OCD. cannabis, anxiety, schizophrenia, religious fears, conspiracy theories, bad trip


Jun 16, 2012
ok so i'm going to try and get all the relevant info into this post as well as i can.

i'm a 24 year old female who started smoking cannabis when i was about 13 or 14. i have never taken a break longer than a few weeks. in retrospect i now know that it has done me more harm than good over the years. sure it helped my creativity in the beginning but over time it even hindered that, and i have felt severe depression and anxiety which only starts to go away even a little bit whenever i stop. but i can never seem to stop for long. and without it i still feel empty, like i need it, even though it just brings me back to a bad place when i start up again.

i know lots of people like to glorify weed and say it is harmless and non-addictive, but i really don't think it's quite so simple. it may be psychological addiction, yet there are some really bad physical withdrawals. and there are times i feel that i've ruined my life by letting that addiction take hold of me. but yeah, i won't get into that too deeply right now because i honestly don't wish to start a debate on that in particular, i know there are other threads about that.

anyway, i have also taken various other substances since i was a teenager, both for fun and for spiritual purposes. LSD was always one of my favourites. last october i went to visit a friend in another town, and we got a train up to a city 2 hours away to go to a psychedelic trance party. i took 2 tabs over the course of the night, two different types of acid, as well as a shitload of alcohol and some MDMA. (i'd like to note that i never used to mix LSD with any other substance apart from maybe weed, i always felt it dampened the effects, i never used to take it as a party drug because my first trip was a bad one, but over the years as i grew more comfortable with it, i became more and more frivolous and careless).

so the party died down, it became close to afternoon, the alcohol was wearing off and i was still tripping absolute balls. very strong. i felt ok, a little paranoia, but ok. then we got a lift into the city centre so we could get the train back to my friend's town.

it was on the train that i started to feel a panic attack coming on. i've had one once before, so perhaps the fear of it happening again is part of what brought it on, i don't know. my hands started to go numb and all that. i was able to keep calm ish, but it was still really intense. the guy sitting next to me was very openly looking at a porn magazine (and being a pretty firm feminist who supports women's choices yet still feels uncomfortable when exposed to patriarchal pornography and sexual objectification of women, this certainly did not help matters). i had to keep going into the toilet to hide, i would have rather sat in there in the stench, staring at my own fucked up reflection in the mirror facing the toilet than sit next to that spotty little creep and all the other overwhelming stimulus of the busy afternoon train.

by the last few stops i thought the journey would never end, but thankfully we got back to the small town my friend lives in. i thought i would feel ok when we got back to his flat. thought i'd be ok when i got some sleep. i couldn't sleep for over 12 hours. i couldn't get these weird ringing pounding noises out of my head. i was having really fucked up and gory closed eye visuals. horrible thoughts. basically i thought i experienced Hell, and the devil as well as god all at once. i cannot explain it much more than that because i suppose i've blocked some of it out, also it may go beyond verbal explanation.

anyway. the point of all this is that afterwards, i could not smoke weed without being brought back to a very similar mind state. i had to quit for the first time ever. i did some reading online which was equally comforting and paranoia-inducing. i thought i had caused some form of psychosis, i thought i was going schizophrenic. i had trouble sleeping for weeks, kept twitching myself awake whenever i drifted off etc.

i was also suffering some really bad intrusive thoughts. for example, i couldn't get the thought out of my mind that i may not be real. that everything i was sensing and experiencing may have been a lie. that no one else was real. however this was only after reading this as a possible symptom of schizophrenia, so i maybe just brought that on myself by doing so. i would also get thoughts of harming myself and others, of going crazy in public, basically if you type intrusive thoughts into wikipedia i got pretty much all of the ones listed. i was absolutely terrified that i was going apeshit crazy.

but... after a while i started smoking weed again. i couldn't smoke as much as i did before (and still cannot) but i was okay with it for a while. i went for a few weeks toking, then a few days stopping. i would get the intrusive thoughts again any time i stopped.

after doing a bit of reading i have come to discover that it may not have been the LSD that caused the intrusive thoughts, but actually just the withdrawal from cannabis. a lot of chronic tokers apparently get very similar things, and there is still no clear understanding if it is a direct cause of the cannabis, or if perhaps the cannabis just helps symptoms of people who naturally have more of a desposition to OCD (i think i;ve always been a little bit OCD since childhood).

