Recruiting Have You Been Abused by Emergency Room Staffs Due to the Disease of Addiction?


Nov 24, 2013
For a book in progress, I am seeking the stories of those like me who have been abused in hospital emergency rooms due in some way to the disease of addiction, addiction the medical industry itself labels a disease so long as that label is profitable.

I need your help, your honest accounts of every incident of ER mistreatment, whether verbal, physical, emotional, the refusal of treatment, unnecessary and pointless delays, etc. You may download and complete the questionnaire from Scribd (it's simple and mainly asks for your experiences). You may also read more about this nonprofit project and download the questionairre from the website Do Harm First. You may email me any questions or concerns via [email protected].

This is not a scientific study but rather a preliminary attempt to obtain accounts of emergency room abuse, allowing me to judge whether I will receive enough cooperation from those with the disease of addiction to pursue the project further.

Maltreatment of those suffering from addiction by ER staffs has become an epidemic acceptable to and even promoted by the medical industry. The result is PTSD, emotional and physical damage, and in some cases death. It has been decided those who suffer addiction will be punished in the last place to which they can turn for help. The implications of these facts are obvious to most members of this group. It is another obvious means of control and a path to further tyranny. It also bears, without exaggeration, analogy to Nazi euthanasia of drug addicts. It is vital to make the public aware of the realities of this policy, which sound rational when explained in sound bytes but are something else entirely in the reality of a crisis met by sadistic abuse.

You may provide your name to and sign the questionnaire or not. Either way, your name will not be released to anyone, anything, in any way, period. Should you provide your name, I may include your story in the book under a fictitious name. If you do not provide your name, your information is still valuable and will contribute to the writing of the book, but your story will not be included in the book.

Due to the nature of this project, no renumeration of any kind is offered for completing and submitting the questionnaire, and the same applies should your story be used in the book. The main purpose for this is to maintain the integrity of the stories offered in any future book. More personally, should this project prove possible for me to pursue, I will most assuredly lose money. Finally, if I do earn any profits, some portion of them will be distributed to various nonprofit addiction services that I deem worthwhile and which maintain a shred of integrity and lack of propagandizing.

Thank you.

Paul A. Toth
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No. Cos I always lie. I know I would be, severely if I didn't lie tho. Those were E.R visits I could.

WIth my current opiod dependence and the country I'm in. Without a shadow of doubt I would be, due to plain ignorance.
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Absolutely. Some of them, (doctors, paramedics, etc) can be real sadists when it comes to addicts.
this type of first hand experience can be found all over Erowid if you know where to look. Go to substances like coke, x, meth, h, etc. etc., go to the 'Experiences' section, and then go to the subset of 'trainwrecks' and disaster trips in general. This stuff can also be found on this forum...but it is not as neatly organized...
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Strangely, no quite the opposite...was in for an infection in my finger...not only did they give me IV dilaudid after i told them i used opiates and in fact had a IV heroin habit, they also had the addictions physician (who is also the physician for the local methadone clinic) come in and discuss options such as suboxone, detox, or methadone. I ended up getting back on methadone and they started me on it during my hospital stay, so I didn't suffer withdrawal at all...

They also made sure my pain meds were adjusted, as I was obviously not opiate-naive.

I had always been afraid to be truthful on any ER visit, cause I figured they wouldn't give me anything. But it actually worked out better for me this time for being honest...

That said, I know not every hospital works that way....(honestly I was shocked at this one after hearing all the "horror stories")...
Would you be interested in reading about stories from someone who doesn't suffer from an addiction perse, but rather gets labeled as an addict because his medication regiment is highly irregular? Because if you are interested in hearing about that - I have several stories I can share with you. Also, I've got a question for everyone. Would you consider occasional, recreational drug use an addiction? Because, while I'm on three controlled substances - I only ever use drugs for recreational purposes around once every two months.

Usually, it's weed or opiates (never done anything harder than Oxycodone). It all depends on what I feel like that month. But I never take whatever it is for more than a couple days, then I'm done with it until I feel like getting some in a couple months. This has been the extent of my recreational drug use for the past couple of years. Do you think that's sustainable in the long-term?


Anyways, I can share one quick story. I was having one of the worst anxiety episodes of my life just 4 months ago. I finally went to the ER, informed them of my medication regiment and that I normally take Benzodiazepines everyday (this is how they're prescribed to me). I told them that I've been at a constant dose for a very long time and that I happened to be out of my meds early because of an honest mistake. I also told them that it was impossible to contact my doctor because he was on vacation until the end of the month.

