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anyone here stopped drinking?


Dec 27, 2012
I work at a nightclub, and I see the ugly effects that booze has on people. Whilst I admit i also enjoy the anti anxiogenic effects of alcohol, particularly on top of stims, I do not think it's healthy for individuals or society. For health reasons as well, I'm considering stopping drinking.

In my ideal world everyone would candyflip on weekends instead and melt together in puddles of psychedelic love <3
Yes. I haven't had one for nearly 5 minutes now... :)

Seriously though, it is bad shit and I never used to drink until I gave up heroin 5 years ago. I would much rather stay on the gear tbh, but supplies are unreliable, you have to put up with other smackheads and dealers so booze is the easiest if not most preferable option. I've tried to stop drinking by buying benzos, but I invariably end up drinking on top of them. Not good :(
Go for it. If you're not addicted, it's easy. After a few weeks you really feel the benefits.

I stopped for eighteen months at nineteen because I was developing a problem and embarrassing myself. I also stopped for three years, purely for love. Yeah, I was an idiot then.

One look at my father suffering from alcoholic dementia stopped me for a few months almost exactly a year ago. Then the bastard died, so I started again with a vengeance.

Yesterday I drank a bottle and a half of whiskey. As I lay there sipping dregs from spent bottles because I couldn't stagger to the shop, I felt disgusting.
I quit drinking years ago, I do it rarely though, I enjoy having a glass of beer, a large one. But that's very rare indeed.
For example, I drank a couple of Lagers in January but had not done that in almost one year..and I didn't drink to be drunk but to lighten up.
I suppose that, despite of my opiate addiction I was never really into heavy drinking. After all, it's a 24 hour hangover. It feels like a hell of a punishment!
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This thread came at right time for me lol. I've decided I'm gna stop for March n take it from there.

I really think I'm getting my karma. Aftee my little one was born my mates basically dumped me because I could no longer go drinking / clubing with them n they had no time to have a coffee with me. So I grew angry as I don't deal well with rejection n wish they'd all die of liver failure, secretly mocked them for being so unhealthy n how I could leave alcohol for a year n not bother with it n was fit n healthy.

Well now I crave the damn stuff at a certain time of day. I've had drank it at night time luckily but once 4 pm comes I'm craving it like hell n seriously having to stop myself getting any.

Most of my Bluelight Infractions are a consequence of drink. So I need to give it up don't I?!

I worked in a big club last year and work in a bar/resaurante now so I see how nasty some people can behave when drunk. I dont drink nearly as much as i used to maybe couple pints once a week if even. I used to drink heavily every weekend and some weekdays here n there for years but I took months break for sober October and now I have a completely different perspective on alcohol. I dont feel like i need to get drunk to have a good weekend and i sure as hell dont miss the toxic hangovers! Moderation is key as with every substance.

Do you think that taking drugs has given people a better idea of how toxic alcohol is in comparison to other drugs you tried? I find it funny that all the people who slate cannabis, LSD, MDMA for being dangerous are happy to go out and drink themselves in the life threatening states then laugh it off. Oh the irony!
I binge drink and swear at coppers cuz I'm a propa nawty geeza.
I stopped drinking due to poor health (not related to drinking but not exactly helping) back in August of last year, although I haven't drunk heavily (more than 3 or 4 drinks in a session) for about 3 years now. I had a beer with a meal down the pub last weekend and didn't enjoy it in the slightest, so even though I'm much better now health-wise, I don't think I'll get back into drinking regularly. Maybe the odd glass of wine or a beer with a meal and that's it.

That said, I've become a proper-pothead again, after being a daily smoker for years and then almost completely stopping for the last few years. I feel like its a much better way to chill out at the end of the day, and if I can just stop smoking spliffs all the time and start using the damn vapouriser I bought a while back, then it'll be a health win long term too.
Im much the same josh! had to stop all substances for a few months after something which happened in august. Then I slowly got into kratom and became a huge stoner again and now i dont enjoy a drink as much. I should also be using my MFLB but with my high tolerance it just doesnt cut it like a big joint does.
I dont think ive had a drink for several weeks, perhaps its as long ago as since i finished off the wine and some of the beers i had leftover after Christmas. This hasnt been any sort of conscious decision or plan, i just dont really enjoy alcohol very much on its own. When i might once have drank if i was feeling stressed or uptight or something i now have benzos or kratom or light opis which hit the spot much better. But obviously the dependency risk is far higher and stopping these is far more difficult if you allow usage to become habitual as i have well and truly found out for myself.

Perhaps unusally for a drug addict I've never had a drink problem. Even when i was at Uni and would be out drinking every night for 11 weeks straight as soon as i was away from that environment for the holidays i didnt crave alcohol at all when back at my parents house. Come 5pm or 5.30 during term time though i definetedly did occasionally experience cravings or thirst specifically for beer.