in april my friend put on a small festival. on the sunday afternoon i was dancing in the barn, felt very happy and serene. was thinking about how lovely all the people around me were and how great my life was, how grateful i was for everything in it and how silly i'd been to feel so anxious so much in the past.

then, i smoked a pipe of weed. i picked up a flyer that was on the ground in front of me, for a party in another town. it showed an image of a dj in a pyramid at the top. for some reason, as soon as i saw this, i suddenly started to think it looked evil. i started to wonder, what if everything around me, everything in psychedelic culture, the music, the drugs, the parties, everything that i thought was good and wonderful, what if it was actually all rooted in evil? what if it was just a huge trick and deception by the devil, so that he could steal my soul? i thought about how these parties, drugs etc are supposed to make people happy, yet i had felt so much pain and fear from them, and i was not happy right now. i felt like maybe i was in hell, that hell was just a repetitive dance that would never end.

now, i have never really been a relgious person. my grandparents took me to a presbyterian church until i was 7 when i consciously told them i did not want to go anymore. they never forced me after that. i remember feeling like i hated god for some reason as a child, but i don;t think i ever really stopped believing in him. i have verged on atheism over the years, having many atheist friends, but always remained agnostic at heart. especially after that LSD trip, it seemed to instill some sort of belief back into me. but i still never really beleived in the idea of the christian god, i hate christian dogma and i think so much evil has been done in christ's name.

so you can imagine how upset and disturbed i was by suddenly having these thoughts.

i suddenly felt paranoid and anxious and my happiness was gone. i had to go and lie down away from everyone and try to sleep. which i couldn't, i kept twitching awake (again, like after the LSD).

after the weed wore off i felt a bit better but still uneasy and upset. i told a few people what i experienced and they tried to reassure me.

anyway, i stayed off the weed for 5 days after that. but then i got access to some Black Rose, which was purple and truth be told, absolutely lovely. caused me no anxiety at all, but of course the really good stuff never lasts in this country and i went back onto shitty "orange bud".

well, i wasn't back on it every single day but still on it. then last weekend i ended up taking some ecstacy at a party and having a really horrible comedown. then, a friend of mine told me he had been watching a documentary online called Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order.

i really don't know whether i am glad i watched it or wish i never did.

you can find it on youtube and a few other sites online, if interested, but if you're in any way mentally unstable or paranoid i wouldn't recommend it, and maybe you shouldn't read any further, iduno.

basically, to sum it up, it says, albeit from a strongly christian standpoint, that UFOs, alien abductions, tales of "ancient aliens", the illuminati, the NWO, esotericism, mystery schools, the New Age movement, certain forms of spirituality, psychedelic drugs, all of it, are actually just one huge lie perpetuated by Satan. UFOs and aliens are actually demons, the new age movements and esotericism are actually lies trying to get people to reject the idea of God, to reject the idea that Christ is our saviour... to make us believe that WE are god, so that we will reject him even further so that they can prepare us more easily for a one-world government and one-world religion. it really freaked me out, after having those thoughts myself, and then little things seeming to connect with it... but then that's perhaps just me making connections were there are merely coincidences.

now, i used to be kind of into conspiracy theories, but i stopped reading into them because there was so much conflicting info and it was overwhelming. i have never been that susceptible to mad paranoias and ideas, have always thought myself quite rational and capable of critical thinking... i believe there is probably some truth in them but also probably a hell of a lot of misinformation. that's why i stopped reading into them... but for some reason i always find myself coming back to it, i don't know if it's my mind reaching out to find something or if it;s just the way my path is going....

all i know is that i've never felt this terrified by them before. to watch that documentary, which i am aware could be rooted in a chirstian agenda, after the thoughts i had been having anyway... makes me think about it in a whole new way, and it's not one which is comfortable.

i've loved experimenting with drugs for years, but in the past few years i have felt it has only destroyed me, and damaged my spirit if spirit exists. i do sometimes feel like drugs are glorified in ways they shouldn't be, that people take them carelessly, and that they CAN fuck people up. i obviously would never take away someone's right to take drugs if they wish, but sometimes i feel wary of all this flowery language that is used to make them seem like the be all and end all solution to spiritual problems and i know from experience that they ARE dangerous, even though i do not agree with the demonisation of them either.

