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Help! Powerful overwhelming audio and visual hallucinations. Molly!


Jun 21, 2014
I've been taking MDMA off and on for years. I've never had any real hallucinations on it even in larger doses. I bought some molly yesterday (moonrock) and took my portion along with my friend. It was a pretty decent amount for both of us (*no prices* worth 1.2g). We took a quarter each .3g (. We felt stimulated pretty quickly, then we each took our second .3g like 3 hours later. By that point we were rolling pretty hard. Not super hard, but hard enough. The experience went well overall, lots of talking and laughing.. not as euphoric as usual... and more stimulated.. almost like a good speed high. Well it hit 2:00AM and we decided to try to get some sleep.. since at this point we had little to no euphoria left and just felt all tweeked. We took 2mg ativan each to go to sleep. Then we took 100mg hydroxyzine and smoked a bowl of weed.

We went to go to bed and suddenly pretty quickly I started having really strong closed eye visuals. Nothing to out of the ordinary.. but then.. oh my god dudes.

Okay. I've done LSD, Mescaline, Salvia, psilocybin mushrooms and 2ci. I've NEVER hallucinated harder in my life than last night.. neither has my friend either..whom he also has used many psychedelics..

It started where if you looked at the carpet from my bed.. it looked like plants were growing out of the ground and frogs were jumping all over.. then the plants would uproot and start jumping at you.. if you looked at the ceiling fan it would grow flowers really quickly all over it and roots would drape down to the floor. If you stared at my leg.. little blue water blobs would form all over my legs then turn into worms and crawl all over the bed.. I have an aquarium in my room.. when you would look at it... it looked like thousands of bugs and monsters eating each other inside... and I stared at this one wall.. and these giant water blobs would form... and move around like worms on the wall.. then they would start spewing right at me in little droplets (Think what it would look like to stare at someone aiming a light stream of water to your face. Outside, if you looked at the bright blue sky, the sky would create these giant what looked like fog clouds.. and they would swirl around and come towards you.. as well as little black bug things would come flying at you. Also it looked like bugs were all over my house crawling on everything. The walls would get these big clear worms all over them and they would wiggle really quickly connecting to each other and splitting in spiral formations

Both of us were fucking terrified. We had the same hallucinations practically.. we were both holding each other dearly tripping out on my legs. My friend.. he looked just distraught as fuck. Honestly, the hallucinations reminded me a lot of ambien. It wasn't like shrooms or LSD where there were swirls.. and melting things (Though I admit.. I looked at my dresser.. and it had a shirt hanging off the edge.. the shirt melted down like thick pudding onto the floor... and started flying into the air disappearing at the room. The shirt wasn't there anymore. then I looked away and looked back and it was there again.

Okay you think this is bad, then audio hallucinations started. Suddenly my friend looks at me terrified and says.. "Cameron, omg did you hear that?" I was puzzled... I've never had an audio hallucination before. Ever in my life. Within 10 seconds suddenly I heard whispers from next to my bed and I looked over the edge and there were stick bugs everywhere. I have a pokemon poster on my wall with all 150 pokemon. I glanced at it and all of the pokemon were moving around and coming out of the poster... but then suddenly they all start laughing.. and pointing at me.. and I suddenly start hearing all of their voices I swear to GOD it sounded just like them. The venosaur sticks out the most and then they started chanting my name in these little squeeky voices. Then the poster got like this green light on it (Imagine if I shined a green light bulb on it but bright neon and it was behind the poster)that aura started moving around under the poster and the pokemon started getting all distorted and twisted around.. laughing and cackling.. then their voices turned really deep.

