (or not) them too. Should be studied at some point in the future. Instead of having to take mind numbing pills what if one blast of DMT or once every month is needed? It seems to vary, from what i've been told (got a lot of private messages, some need to toke every couple months to kill the voices).
I am saying the same thing again. I realize this is a delicate situation. Please be careful as you proceed.

^ Psychedelics cure schizophrenia...? I can't recommend people pursue any psychiatric treatment without proper professional guidance. In any situation several different versions of schizophrenia probably exists. Each of the flavors probably has unique combinations of causes and effective treatments. Perhaps the desensitization of 5HT1 and 5HT2 receptors subsequent DMT consumption could have had a beneficial antagonistic effect in your situation. Antagonism of those receptors is often a primary effect of atypical antipsychothics these days.

I think we're going to agree having a set of guidelines and professional guidance is of great benefit in psychiatric treatment. We should recommend people with schizophrenia should only proceed with a psychiatric medication regimen with such guidance.
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What about rapid upregegulation in order to compensate and return to homeostasis? It would cause temporary 5-HT overactivity at every serotonergic and monoamine site dimethyltryptamine hits.

And 5-HT1 receptors are beneficial. You WANT those...
My schizophrenic friend with 4 voices (that had been bothering him for years) took one toke of DMT (not enough for hyperspace but enough to trip hard) had them all destroyed. He said it was like the pieces of his brain blew apart but came back together in the right places.

A Yale biophysicist took DMT recently and has come to the same conclusion about schizophrenia! Check him out: reddit.com/user/ChrisCGC.

How's your friend doing now?
I was diagnosed and currently still carry the label of "schizophrenic"

I have found that acid helped quiet my mind quite a bit

However, the general scientific consensus is for people with psychotic illnesses to not take psychedelics
I was diagnosed and currently still carry the label of "schizophrenic"

I have found that acid helped quiet my mind quite a bit

However, the general scientific consensus is for people with psychotic illnesses to not take psychedelics
Interesting i have found the same i believe it could also if used right with a proper therapist in the future could become a cure its has alot of potential. Though i have seen it make people worse it all depends on the individual and hopefully one day research opens back up into this field.
DMT = aren't you just switching from schizophrenic hallucinations to psychedelic hallucinations?
Since psychedelics can cause schizophrenia-type disorders this sounds like a very bad idea.
DMT = aren't you just switching from schizophrenic hallucinations to psychedelic hallucinations?
Since psychedelics can cause schizophrenia-type disorders this sounds like a very bad idea.
Psychedelics aren't the cause they are a stressing event which will trigger a persons latent mental disorder they where going to get anyway. Their are self reports by schizophrenics and even studies done during the 50's showing that some schizophernics on psychedelics have greatly reduced symptoms or been cured. This requires further and careful investigation in the future by psychologists
Psychedelics aren't the cause they are a stressing event which will trigger a persons latent mental disorder they where going to get anyway. Their are self reports by schizophrenics and even studies done during the 50's showing that some schizophernics on psychedelics have greatly reduced symptoms or been cured. This requires further and careful investigation in the future by psychologists

It seems like a solution being as problematic as the illness. For example, the vast majority of people with depression are immediately "cured" when prescribed amphetamines.
This is subjective.

Some may have DMT help or worsen these side effects [i.e. voices in your head, schizophrenia...etc].
Exactly. I know people who are bipolar/manic, schizophrenia, or who have schizoaffective disorder. When they would trip on psychedelics or just smoke pot their medications would stop working, or if they were not on any medications they became 1,000X worse with their mental illness.
Antipsychotics put you in poor health. Cannabis and psychedelics are a better road to go on for patients institutionalized. I don't know about DMT and autonomous voice communication. LSD helps keep a positive frame.
I dunno but if life amounts to DMT this is clearly a chapter I must have mostly missed. I never thought to pay it too much heed but if it has therapeutic benefits I'd be amazed. Especially given these afflictions are drug-induced, not drug-treated. Though props to the guy whose lungs stopped interacting with him for the sake of imbibing some mysterious white substance. I had no idea it was related to the funghi.
From the way anyone on here who's taken DMT talks - oh, I "experienced God" - I'd rather keep the Schizophrenia. At least after psychotic episodes, my delusions go away. Apparently they STAY after DMT and the user gets this extreme, bizarre, inability to understand that what they experienced was purely them "tripping" on a psychedelic.
From the way anyone on here who's taken DMT talks - oh, I "experienced God" - I'd rather keep the Schizophrenia. At least after psychotic episodes, my delusions go away. Apparently they STAY after DMT and the user gets this extreme, bizarre, inability to understand that what they experienced was purely them "tripping" on a psychedelic.

psychedelic "grandiose" visions kick ass compared to shitty fuckin schizophrenic delusions - why does piece of shit schizophrenia insist on being as negative as humanly possible? fuck it, the earlier theories of its etiology were correct...it's demons.