so..... what is the point of my post... ahhh. basically i want to get some opinions from anyone who may have experienced things similar to what i have. i would like to hope that i am not just going crazy from taking too many drugs like a few people have suggested. my great uncle was diagnosed schizophrenic so i know that i apparently have a higher chance of it... but i do not really experience any of the other symptoms of schizophrenia that i have read.

i want to hope that i have just been falling into some paranoid mindstates because i have been careless about what i've put into my body and set and setting etc etc. but there's part of me that feels like whether i like it or not i have had some sort of religious experience, i have experienced something true... that something is there, trying to tell me something, to be wary, to not fall into this world of hedonism and mindless drug abuse that i see so many of my peers falling into under the guise of spiritual liberation and self-love.

i don't know that much about esoteric knowledge etc either, but when i look into it, it does seem to be rooted in something strange... so much of it seems wrapped in a dogma and strange religious belief that is not christian but is definitely something else... like the aquarian society saying that they believe in the coming of a "new world teacher/leader". a few of my friends have recently been getting into this stuff, like mystery schools, the order of thelema... and while it says it is not literally luciferian, i cannot help but be suspicious that there is something dark behind it. also i worry because my mum is sending my younger sister to Rudolf Steiner school. i had heard they were a bit "new agey" and i thought of this the other day, wondered if it was somehow tied in at all, brushed it off and said ah nah, they are probably just a bunch of hippies. well then i actually googled rudolf steiner, and saw that he is closely tied into esotericism, mystery schools, teachings that lucifer is light, etc. it all seemed like a very weird coincidence.....

sorry that this post is so long. i just wanted to try and get everything in here. i don't want to seem like a rambling insane freak. even though i do feel like one at times. i'm afraid of what this all means, if it means anything. i have never been on any kind of medication for my depression and i am mostly against it, but part of me wants to try it as some sort of last resort... i'm afraid that i'm going to have to give up everything in my life that i enjoy, making music, hanging out with certain folk, making art, because if there's any truth to this, then it's all frickin evil lol...

i am just trying to find truth and maybe it's not the best time as THC leaves my body and i feel alienated, distanced from all my friends as i cannot even be around them because they all smoke. any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated. maybe i am just going a bit crazy...
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Marijuana is a benign substance. What crap. If you search this forum you will find many stories of people whom have experienced what you are experiencing now.

Do you feel like you may be psychotic or manic (and I mean that in the medical sense)? Have you considered seeing a psychiatrist? Your thoughts seem a little obsessive to me, but I'm not your doctor.
Yeah, I'm currently waiting to see someone for some cognitive behavioural therapy. But I have not told my doctor about these new thoughts really.. I have another appointment soon, I probably will tell him then.

I don't feel psychotic or manic in the medical sense really. Just find it hard to control my thoughts and fears and beat myself up mentally about it all.

Cannabis withdrawal really fuckin sucks.
I've been in the same place you should see the thread I made when I first realized there was something wrong. It was like yours only I wrote like 10 of them.

You just need to STOP taking drugs that warp your mind. No marijuana, no psychedelics, no stimulants. Benzos will prove very addictive to someone as anxious as you or me so you should avoid them too. And opiates, same deal. But downers and opiates won't make you crazy, I can safely say. And it seems you already have, but understand it will take weeks or even a couple of months for your brain to get used to thinking in a normal way. If you're prepared for the fact that you're in for what feels like a long haul, it may help you out.

That's really funny about your great-uncle. My great uncle was schizophrenic too. I can honestly say I felt just like you 4 weeks ago, and 4 weeks of abstention and therapy have already brought me almost back to all the way normal.

Also sleep is important. Not essential, nobody has ever died from lack of sleep, but you'll feel a lot better if you manage to get at least a few hours of sleep a night. What worked for me is

1.) melatonin
2.) when you lie down to sleep don't say "I'm going to sleep oh fuck what if I don't sleep and go crazier oh man what the fuck am I gonna do!" Just say "I'm tired, I'm gonna lie down with a blinder on and rest my mind and body."

