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That's interesting. I guess "hyper conscious singularity" is another word for God.
I wouldnt necessarily argue against that, but I find the term god somewhat loaded. In my eyes, everything is god.

Do you think most of those that identify with the term god, would assign it a 'need to forget'?

I'm not really bothered either way. It's Zylok's general point that should be considered.
That wasn't what I asked...

Anyhoo, the idea of 'the need to forget' can be found in Taoist philosophies, so the idea long predates the New Age movement, and even Christianity.

FWIW, I don't think Zylok would consider a Hyper Conscious Singularity, God. In another video he describes how they evolve - when a species collective consciousness reaches a certain threshold it simultaneously bursts forth, and collapses in on itself creating a hyper conscious being in it's own right ( or something along those lines).
You could probably assign such a being some of qualities oft atrributed to God

I'm more likely to define God as the ground of pure being. The fundamental level from which a Hyper Conscious Singularity would arise.
I think there are many levels of God, it just gets a bit complicated, so we call it God for short.
Would you say humanity is one such level of God i.e not seperate from God (unlike the Christian belief system)?
It's hard for me to speak about what could be god because I don't like the idea, but I guess considering my view of the world, I would describe god in terms of level of awareness wherein a person is aware (or more importantly, tries to be in an objective way) of what reality is about. It's when nature views nature for what it really is, not what it wants it to be. But I guess that makes no sense to anyone...
That's called having a more expanded consciousness, BD. That's also a part of raising consciousness or enlightenment.

A life form can be more or less aware, and awareness grows throughout life. Some are hyper-conscious, some are barely conscious. Drug addiction generally keeps consciousness low (except for stimulants, which raise it).

You do better in life the more conscious you are.
I agree that becoming more conscious is a huge help in life, although to do that requires nurturing a process of stepping back from your gut reactions so you're aware of your own processes, and can choose what to accept and what to let pass by you as unhelpful. As you make this a habit it becomes second-nature and it is much easier to understand yourself and the world. It's very possible to enhance your own level of consciousness, you've just got to work at it.

Underneath it all, we're animals, and we have autonomous emotional, mental and physical reactions to things. For example, someone says something to you and it gives you a flash of some sort of negative emotion. This is something that you can't necessarily help feeling, but you can step back and realize it for what it is, and consider from an objective place whether that response is helpful or called for. If you do that, you can act in a way that is appropriate, despite what your initial gut reaction told you to act like (maybe the person who said that didn't mean anything by it and it just triggered some inherent neurosis, and reacting in anger is only going to hurt the situation). Furthermore, you can then decide to not feel anger towards that person moving forward. A lot of people are stuck in a mode where they are basically slaves to their impulses.
Yes, emotion/instinct should be subordinate to reason/spirit (ideally). It's just that usually it's not.
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You do better in life the more conscious you are.

I disagree. The more conscious you are, the more you see how bullshit this system we live in is, and the harder it is to ignore that. Which also makes it hard to be a part of it. For me at least.
I disagree. The more conscious you are, the more you see how bullshit this system we live in is, and the harder it is to ignore that. Which also makes it hard to be a part of it. For me at least.

I agree. Its a similar thing with the idea of love signifying some kind of deeper connection with things even though love often makes loss harder and you will lose everything you have one day. These things are not always blessings.
These things are not always blessings.

Yes, it's both a blessing and a curse at the same time. It's great to see the world for what it is, but it's also hard to deal with the realization of how fucked up some things are, and especially how most people fail to see the same things (which would almost be enough to fix them!).

I recently discussed the same subject with a friend of mine, and the consensus was that, in some way, being a blind sheep makes life easier. If your biggest worry is where you want to go on holiday or what kind of new pants to buy, and the bigger questions are just answered by "the system", then it makes life easy. Designing and taking your own path is more adventurous and fun, but it's also tougher - easier to let someone else decide it for you and just ride along with them.

Life's (as in biological life) goals are practically the opposite of reality. Life's "mentality" is that there's purpose in life - to achieve better quality of life and so on, which basically leads to better procreation. But the reality is that life is ultimately pointless and only temporary. When one realizes that, it creates a big conflict. Society and biological pressors tell us to do stuff, but then again really it's all futile. I haven't got over that yet.
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That's a negative way of looking at it. Yes, it does give more awareness of pain and makes it harder to be in denial, suppress, or dissociate. But this is also makes you healthier that you're able to properly process and integrate things.

Consciousness is the key to success in life. It enables you to be aware of yourself and appear to others and of how social interactions work and how you can influence other people. It let's you to be more in control of your world and get the things you want from your life. If you think about it you can see how that works. The most unconscious people are practically retarted and just helpless in this world.
The most unconscious people are practically retarted and just helpless in this world.

I think we're talking about different things when we say "consciousness". A lot of people do well in life, are intelligent and competent, but not aware of the whole picture, or rather unwilling to open their eyes. Many of my colleagues and acquaintances are like that. They're definitely not stupid - many of them are good scientists, and are able to relatively well judge things and so on, but they still have stale and close-minded ideas about life. It's not that they don't have the potential to be aware, they just don't want to be.

So I do believe that if you want to be "successful" (by society's standards) in life, then you have better chances if you don't think too deeply about universal questions and just do what you're told. I personally don't see it as a valid way to live life, but it's just my observation that it helps one be more "normal".
Some of the most successful people in the physical realm are those, in my experience, who are at a slightly lower level of awareness. They are intelligent enough to understand how to become wealthy and successful in the physical world, but their thoughts might rarely or never touch on anything deeper. To them our system seems like a perfectly reasonable thing that can be understood, with no reason to ponder on deeper things. I think that as levels of awareness raise, it becomes harder to function smoothly in our system because you start to see it as the arbitrary thing it is. There are different kinds of intelligence. It takes all kinds too, there's no point in looking down on people about it. In fact doing so is an ego reaction.
There's a difference between having awareness of this world and the spiritual world. The more wordly awareness you have the more successful you can be. Spiritual awareness doesn't necessarily factor in, but can give you an edge in the form of intuition and higher creativity.
I think we're talking about different things when we say "consciousness". A lot of people do well in life, are intelligent and competent, but not aware of the whole picture, or rather unwilling to open their eyes. Many of my colleagues and acquaintances are like that. They're definitely not stupid - many of them are good scientists, and are able to relatively well judge things and so on, but they still have stale and close-minded ideas about life. It's not that they don't have the potential to be aware, they just don't want to be.

So I do believe that if you want to be "successful" (by society's standards) in life, then you have better chances if you don't think too deeply about universal questions and just do what you're told. I personally don't see it as a valid way to live life, but it's just my observation that it helps one be more "normal".

They don't necessarily have to think about the deeper things, or be able to see the full picture, just have consciousness of what they're good at. There are many ways of defining consciousness. But you can't say low consciousness is a good thing in any real way.

You might say being more unaware and deluded can make it easier for someone to be happy, and in a way that is true, but that is a kind of a different subject and there are also many disadvantages to it like not being able to take control of your world. There's no real benefit in only being partially conscious or lacking spiritual awareness.

Just think about animals. The main difference between them is level of consciousness and the highest consciousnes animals, like cats dogs, and horses, have a whole other level of control and experience of life.
... The more conscious you are, the more you see how bullshit this system we live in is, and the harder it is to ignore that. Which also makes it hard to be a part of it. For me at least.

^This is true. I find myself pondering how to begin, the task of stepping aside from the system seems nearly impossible. I feel free, having realized how trapped I really am. Once drugs were the escape now they just make me ponder more.