I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the poster, tore it off the wall and threw it under the bed.. I held my friend and I begged him to just keep his eyes closed and that I'm going to try to find out what is happening. He was freaking out a lot more than me. His face was pure terror. He finally whimpered for me to come back to bed with him and he said, "I can't take it anymore.. it's like 10 TVs are going on around me at the same time. " then he would swat at things and grab things that weren't there.. and at this point I was on his page. I was hearing a bunch of different voices... plus tripping fucking balls. Then I could hear the pokemon and the venosaur laughing again under my bed. Dude talk about fucking terrifying. What is weird is the hallucinations practically disappear when you go in light. But in my dark room.. its chaos.

Dude. Seriously. I've never been more scared in my life. We went out to a park and just laid under the sun. We also both popped 2 seroquel. 100mg each. After an hour or so.. we went back home, still seeing shit.. but not as much.. and still hearing a little stuff.. and we passed out. Now I don't seem to be having any hallucinations.. But seriously . What. The FUCK??? Like seriously. What the fuck? We took the first dose at 8PM, then the second at about 10PM. We took the ativan and hydroxyzine at 2:30. Hallucinations started hitting around 2:45 and lasted until we went to sleep but the most powerful hallucinations occurred at around 6-7 AM. We went back to sleep at 9:30.

Has anyone experienced this before? Should we go to the doctors? Do you think we will be permanently damaged or have schizophrenia now? What the fuck happened? I didn't get eye wiggles.. didn't sweat too horribly much.. stayed hydrated.. didn't do any dancing or anything that could have caused overheating.. I mean wtf happened??!?! Anyone? Please? Because I'm fucking terrified to ever do molly again after that. That shit was fucking ridiculous. I've had some bad trips and experiences in my life but my god did that take the cake. I NEVER want to have auditory hallucinations again. I can deal with weird shit visually but hearing things is not okay! Any advice or help would be appreciated.
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First off, your doses are insane. 600mg is a lot even if your MDMA has been cut. Honestly you shouldn't even need more than 200mg of pure MDMA in a night. That kind of dose would make anyone hallucinate... Also, all of these hallucinations sound like things I've experienced on MDA. It's like MDMA only it's less empathogenic, more stimulating, and more psychedelic. The effects also last longer and typically the comedown is harsher. It's pointless to speculate as to WHAT you took though. Just know, next time don't take such a ridiculous amount. MDxx drugs follow the law of diminishing returns. You only need 100-150mg to feel the effects. The higher you go, the more the side-effects increase. Also, get yourself a test kit (or at the very least a Marquis reagent). Then you won't HAVE to wonder what you just took/are going to take.
We did the same amount from the same batch though a few days earlier and no hallucinations. Only difference was last time we didn't take ativan. o_O

But yeah i should do some research on MDA. I appreciate the input. Next time a much smaller dose will be consumed and we can go from there.
Taking 600 mg of MDMA twice in one week is dangerous and unhealthy. Mixing so many other drugs with it at that level is just foolish. No offense, but with this pattern of use you were pretty much asking for a bad experience. A little more unlucky and you could have hospitalized yourselves.

There's a lot of info on Bluelight and elsewhere about how to dose more safely, so go ahead and do some research. Good luck!
What a nightmare dude!
I'm kinda iffy as to whether that was cut with something else. I've done huge doses like that and it wasn't crazy like that. I've never hallucinated from MDMA at all, even at heroic doses like that.
I'd just stay off weed and mdma(or any other trippy shit) and stims for awhile bro. Weed might be fucked up for u now. Just try to take it easy and with some time I'm sure you'll be fine ;)
Well I'd only have to disagree in the sense that it was a pretty weak roll. Both times. No eye wiggles, very little empathy and lacked in the euphoria department.. no profuse sweating.. and the other drugs.. MJ is often taken with MDMA and a new study showed that animals given MDMA and thc had less serotonin reduction and it may prevent neurotoxicity. We took the benzo to come down to go to sleep. It's quite common, since I love my stims, to take a benzo when coming down to ease the comedown. Hydroxyzine is an antihistamine. Much like benadryl. Really it still makes no sense.