The blinder/sleep mask helped me a lot because it calms my urge to pop out of bed in the middle of the night. I open my eyes and I see the same thing as with them closed.

You also might want to see a psychiatrist for short-term antipsychotic medication. But I don't want to open up that can of worms. Antipsychotics have positive and negative effects, for me I'm happy to be on a low dose of Abilify for now since I'm working with a good psychiatrist who's going to ween me off it, but that's me. I ended up needing another anti-parkinsons' med just to manage the side effects of the abilify. Basically antipsychotics slow your thinking and movement down and make you a little dumber for a little bit. They also have side effects including restlessness and insomnia and depression, so it may or may not be a road you want to go down. If you do go to a psychiatrist, make it sound like it's the drugs that did it, because it is. If you just come in and start describing your thoughts he'd think you were mentally ill, but if you say "I've been smoking too much week for too long and tripping too much and it finally got to me," that's something a good psychiatrist would understand as Drug Induced Psychosis. Remember that psycosis, disorganized thinking, is a symptom, not an illness. You aren't a "psycho" but your thoughts are out of whack for now. You're not schizophrenic. A schizophrenic person doesn't realize there is anything wrong with them.

This is a blog that describes the author's three months of absolute psychosis induced by too much LSD:

It made me feel a lot better. This guy never got good help throughout the episode and it spontaneously resolved itself. Just imagine what you can get done if you do get help, as you already are :)

I have a friend who was a serious abuser of ecstasy at one point of his life, and for six months he saw everything that was going to happen to him before it happened. He got better by abstaining from drugs. I have another friend who went psychotic for three days after a mushroom trip and got arrested for breaking into people's houses and went to jail. He, too, got better by abstaining from drugs. Like he's totally fine, it took a few weeks but he found his way back to reality.

The best medicine is time. Time and rest.
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Yeah, I've known for a while that it's going to be a long haul. I guess that is maybe part of why I haven't stopped for longer than a few weeks, maybe subconsciously I'm afraid to really get started...

Would you have the link to any of those posts at hand, or could you maybe find them for me and link them? I'd be interested in reading. If not I'll do some hunting for them myself in a bit, thank you.

And yeah, I'v never really been into downers apart from times when I've had severe trouble getting to sleep, but I have some wild lettuce and wild dagga at the minute. Been a little afraid of taking them in case they make me even more depressed... duno why i even ordered them damnit.
Yeah, I've known for a while that it's going to be a long haul. I guess that is maybe part of why I haven't stopped for longer than a few weeks, maybe subconsciously I'm afraid to really get started...

Would you have the link to any of those posts at hand, or could you maybe find them for me and link them? I'd be interested in reading. If not I'll do some hunting for them myself in a bit, thank you.

And yeah, I'v never really been into downers apart from times when I've had severe trouble getting to sleep, but I have some wild lettuce and wild dagga at the minute. Been a little afraid of taking them in case they make me even more depressed... duno why i even ordered them damnit.

Yup, here ya go http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/624506-Think-Psychedelics-are-Making-You-Insane-Me-Too!-Read-This!

I didn't even talk much about my delusions but they were extreme, I was putting secret messages into papers for my professors, I was awake for several days, I was also drinking a lot towards the end. It was like EVERYONE around me just needed a tiny push and they would be as omnisciently Enlightened as I thought I was. I ended up going to the ER and got put in a psychiatric ward for 11 days, I'm still recovering from that, it was traumatic to say the least.

I'd add that for me personally youtube videos set me off and make me feel crazier. There's a lot of craziness on youtube. Reading, or trying to read, has helped me more. The Tao Te Ching talks about psychosis insofar as it talks about everything.
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thank you. i'll have a read at that blog and your post.

i just hope that this is the beginning of my recovery and things don't get worse. the hardest thing is to refrain from having a toke whenever i start to feel better, so hard not to think "well i'm better now so there's no harm in having this toke"
Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Marijuana and K2 probably played a bigger role in my break than psychedelics. The cannabinoid system effects everything: mood, sleep, appetite, cognition, balance, everything. You have to expect a bit of a rough patch while your brain returns to homeostasis.