Yet, the doctor refused to give me anything. She gave me a lecture about Benzodiazepine addiction (even though I've heard it all before). I told her that I was well aware of the side-effects of Benzodiazepines and I told her that while I wasn't psychologically addicted to them - physical addiction is just a side-effect of long-term Benzodiazepine use. If you take benzo's everyday for more than a couple weeks - you will become physically addicted. That's just the way it is. But that doesn't mean you will be psychologically addicted and become psychologically dependent on Benzodiazepines. Especially if you always stick to what's prescribed to you.

In fact, I've read several studies about addiction and prescription dosages. They noted that long-term usage of opioids and benzodiazepines always resulted in physical addiction. But psychological addiction rarely occurred when medication guidelines were followed.

Anyways, when this doctor refused to fill anything for me - I asked her if she would possible be willing to fill a very-long acting benzodiazepine for me just until I could see my doctor next. I asked her if she would be willing to fill a low dose of something like Diazepam or Chlordiazepoxide, at a very low dose, just long enough until I could see my doctor. Not only did she refuse, she threatened to call my doctor. I told her 'he would have no problem with me doing this. He knows what works for me. I've tried everything else - all the TCA's, Antipsychotics, SSRI's, Beta-Blockers, etc. Nothing worked for me. Nothing!

She still refused and flat out told me that she was going to call my doctor and lie to him in order to get me off of my medication regiment. All because she didn't agree with it. Personally, if you don't agree with giving people medications - I don't think you should be a doctor.

Anyways, she sent me home with nothing, tried to hospitalize me in a drug abuse ward, and left me to 'fend for myself' so to speak. I was later told by my doctor that she had called him and that he shrugged off what she had to say. He said that he told her "I don't know what you expect anyone else to do, to be honest. [My patient] has ADHD and anxiety disorders. They're comorbid 28% of the time! What else can you do for someone who's tried all other alternatives? As far as I'm concerned, it would be cruel not to prescribe a psychostimulant and a benzodiazepine."

I wish my doctor could be recognized or something. He deserves it, and I wish there was someway I could return the appreciation, time, understanding, and faith he's given me.
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There have been at least 4 major incidents in the past decade in the ER with me. A couple of them were so shocking, that thinking about them brings about a lot of very unpleasant, unsettling emotions.

I believe this is a huge problem nowadays, as I've also heard other patients being yelled at by nurses and/or doctors who accused them of being malingerers, abusers of the healthcare system, losers, and so forth.

The one that really got me all hot and bothered was witnessing nurses at my methadone clinic talking amongst themselves about us and how the world would be better with us dead and out of the way. Yes, you most certainly are entitled to your opinions and all, but if you hate our guts so much, why bother working here? I'm sure there's much better paying positions elsewhere.
yes. i was in hospitol for smoke to many hits of meth. doctors would not let me smoke any more meth and strapped me to bed. i accidentally poked myself in the eye with my thumb while trying to fight them off. rofl jk
Punitive south.

Went to the ER for alcohol withdrawal, really bad shakes, worried about seziures. They locked me up with a guy that had eaten a fentanyl patch. He was naked runing around the room screaming and fighting with his mom and sister who weren't there. I hid in the shower for close to a day. I was scared he would want to fight or rape me. They did nothing for the shakes, no Librium or fluids. Would have been beter to stay home and self medicate. Between that incident and a couple others I have no trust in doctors. $26,000 for an hour in the ER with an impacted kidney stone they didn't do anything with. They knew i was a drunk so no meds... Even charged me for a pregnancy test, Another time they gave me heppititus for a month, miraculously fixed itself, they were using someone else's paper work Still wanted to do a liver biopsy until they showed me my file. I have a horrible colon issue going on that I know i need help with, I won't go ask for help until its so bad that I think its going to kill me. I' d rather deal with being sick then have to see a doctor.
Oh my. Yes.

I have been to the ER due to seizures caused by meds that even the doctor prescribed me, and I kept telling them what was wrong and they would give nothing to sedate me. I went one time because my shitty doctor stopped prescribing me xanax all the sudden so I had no choice but to withdraw horribly and convulsed... My eyes were rolling in the back of my head. It finally took that for them to give me Diazepam, because before I started convulsions and having these weird feelings I kept telling them what happened and they kept saying "we will not give you anything unless you are dying" I told them what I needed based on my medical history and even threw the bottle of empty xanax on the floor so they knew it was mine. They told me I was a drug seeker and since I ran out I just had no other way of getting high.

Don't even get me started on pharmacies. Those asshole try to play doctor, because they didn't have the guns enough to finish med school so they dish it out on people denying prescriptions.