I have to admit, I think I should keep stating that I've been doing Molly/pressed pills for over 5 years. I've never had this happen before and I've taken WAY more than this amount. Arguably not the best idea, but the last time we did 600mg before yesterday, we took 200mg at noon.. another 200mg at 4 and another 200mg at 7 or 8. So it wasn't like we just bombed 600mgs at once.

I am certain it was cut with something. No doubt. I've done good molly before. 200mg is usually all you need, maybe an extra 200mg a few hours in to keep things rolling. But after doing the 400mg the first day and still not rolling too terribly hard, we decided to take an extra 200mg... roll was improved but still nothing impressive or anything you would consider overdosing.

It's just weird haha. But yeah any advice is good! I am not being critical of advice.. I'm just making sure I paint the right picture for you guys so you can give me the best answers.
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I hear ya bro, everytime I took benzos(Xanax or kpin) during a roll that pretty much ended the roll so that's crazy what u went through. It's really weird that it was relatively weak and then, all of a sudden, BOOM! Ball trip! That's just nuts dude, I feel for u bro...
Thanks man. Yeah I've never seen or heard of anything like that before.

The fucking pokemon.. were calling my name.. pointing at me and laughing... in their voices from the show. I also forgot to add that the longer you stared at a specific point the crazier you would start to hallucinate and if you held your sight there for like 15 seconds, all of a sudden a glow (think if you had a flash light with a blue bulb in it) would appear behind all the crazy shit you're seeing (stick bugs leaping around and eating each other) and the glow would change colors.. when the pokemon were doing that.. as they were doing that some of their bodies were being sucked off the poster and disappearing.. and they were all climbing out of it... then suddenly a bright neon green aura appeared as though behind the poster and the poster started getting bigger and so did the pokemon. I grabbed the poster in hysterics and threw it under the bed. Then a half hour later.. totally forgetting about the fucking poster, suddenly I hear as though from under my bed while I Have my eyes closed.. venosaur and pikachu specifically their voices.. laughing.


But yeah! Dude when I go on amp binges.. I'll be doing amps all day then I use a xanny or kpin to kill the ampiness and come down. People do it all the time with rolls too! I think I took a valium once to get rid of the tweeky aftermath. No problems. So I honestly think that whatever that shit was cut with, had some crazy reaction with either the weed or the benzo.. i mean possibly the antihistamine but I doubt it.
Don't worry camjua, it is completely normal and doesn't necesarilly mean your drugs were cut with something else, MDMA does this as well. First of all, was your product tested with a testkit? Anyways for most people it's a sign that they have taken too much, but some people, like me and others I know of, hallucinate every time they roll. I have lots of experience with hallucinogens but none of them come close in how intense and lifelike MDMA hallucinations are to me. Weed is a catalyst for this, at least for me, I don't get them when I don't smoke weed. Oh and every single time my MDMA was tested, so I'm sure I'm taking MDMA (well-known Dutch pills every time), I'm just insanely susceptible to these hallucinations, I get them starting at 120mg+weed or something.