I seriously understand, it's like you're crawling the walls, you don't know what to do. But just keep thinking positively. Think in terms of "support structure" - do you have any friends who don't use drugs? There's nothing wrong with hanging out with drug-users but it might help you to know some people who aren't potheads, which is to say people who can just chill and hike around in the woods with you without fiending for a bowl (not that there's anything wrong with fiendin', I've been there).
I don't feel psychotic or manic in the medical sense really. Just find it hard to control my thoughts and fears and beat myself up mentally about it all.

Hallmark signs.

Do you have someone close to you who could evaluate your behaviour?
Hallmark signs.

Do you have someone close to you who could evaluate your behaviour?

hallmark signs of... what exactly? from any research ive done myself it seems most closely linked to OCD.

i've spoken to a few friends yeah. but everyone has different opinions.

probably best to wait to speak to my doctor..
The idea that nothing exists should be disregarded. Whether this is a reality or not, you should strive to enjoy your experience of life.

This is the only logical thing I could conclude from having experienced the same thing.
All the stuff about good and evil sounds manic/psychotic to me. It sounds like the sorts of things I was thinking when I was fully psychotic, and the sorts of things my friend with Bipolar I would get obsessed over before he was on medication.

But none of here are doctors. And you won't really know who the real you is until your brain adjusts to reality.

So basically see a psychiatrist if you feel like it, describe everything honestly as it happened. My thinking was a lot like yours, tons of OCD tendencies (obsessively cleaning the house because I felt everything needed its proper place), EXTREME anxiety (panic attacks about lying down in bed because it reminded me of being in the psychiatric wards), hallucinations (thinking I overheard people talking about me when they weren't, hearing whirring and beeping noises like recording equipment that weren't there), and delusions of various sorts. I still am a little out of it but it's not like it was. I just have to be kind to myself and not do things that will freak me out. I still don't handle crowds well.
well, the stuff about good and evil are things that all of us think about at some point, no?

perhaps the sudden thoughts of evil trying to control me are evidence of something else, i duno. people get those thoughts without the influence of drugs though, so perhaps all religious experience can be put down to mental illness? i'm not sure if i believe that.

my most rational explanation is perhaps just that my mind was trying to come up with some sort of reason for me to stop putting drugs into it, and partying so much, and becoming distracted from the things i want to do with my life, when i know i need to calm down with all of it a bit.

then i saw that film and started making all these connections.

however it's still something that interests me greatly. i just need to make sure that reading about it doesn't make me get all anxious and crazy again. actually quite excited to know what the doctor thinks.
well, the stuff about good and evil are things that all of us think about at some point, no?

perhaps the sudden thoughts of evil trying to control me are evidence of something else, i duno. people get those thoughts without the influence of drugs though, so perhaps all religious experience can be put down to mental illness? i'm not sure if i believe that.

my most rational explanation is perhaps just that my mind was trying to come up with some sort of reason for me to stop putting drugs into it, and partying so much, and becoming distracted from the things i want to do with my life, when i know i need to calm down with all of it a bit.

then i saw that film and started making all these connections.

however it's still something that interests me greatly. i just need to make sure that reading about it doesn't make me get all anxious and crazy again. actually quite excited to know what the doctor thinks.

Yeah there's nothing wrong with the good and evil stuff inherently, I'm just saying, it sounds like a psychotic thought process.

>then I saw that film and started making all htese connections

Bingo! That's what it's like to experience a manic or psychotic break, not that that's necessarily what you're having. But psychosis is all about your brain making tons of connections that it really shouldn't. Like thinking the universe is talking to you, or that you are somehow Special, and everything you see confirms the beliefs you've developed.

The problem is it's REALLY hard to distinguish between psychotic thought, and spiritual thought. I'm just saying how you seem to me.

Socrates used to hear a voice in his head he called his "daimon" ("spirit"). He also used to fall into standing meditations that would last all day and night. Was he a schizophrenic? Hell no, he was just a very wise man who experienced reality in a different way from the people around him, and he followed that different way without any reservations. He knew that he didn't Know. Psychosis is about thinking you Know Something.

