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A life on drugs.

Ive accepted a live on drugs as much as i want to be free of them, because I get bad depression if I'm not on them. The key is to find the "right" drug for you, (if you can't live without) and stay away from harmful shit.

Ive learned that opiates, weed, crack and alcohol and are destructive to my mood personality and productivity. and highly addictive, lead to abuse and death. (not the weed) but it messing with my depression.

regular kratom and a psych or disso once or twice a month has been a stable regime that alllows be to be productive and not feel depressed enough to seek out harder drugs.
Addiction is for reason classified as a (very complex) malady. As with other maladies, some can be healed and some not. If the addiction is curable, depends a lot on the individual case.

Its trial and error. Every addict has to find out for himself, if he can heal his malady or needs to find a way to live with it. For some its easier then for others or even impossible. The medical communitiy had good reasons to stop promoting a sober life, as the only acceptable goal and accept that a controlled use can be an acceptable aim, too. E.g. were the heroine supposition programs in Europe developed for that reason: to offer a way for people with a non heal able addiction to live a better life with their malady, after numerous failed tries to get "healthy".

I think in general its never to late to make a change and work hard for a better life. But if success will come, is often beyond control.
17/m Using drugs in moderation has most definitely improved my quality of life. Although the only drug I have become addicted to is MJ.. not so bad. I have done LSD, MDMA, etizolam, and coke a handful of times and had various other one time experiences with pills and random medicine cabinet shit. I regularly abuse alcohol (natty daddy's) and MJ these days. I find my drug induced delusions of reality are far better than any other kind of alternate reality I could be living in. (sober, religious, academic.) Drugs definitely enhance life as long as they do not negatively impact my relationships with others because to me the value of life is purely to spread empathy and love. Even if you have fucked up spreading kindness, love, help... as long as you have a good time who gives a fuck? It is your life and as long as you are happy that is what matters. Unfortunately ruthlessness pays far better than selflessness but I've always been the type to let myself be walked over but I don't mind :)
As long as your use is not affecting the quality of others' lives, as long as your use is TRULY improving the quality of your own short existence - man, do whatever the fuck you need to do to make your days easier.

That's how I feel too.

A lot of words have been said about drugs and drug addiction, personally I just try and adhere to simple principles.
I find that the busier I am, the fewer drugs I require for my own sanity. It's when I'm idle throughout the day that I succumb to temptation. That said, I don't see myself ever being able to give up recreational drugs when the time is right--no immediate responsibilities, with good friends in a social setting, etc. Going back to school and returning to ultimate frugality, random drugs tests, all that should be a good environment for me to test near-sobriety. On an unrelated note, fuck federal law superseding a state's legislative decisions... I can have a doctor's note to smoke weed yet it's pointless for schools and jobs that test. The only thing legal pot does is keep me out of prison... and good schools, and good jobs... blah.

I've been living a life on drugs for a decade now, relying on them you could say. Still have hope that one day this won't be the case.
Honestly you're not most likely to change. Better to be honest with yourself and continue to use as responsibly as you can. No judgments, I've just been around people like you.
Hi fellow BLrs,

As you may have seen I have been on BL for many years and contributed many a time and always liked to debate,but now I would like to see your opinion on a life of drug use.

Since the age of 13 I have been using drugs and now I am 41. I have kicked the habit several times including MDMA,Opiates,Cocaine,Cannabis and Arylcyclohexylamines ,but always gravitate back to something or another,never have I been completely clean as they say...I`m now on opiate maintenance and Diazepam,i`ve kinda come full circle.

So at my age do you think that to accept that I'm a dug user and maintain safely rather than being irresponsible is better than continually trying to break the habit? Or do you think that someone like myself should fight to become someone new and free myself from addiction?

For me it`s like all those dieters out there who spend so much money and time trying to overcome their weight issues only to put more weight on when they finish,their problem never goes away,they just seem to yo yo. so instead of eating themselves to death or depriving themselves they should just try and regulate their intake and eat foods that do less damage?


I have quit several times and been completely clean. Now I maintain by allowing myself to use crack once per month. What I needed to do was work on my issues and make some personal changes (this has been a 23 year process). I use because of mental illness - I'm a daily pot smoker by prescription. For me a lot of my problems were mental illness related. It was so long getting the help I sought! Finally I am on medications that are working reasonably well. Without meds I would be totally out of control! I've personally accepted my addiction. I LOVE COCAINE!! And while I don't want to use every day I don't want to entirely quit either! So using crack once a month keeps life manageable for me. I struggled for a long time with my addiction and trying to stay clean going to meetings. Its bad enough to struggle but I found I was doing it to gain control of my life which I never got until I got the medical help I needed including counselling.