In your case it is a clear sign you have taken too much though, 600mg is a way too high dose, dose lower next time or your going to create tolerance and increasingly severe side-effects. Rolling back to back days is also a surefire way to ruin this beautiful drug for yourself, I would urge you to stop doing this before you really regret it. And I would take a very long break after this to ensure you are back to baseline before your next roll. Here is a reply I made in another thread concerning hallucinations, if you look at the thread you'll see there's lots of people experiencing this, though usually less intense than I experience
Shit I've seen:
-Leaves of trees forming tiny hands that are waving at me
-Peoples faces warp to sharp-toothed monster faces, awesome and scary at the same time
-Everyone around me seems to have luminescent glasses on
-Gnomes running around in the tall grass (there was no grass in reality, but a dancefloor)
-Facial tattoos. They were intricate, in colour, vivid, awesome and so on. Most if them tribal style but I saw a whole bunch of different styles with animals & symbols & vikings ... But that wasn't what made them truly remarkable. What made them truly remarkable was that they were being drawn as I looked at people's faces, I could almost see the artists hand moving above the canvas. And if I focused on them for longer than 10 seconds, they started to erase themselves again in the same order they were drawn (or so it seemed to me). This is by far the most beautiful and awe-inspiring visual I've ever experienced on MDMA. One of my most common ones as well, luckily
-Tornado of soccer balls above the crowd
-Horseless golden chariot driving over the crowd in the distance
-People that are there one moment, only to disappear completely the next. And re-appear a few meters further. Approached one once, it disappeared and there was nobody there said my mates. To this day I don't know if any of them were real. They are known as shadow people I believe, but they weren't in the corner of my eyes, they were right in front of me walking, until they weren't...
-Circle of light that emanated outwards from me, everything outside this circle pitch black invisible, everything inside very bright and vibrant. Circle was pulsing inwards and outwards and got bigger with every pulse, like I was turning into a super saiyan or something
-Girls look like angels, complete with halos and wings. Got me a few numbers when I told them, they thought I was complimenting while I was just describing them
-Walls breathing and water running down the walls
-Lasers that burned holes in everything they touched
-Bats flying out of the speakers in the distance
-Seeing a very good mate that I thought wasn't there that particular evening, only to have them shrink or grow and morph in a stranger. Usually right after I approached them and said "hey man, what are you doing here? How are you?". Always funny the look on their faces. Usually they understand though, but not always
-Everything that is light in colour and is moving is outlined in dark pencil, like in a cartoon
-I even had auditory hallucinations a few times. Always the same one: the event is concluded and music stopped. The sound of the crowd talking sounds absolutely deafening. Don't think 'loud', think 'jumbo jet taking off with you right behind it'. Absolutely deafening, I could not hear any details anymore, my mates' lips were moving but all I heard was earth-shattering murmuring
-I don't know if this is even possible, but at two different nights I was walking down the stairs and every sense in my body, apart from my vision, was telling me I was going up the stairs. My sense for balance was altered, not that I didn't have balance anymore, I did, but my sensory input was telling me things that were impossible
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I've noticed a few too many "I took too much mdxx" type threads lately. Its straight up reckless to roll twice a week, let alone dosing 600 mgs Per roll sesh. Time to take a nice long 3 month or longer break from drugs my friend. Its just unsettling to hear how many people are doing this lately.
Don't worry camjua, it is completely normal and doesn't necesarilly mean your drugs were cut with something else, MDMA does this as well. First of all, was your product tested with a testkit? Anyways for most people it's a sign that they have taken too much, but some people, like me and others I know of, hallucinate every time they roll. I have lots of experience with hallucinogens but none of them come close in how intense and lifelike MDMA hallucinations are to me. Weed is a catalyst for this, at least for me, I don't get them when I don't smoke weed. Oh and every single time my MDMA was tested, so I'm sure I'm taking MDMA (well-known Dutch pills every time), I'm just insanely susceptible to these hallucinations, I get them starting at 120mg+weed or something.

In your case it is a clear sign you have taken too much though, 600mg is a way too high dose, dose lower next time or your going to create tolerance and increasingly severe side-effects. Rolling back to back days is also a surefire way to ruin this beautiful drug for yourself, I would urge you to stop doing this before you really regret it. And I would take a very long break after this to ensure you are back to baseline before your next roll. Here is a reply I made in another thread concerning hallucinations, if you look at the thread you'll see there's lots of people experiencing this, though usually less intense than I experience

It wasn't tested unfortunately =/ We didn't see hallucinations until we smoked the weed for sure. Well, this is the 3rd time I've rolled in like... 3 years.. so I definitely don't plan on doing it again anytime soon. I cannot even put in words how life like and how intense the hallucinations were. I mean.. the fucking bugs were on me and I could even feel them touching me.. and when the pokemon were chanting my name.. imagine being 100% sober minded.. watching pokemon pointing at you.. hanging out of the poster.. and chanting your name in pokemon voices.. It was fucking ridiculous. I've never seen anything like that out of any other drug lol.