Also everyone I've seen about treating my own Break (though idk if you're having a Break) said that the magic number for drug induced psychosis is about 3 months. Let us know what the doctor says, I'm very curious about psychiatry now. I went from hating it (given forcible injections with haldol, and it gave me extreme muscle side effects, and it took my own parents noticing that I was moving absolutely bizarrely for them to stop giving it to me, if I'd have said "this haldol is fucking me up" they would have pathologized that and probably given me even more haldol), to cautiously trusting them (on a low dose of an antipsychotic, keeps my thoughts from RACING and spinning out of control, also makes me a little bored and empty, gave me weird muscle side effects but my shrink knew exactly what to do about it, I just needed cogentin).\

Edit: One more thing: limit your caffeine consumption if not just stop entirely. A nice mug of strong coffee makes me feel better for about an hour but it increases my anxiety levels for like 12 hours after that. I just have a cup of tea every morning now, that's like 60mg of caffeine at the most. Caffeine has caused psychosis all on its own before, combined with sleep deprivation anyway. It is a stimulant so it's basically the last thing an anxious person wants to overconsume.
The shrink you see will put you on different meds depending on what symptoms you describe. If you talk about your racing thoughts feeding off each other and your beliefs on good and evil, he'd give you something like abilify. If you focus on your anxiety and OCD tendencies, he'd give you something like zoloft, maybe even some clonopin. A good psychiatrist will listen though. My treatment ended up being a low dose of abilify that I will begin to be weaned off as we get deeper into July.

Also you might want to read up on Mindfulness/Meditation stuff. You don't have to sit still to meditate. I'm still too akathisia'd to sit still for a long period of time. All you do is become aware of the sensation of your breath passing into and our of your mouth and nose, and you allow thoughts to pop up and race like thoughts do, but you don't attach yourself to them. A meditation session when you're going through psychosis is like "but-what-about-this-but-what-about-that oh yeah! I'm breathing! That feels good I'll return my awareness to my breath."

There are lots of good videos on how to practice mindfulness on youtube. There are also some bad videos, people who get obsessed with the strange experiences that can happen when you meditate, and they get wrapped up in new agey thinking about evil spirits and good spirits and astral projection, etc. etc., all that stuff is just silliness and delusion IMHO. Evil spirits only exist if we choose to believe in them. Psychedelic drugs aren't good or evil, they're just drugs, they make you see things, and sometimes they make you See Things for a while.

All of your strange thinking, and mine too, has a grain of truth. Drugs ARE overglorified in our society. People DO SEEM to be hugely narcissistic and wrapped up in their own selves. You just need to learn to recognize what are grains of truth, and what are racing thoughts. But you're already doing that. The fact that you realize you have a problem, and that the thoughts you have are sometimes abnormal, shows that you have what shrinks call Insight into your condition. I can honestly say you'll be fine if you abstain from drugs for a while, I think my psychosis may have been even worse than yours (though not necessarily, isn't that the worst thing about going a little crazy? You try to tell people you're truly feeling crazy and they immediately start talking over you and trying to tell you "you're not crazy one time I had a panic attack blablabla", only you can understand yourself, and for some reason people these days like to think of themselves as mentally ill, and when they're confronted with someone going through something *REAL* they can't stand it).

See that whole parenthetical paragraph is a little delusional. Even, dare I say it, a little grandiose. There's a grain of truth there, though.

Agh one last thing I just can't shut up today, I'm fascinated by your posts because you sound like me a few weeks ago:

It's a very illuminating article. All that psychosis is is disorganized thinking. You're on the edge right now between neurosis and psychosis. You're still making sense and you're still reality-checking. But be careful, I was fully psychotic for at least two or three weeks and it was terrifying. You won't become fully psychotic as long as you don't use any more drugs for a good long while.

There are two types of delusions: primary, and secondary. Your "delusions"/"almost-delusions"/whatever you want to call them, aren't that ridiculous. They are secondary delusions. Primary delusions are delusions with NO basis in reality, like if you started thinking you had tracking devices imbedded in your teeth that you had to pull out, that'd be a primary delusion. But if you, like me, start thinking of yourself as a Jesus figure who has chosen to remain in samsara in order to enlighten people, that's a secondary delusion (I really am a pretty compassionate person, I'm really into religion, and I was meditating a lot at that time, so it's not like that belief just came out of nowhere. I had even taken bodhisattva vows as a child).