In his brilliant memoirs on becoming an alcoholic; "John Barleycorn", Jack London stated that it took 20 years to "learn how to drink" (how to get the best effects, in which he talks about being 'lit up' with a tremendously powerful 'clarity of mind' amongst other effects resembling the effects of some very good drugs) and truly acquire the taste for and dependency on alcohol. Alcohol doesnt affect me that way atall, which is probably why i can very easily take it or leave it. Im not prepared to dedicate the next 20 years 'learning' how to get the best out of alcohol, so meanwhile the stash of Fosters i bought for Christmas sits gathering dust, it's more than likely that i wont touch it until we get some hot weather, which is often a cue for a nice cold beer.

Or, if and when i do quit benzos i may slip in some alcohol for a while to help 'steady the ship' if deemed 'necessary', but not enough or habitually enough to switch dependencies from benzos to alcohol. I know, I know, be careful not to replace one problem substance for another. My 27 years experience of drinking on and off, sometimes heavily and frequently gives me confidence that it will never be a problem for me. In some ways i wish that alcohol was more rewarding for me, then maybe it wouldnt have lead me down this other road which although ive not been too far down to think its completely hopeless to ever get off that road, its still not been easy to regain control once i lost it.

Do you drink coffee Evey? I think that could play a small but significant role in the cravings you regualry experience at 4pm. It could be the caffeine wearing off leaving you a bit frazzled and stressed or depressed and needing something to fill that void or to pick you up or however you want to phrase it.

Sorry to hear that you've returned to the bottle with a vengeance Sammy G. I hope it doesnt go on to become too habitual or for too long to become a problem.
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I dont think ive had a drink for several weeks, perhaps its as long ago as since i finished off the wine and some of the beers i had leftover after Christmas. This hasnt been any sort of conscious decision or plan, i just dont really enjoy alcohol very much on its own. When i might once have drank if i was feeling stressed or uptight or something i now have benzos or kratom or light opis which hit the spot much better. But obviously the dependency risk is far higher and stopping these is far more difficult if you allow usage to become habitual as i have well and truly found out for myself.

I don't know man, I find alcohol to have a very high dependancy risk, more so than etiz by itself.
I haven't drunk any booze in almost 4 years, giving it up and noteven touching a sip since has been one of the best decisions I made, I don't miss it atall.
I don't know man, I find alcohol to have a very high dependency risk, more so than etiz by itself.

As ever YMMV. But i think in general benzos and opis are far easier to become addicted to if you're not careful or happen to be in possession of iron will power and self control. IME like i said i could go on 3 month alcohol binges and just stop dead with no problems atall. The same cannot be said for benzos, opis (even minor opis) and kratom. Perhaps it's a partly genetic thing, with some people being naturally more predisposed to alcohol than others.
Has anyone noticed with opiates that if you're on the go it stimulates you but the minute you sit down you're falling asleep? It happened with codeine n since coming off citalopram, its happening with suboxone too. The sooner I'm off this stuff the better.

One thing I do love combining is speed and alcohol but it has to be alcohol first until I get semi pissed then the speed. can't do it the other way around, tried on Saturdayand the drink just wasn't going down nice at all.
One thing I do love combining is speed and alcohol but it has to be alcohol first until I get semi pissed then the speed. can't do it the other way around, tried on Saturdayand the drink just wasn't going down nice at all.

Tip: snort yer speed. If you dab or bomb it it can cause nausea/stomach upsets that prevents you from drinking. Snorting doesn't have this effect so yo can drink as much as you bloody well like! :)

(Disclaimer: Bad HR advice, don't do as I do or say - it can be bad for yer health)
Tip: snort yer speed. If you dab or bomb it it can cause nausea/stomach upsets that prevents you from drinking. Snorting doesn't have this effect so yo can drink as much as you bloody well like! :)

(Disclaimer: Bad HR advice, don't do as I do or say - it can be bad for yer health)

the speed i got atm is soaking wet but i will get round to drying some of it soon. i don't really like snorting stuff much these days, with base i usually dry it and sort small amounts into capsules ready for a night drinking, that way i don't accidentally take too much in one go and can keep an eye on how much i had through the night it really helps.
P.S merge away mods..

If you cut down dramatically or abstain fully from the booze your skin after a few weeks looks and feels amazing..that ache in your kidney area miraculously goes, with most your sleep is better and deeper and you lose weight or sort of change shape as all the sugar carb laden boozey shit goes..and if you're a really heavy drinker and manage to cut down/give up you are going to be absorbing more vitamins and minerals from food? and umm how to put this delicately your toilet results will differ..your pee is gonna be cleaner, clearer as your liver isn't overworking and umm your shit aint gonna be so vile-sorry to be soo vile but tis true..this of course is probably less or even not as noticeable if you are caning certain or in fact all and any drug though?

All of this.

When I gave up this time last year, one day I got a real shock from seeing how good I looked in the reflection of a shop window. More so than usual, of course.
All of this.

When I gave up this time last year, one day I got a real shock from seeing how good I looked in the reflection of a shop window. More so than usual, of course.

Lol. Also agree with the above.

I stopped drinking for a month a while ago to prove to myself I could... Hmm, then I drink half the week now on average, 12 units a night when I do drink, usually.

I would like to stop completely really...