Also peanut 801, I sound like a noob... but I'm curious to why it is so "wreckless" to roll twice in a week? I've never heard of that concern before. I mean, I know you tend to not roll as hard.. but why would it be reckless..

I also insist someone PLEASE explain to me why sometimes when I roll.. I get extreme euphoria and eye wiggles.. yet other times (the last 2 times) hardly any euphoria and eye wiggles. We purposefully kept updosing because we assumed it was shit stuff and was cut with a lot or garbage.. therefore requires to take more to get higher. It's not like we are dumb kids that just took 600mg all at once just because. We redosed because the effects were not so wonderful.
I've added the (untested) prefix.

Weed is indeed the trigger for me as well and the hallucinations are as lifelike as you describe them. Peanut 801 is right by the way, you are rolling to frequently and on much too high doses. The reason you feel much less the second time if you roll twice in a week is because your serotonin system hasn't had time to recharge. If you continue to drain it before it can recover you run the risk of creating long-lasting tolerance and the comedowns will increase in severity. Apart from that it is probably not healthy. Though so far there is no sound research to show just how unhealthy it is there are indications that high and repeated doses (multiple days) can cause damage. Better to err on the safe side with such things

I think you need to start testing your stuff, as fake product, RC's sold as MDMA, adulterated product,... could all explain why you react so differently on some rolls. 600mg of pure MDMA would leave me wrecked beyond belief and I have a pretty high tolerance
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I noticed that for many people weed can bring latent psychedelic properties of mdma into foreground even long after you peaked. Read a good bunch of reports where bad trips began on various psychedelics right after toking some. I honestly can't imagine smoking it to "bring myself down" from a roll since it always brought back the mental part of the experience during comedowns, that's why i love to have a good joint at the end and dance some more. :) But that goes for 1*120 mg a night, can't imagine what it could do with 600...
I've added the (untested) prefix.

Weed is indeed the trigger for me as well and the hallucinations are as lifelike as you describe them. Peanut 801 is right by the way, you are rolling to frequently and on much too high doses. The reason you feel much less the second time if you roll twice in a week is because your serotonin system hasn't had time to recharge. If you continue to drain it before it can recover you run the risk of creating long-lasting tolerance and the comedowns will increase in severity. Apart from that it is probably not healthy. Though so far there is no sound research to show just how unhealthy it is there are indications that high and repeated doses (multiple days) can cause damage. Better to err on the safe side with such things

I think you need to start testing your stuff, as fake product, RC's sold as MDMA, adulterated product,... could all explain why you react so differently on some rolls. 600mg of pure MDMA would leave me wrecked beyond belief and I have a pretty high tolerance

Well the first time we rolled was the first time in months and the roll wasn't strong. That's why we redosed up to 600mg. Second time was day before yesterday. Also 600mg didn't make us roll that hard.. we rolled about just as hard. But yeah it does indeed sound like testing is going to be a necessity.

Also I do agree that weed can bring out some intense hallucinations depending on what it is mixed with. We smoked weed though the first time while coming down and were fine. I dunno it's all so strange. Truly the only difference between the 1st time and the 2nd time is the lorazepam.
Pro tip: test your drugs and take a MAX of 200mg.

If you follow those two rules, you can generally avoid problems.
Well the first time we rolled was the first time in months and the roll wasn't strong. That's why we redosed up to 600mg. Second time was day before yesterday. Also 600mg didn't make us roll that hard.. we rolled about just as hard. But yeah it does indeed sound like testing is going to be a necessity.

Also I do agree that weed can bring out some intense hallucinations depending on what it is mixed with. We smoked weed though the first time while coming down and were fine. I dunno it's all so strange. Truly the only difference between the 1st time and the 2nd time is the lorazepam.

