OCD. cannabis, anxiety, schizophrenia, religious fears, conspiracy theories, bad trip

I neglected reading all the responses, so I apologize if I repeat others' statements.

Firstly, yes, pot is a psychoactive substance, meaning it will change the way you think and interact. It is also capable of causing withdrawals, psychological and physical.

Second, I can relate to the gruesomeness you experienced w/ hallucinogens. I'd try to compartmentalize the "evil" associated w/ the acid and not let it reign in your day-to-day life, whether it was divine intervention or no. Although, if I'm allowed to get analytical a moment, I'd chalk it up to all the shame, guilt, and/or fear you are feeling over your drug use. From reading your post, it looks like this was going on before your revelatory acid trip.

Which brings me to my next point: every drug relationship you described sounded very noxious. This isn't to be mean, but perhaps your personality isn't suited for this stuff. I don't think ecstasy, LSD, and marijuana help anyone - in the neurological sense - but you may be more sensitive to these substances. I know that became my problem over time w/ psilocybin. In any case, a break would be a good idea. Especially since you are worried about something like schizophrenia - and I've never heard of drugs inducing schizophrenia, or even prompting it in genetically predisposed individuals - so, good news? :)

I don't know about all this esotericism, but I'd be leery when it comes to documentaries with hard core religious agendas - Like, don't get carried away until maybe you clear your head (sorry, you probably have more sense than that, you seem critical and intelligent). But yeah, if you have a church, or whatever, maybe seek spiritual counseling. The CBT is a good idea, but some visits to a therapist might help you sift out how you really feel about drugs.

Good luck and best wishes <3
thanks for all your responses everyone, i'm just about to go to bed and trying not to stimulate my brain too much before sleeping at the moment as i've been having trouble with it, but i will try and take some time tomorrow to reply properly.

thankfully i am feeling much better today after eating well and getting out of the house, and talking to a few friends about stuff.

to the poster who requested links to the experiences i read about cannabis and intrusive thoughts; i did a quick search and could not find the original posts i had found months back. i'm not sure exactly what keywords i used back then, but if you type "cannabis withdrawal intrusive thoughts" into google some relative stuff should appear. basically the one that sticks out most in my memory was a person who had quit toking maybe 6 months previously and were still suffering violent intrusive thoughts, and a few other people replied who were experiencing similar things. they were discussing how they thought perhaps the cannabis use had helped the symptoms and due to withdrawal they were just experiencing it much more severely, but couldn't be sure if it was that or actually a direct result of using cannabis in the first place.