Another helpful article on psychosis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brief_psychotic_disorder

So you're 24. That's a tough age, I'm 20, this whole period is very tough. You don't have to tell me you're under a lot of stress, I know you are, every 24 year old is. Stress combined with mind-warping drugs can make your thinking get out of whack, and time, therapy, and perhaps a minimum of medication, and you'll be right as rain before you know it. While you're IN the psychosis/mini-mania/whatever, it might FEEL like it's lasting for years, but it isn't, your perception of time gets distorted. A couple of months might feel like forever but it's only a couple of months.
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OP, is your future appointment with a physician or with a psychiatrist? If no, you might expect to be referred to one. That's not the end of the world. Rather, you might find it extremely helpful.

I agree with It's A Baby on all points. We both take Abilify, which has been a miracle for a bipolar patient like myself. For me, it literally brought my mixed state to a screeching halt. I was recently hospitalized where we learned to practice mindful meditation which has taught me in teaching me how to center and focus my thoughts. In fact, you can use youtube to find examples of mindful meditation.

Hope that you find this useful.
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hallmark signs of... what exactly? from any research ive done myself it seems most closely linked to OCD.

i've spoken to a few friends yeah. but everyone has different opinions.

probably best to wait to speak to my doctor..

Sorry, psychosis and mania (you don't have to have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder to be manic).
Yup, here ya go http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/threads/624506-Think-Psychedelics-are-Making-You-Insane-Me-Too!-Read-This!

I didn't even talk much about my delusions but they were extreme, I was putting secret messages into papers for my professors, I was awake for several days, I was also drinking a lot towards the end. It was like EVERYONE around me just needed a tiny push and they would be as omnisciently Enlightened as I thought I was. I ended up going to the ER and got put in a psychiatric ward for 11 days, I'm still recovering from that, it was traumatic to say the least...

It's a Baby, I think that you sound 100% clearer than you did in your initial post. I, too, was recently hospitalized and the first forty-eight hours were a complete blur but then I acquiesced ended up and feeling much better for it. I was a complete mess upon admission, had a security guard at the end of my bed, etc..
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Yeah Missykins I really like abilify. The only other antipsychotic I've taken was haldol which did all sorts of horrible things to me (nightmares that were indistinguishable from reality, tardive dyskinesia, all that fun stuff). Abilify is like a very clean antipsychotic, just like LSD is a very "clean" psychedelic. It puts you in the driver's seat. I was overmedicated on 20mg/day and even that was not too bad. I'm so comfortable on 5mg/day I'm almost scared to start going off of it but I need to get off the abilify for my psychiatrist to be able to figure out whether I need it or not. It's possible I do have Bipolar I or Bipolar II but we won't know that until I'm totally sober of all medications for a while.

The only downsides with abilify for me have been things feeling really flat and boring when I was on too high of a dose, and weird muscle rigidity problems which were easily alleviated with an anticholinergic. I still have a bit of restlessness in the day-time but that could well be just me. I feel like I can't sit still sometimes, etc, it's hard to tell if that's the abilify or the last vestiges of the manic substance-induced psychosis I experienced.

Atropa I know what you mean about all of your friends smoking pot. That's how I feel too. They are still my dear friends but I just can't handle being around pot smoke right now. I hang out with them when they don't smoke, and I've made some friends here and there in the meantime who, though they might smoke on the weekends, aren't full-time potheads like some of my closest friends are.
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I can relate to you OP, at least regarding the weed. I'm a chronic smoker, have been since I was 15 or 16, so for over 15 years. The good herb has a dark side, is all I can say. People claiming MJ is benign and totally safe are deluding themselves, sure, there is no proven long term damage, but I don't know any heavy weed users who dream at night, and personally my short and long term memory is completely shot while high. I remember little apart from really outstanding things from the years I was baked around the clock. Something tells me these things can't be normal, much less healthy.