The Ativan should have helped, if anything. I reckon it was the hydroxyzine. Anti-histamine sedatives can cause hallucinations for people or at least disturbing, vivid dreams. That combined with the weed was the problem.

By this point the MDMA would not have been effecting you. Not if you dosed at 10pm and didn't experience the hallucinations until 2:45. No way would the MDMA be causing these crazy hallucinations. I mean, you really only roll for about three hours and then comedown for two. Any crazy shit should happen during the peak. But then again, you did do a big dose and weed is known for bringing back the high of MDMA.
The Ativan should have helped, if anything. I reckon it was the hydroxyzine. Anti-histamine sedatives can cause hallucinations for people or at least disturbing, vivid dreams. That combined with the weed was the problem.

By this point the MDMA would not have been effecting you. Not if you dosed at 10pm and didn't experience the hallucinations until 2:45. No way would the MDMA be causing these crazy hallucinations. I mean, you really only roll for about three hours and then comedown for two. Any crazy shit should happen during the peak. But then again, you did do a big dose and weed is known for bringing back the high of MDMA.
It's perfectly possible. For most people MDMA hallucinations pick up in strength once they start to come down. The most intense hallucinations are not during the peak but during the comedown, usually amplified by smoking weed. There are theories that it's because MDMA is partly metabolized to MDA in the body but who knows really.

Some people never experience this so it's understandable that you think it's not possible from MDMA alone, certainly not after the peak, but it is. I'll never know for sure of course but I'm willing to bet the OP's hallucinations stem from MDMA (big dose) + weed, not the added medication
I can see how weed could perhaps provoke some hallucinations, but what the OP described was pretty crazy. Come to think about it any prominent hallucinations on meth usually occurred on the comedown, but this was related to sleep deprivation.

I know I've experienced intense visual distortion on MD along with mild LSD like visuals on MDA, but this was always during the peak. The comedown was just your regular shitty speedy comedown. But the OP's situation is obviously different to mine. Seems like a pretty intense reaction considering they really hadn't been too reckless. I mean 600mg over an entire night isn't so bad when you take tolerance and crappy cuts into account. They didn't dose the weed until the MD would have pretty much worn off completely as well. I mean I get maybe feeling a little more spaced out than usual or having some moving images, ect, but hours and hours of disturbing hallucinations? Seems like a pretty extreme reaction to me. I guess the OP is just seriously unlucky.
I have quoted an earlier reply of mine above with some examples of hallucinations I experienced, mine are as intense as the OP's. I think the bad experience comes from not knowing this is possible with MDMA + a bit of panic. Panic or even unease are not good things with real hallucinogens either. Besides I wouldn't count myself as unlucky, once you get used to these hallucinations they are immensely fun and immersing.

I've had times when I really did a big dose (500mg being my biggest, only did that once by accident) where I would still be hallucinating like crazy 2-3 hours after I've completely come down, think open eyed visuals of pixies flying all around me and talking to each other in a foreign language with a high-pitched voice and stuff like that. With lingering visual disturbances the entire next day. I'm not saying the OP shouldn't test his drugs, he absolutely should, but reactions such as these are not that uncommon, certainly not after 600mg, I would be hugely disappointed if I ingested 600mg and didn't have hallucinations =D

About 600mg not being so bad because of cuts and tolerance, that's all good and well, until you run into pure product. If you would do that with the stuff that's on the streets over here you would be smashed to bits, tolerance or no tolerance (unless you're really abusing MDMA). What the point of this entire post is, is that the OP shouldn't worry too much. It is a normal reaction, for some people, after 600mg. It isn't that extreme or alarming. Dose lower next time and test your product
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First post here. I have to agree with BlueBull. Some enjoy the hallucinations. I personally never had anything that intense but after a tiny lsd+MDMA everything in the room, any random line or any marks on the wall were dancing around or spreading everywhere. I heard faint voices but could never make out what they were saying. The Don't know if it had to do with the music I was listening to.