I never have understood why doctors are so set on trying to avoid prescribing controlled substances. Why does it even exist if all doctors do is use it as a mechanism to judge and condescend other people? Why did they become doctors just to prescribe medicine that they refuse to prescribe?? I've had several "doctors" try and give me Naproxen sodium for slipped disc in my back and as soon as they wrote it and handed it to me I ripped it in half and said "I'm not a dumbass, I can just buy that shit from the store. No thanks I will just stay in pain"

Doctors don't give a shit about people man. They really don't. It's all about that social status of having a doctorate.
Definitely. Nothing too bad but they all treat you in a condescending self-righteous manner as if you don't even deserve treatment and they would let you die if it was up to them.
Its as if... *gasp* they themselves are lying on patient records and taking the drugs themselves...
I went into the ER when I was 17 for suicidal thoughts, cocaine showed up on the UA and I heard the doctor tell a colleague in front of my room I probably just wanted a line. Seriously had trouble not destroying that pathetic excuse for a physician.
Dood they look down on you like your not even human. ("Here is some clonodine"... "Sorry") haha I hate that one. They act like they got better things to do than help you
In Scotland you get no sympathy! OD? Rival and looks of disgust.

In ER its worse, you get treated like absolute dirt and they think your there for a free hit of something when we all know a junky has ZERO change of anything worthwhile in a hospitol let alone sitting in ER for hours.
Yes absolutely. I was withdrawing from an incredibly heavy benzo habit, was in the ER for 8 hours waiting to be taken upstairs to rehab, got basically no medication, had a seizure, and was screaming, sweating, shitting, puking, shaking, the entire time. Will fill out your questionnaire.
I would be if I Told the Truth and than Again there is the Rare Doctor who either been through what your going through first hand knows someone close to him or has a Human Heart and Does Not have there Head up There Ass lol.
Benzo w/d (etizo)--3 seizures back to back. I said it could be related to my car accident a few months back. He was like we need to run more tests and wasn't going to charge my car insurance and I didn't have insurance. So, I told him no more tests and he sends me his bill for like $800. Asshole. Then has the office call me for more tests, every.. single.. day for MONTHS. Even calls and harasses my MOM (who wasn't even in my medical info nor emergency contact). He is still calling and I keep saying NO!
In Pennsylvania, there's an interesting law signed by former governor ed Rendell, in regards to new mothers on medications. I know for certain that suboxone treatment is one of what is a literal laundry list of legally prescribed medications in which if you are on them (and I assure you, this is NOT illicit substances, a new mother can be negative for all 'street' drugs or non-prescribed medications) they will take your newborn baby for a week and you can not take them home, even if they are perfectly healthy and immediately refer you to a CYS caseworker to conduct a full investigation.

Two weeks before my due date with my youngest, now 2, my then 2 year old daughter was nearly killed by a drunk driver as I witnessed the whole thing in my rearview mirror. She suffered a skull fracture and severe traumatic brain injury, was on life support for nearly 2 weeks, only to bring her home for a day and a half before going into labor without so much as Tylenol (my wishes). I was on bupe (still am, may be until I die) but had close to 7 solid years clean time. I didn;t even ever have a drink/weed/I mean nothing at all. Was completely forthcoming with my ob/gyn from the gate, newborn had no WDs everything was fine. I was tested for drugs, naturally all came back negative, I would have been better off lying but am not fond of dishonesty. Medical workers, social workers, they just treat you like crap. They assume your baby s born out of wedlock and that you're on welfare. They say as much. Meanwhile Im married to my kid's father who makes six figures, private insurance. Had a social worker INSIST I was 'high' on narcotics even though I refused any narcotic prn meds postpartum, because I seemed 'scattered'. I'd tried to explain I had spent the last two weeks living at childrens hospital at my little girl's bedside in critical care, she brushed it off like I was lying. I was scattered. Iwas frazzled from running back and forth from a hospital heartbroken I couldn;t take my baby home to a safe, loving and stable home and back to my mother in law's to reteach everything to my brain damaged daughter that we brought home on methadone and a new seizure med that made her horrifically violent (we were in the process of closing on a home during a relocation the night of the accident, all had met to look at it before putting in the offer which was why we were stuck at family's). And you know what? After nearly a decade of trying to be so good and live clean and be such a good person, only to have people treat you like shit on a glance of your past history, it was really the straw that broke the camels back and I have never been right again. Maybe never will be. Oh, and the cys caseworker said "I don't care what meds you are prescribed, only care about safety and well being of kids and I can see they are all very well taken care of' and closed the case the second time i saw her, but ya, that was fun, feeling like you're under a microscope when you're going through some of your darkest days. God I hate Pennsylvania and would truly rather die than go to any doctor or hospital for anything, I should have just given birth at home, seriously