Anyway, to get to the point, I don't use any psychedelics (lack of interest, at least until recently), and I had to take a really long break from weed in my mid-twenties during college. I suffered a real bad panic attack, just sitting there high as always in a lecture, and had to leave immediately, go home and hide in bed (lol). Every time after that, even the smallest toke would cause similar symptoms, anxiety through the roof and a tightness in the chest that made me think I'd drop on the spot.

So I decided to leave the weed alone completely, as I got nothing but negative effects from it. Surprisingly, neither the physical or mental WD symptoms were drastic, even after a 10 year habit. Of course I missed it for a while and had trouble sleeping for a few days, but that was it, so at least for me (I've heard other stories) it's very forgiving in that regard. The following year, same thing, so I abstained completely.

I only picked up toking regularly recently again, five years after the first panic attack, and even now only smoke very small amounts at home during the evening. Luckily, I don't get anxious then, as it's the best sleeping aid for me, fuck benzos and all that shit.

I can't really comment on the religious aspects you mentioned, I decided to be an antheist and stick to it until proven wrong, so I never really reflected on these things. I've never had any mental illnesses apart from addiction issues (at least that I'm aware of ;)), so my experience is rather limited in that field as well.

I guess I only wanted to tell of my experiences with the herb, and emphasize that it has negative properties.
by the last few stops i thought the journey would never end, but thankfully we got back to the small town my friend lives in. i thought i would feel ok when we got back to his flat. thought i'd be ok when i got some sleep. i couldn't sleep for over 12 hours. i couldn't get these weird ringing pounding noises out of my head. i was having really fucked up and gory closed eye visuals. horrible thoughts. basically i thought i experienced Hell, and the devil as well as god all at once. i cannot explain it much more than that because i suppose i've blocked some of it out, also it may go beyond verbal explanation.

anyway. the point of all this is that afterwards, i could not smoke weed without being brought back to a very similar mind state. i had to quit for the first time ever. i did some reading online which was equally comforting and paranoia-inducing. i thought i had caused some form of psychosis, i thought i was going schizophrenic. i had trouble sleeping for weeks, kept twitching myself awake whenever i drifted off etc.

i was also suffering some really bad intrusive thoughts. for example, i couldn't get the thought out of my mind that i may not be real. that everything i was sensing and experiencing may have been a lie. that no one else was real. however this was only after reading this as a possible symptom of schizophrenia, so i maybe just brought that on myself by doing so. i would also get thoughts of harming myself and others, of going crazy in public, basically if you type intrusive thoughts into wikipedia i got pretty much all of the ones listed. i was absolutely terrified that i was going apeshit crazy.

but... after a while i started smoking weed again. i couldn't smoke as much as i did before (and still cannot) but i was okay with it for a while. i went for a few weeks toking, then a few days stopping. i would get the intrusive thoughts again any time i stopped.

after doing a bit of reading i have come to discover that it may not have been the LSD that caused the intrusive thoughts, but actually just the withdrawal from cannabis. a lot of chronic tokers apparently get very similar things, and there is still no clear understanding if it is a direct cause of the cannabis, or if perhaps the cannabis just helps symptoms of people who naturally have more of a desposition to OCD (i think i;ve always been a little bit OCD since childhood).

Hi there, thanks for sharing what you've been going through! It was great for me to read because I feel a lot of empathy for you and your experience. I too am 24-years old interestingly enough and have been dealing with OCD-like obsessive thoughts for a little less than a year. I was a daily cannabis smoker from age 17 until 23, I quit last July after it started to give me very bad experiences physically and mentally. I haven't touched it since then.

A couple months after quitting cannabis I started to get bad anxiety/near panic attacks, usually in the morning. I quit caffeine entirely at this point thinking there was probably some correlation. This helped a little but not much. A month or so after these anxiety episodes began, I started getting the intrusive thoughts, very disconcerting ones that are nothing like e and it plunged me into a deep depression (it being winter time didn't help either). I've been seeing a psychologist since January. I don't want to make the leap to a psychiatrist and drugs yet, because while what I'm dealing with is rough it is not really debilitating and I still have faith in my ability to correct it through lifestyle changes and actively working to change how my mind works.

Seeing the psychologist has been incredibly helpful for overcoming the depression and anxiety associated with the thoughts, but as of yet everything we've tried does not stop them from actully occuring, although they occur less as well. The fact that i am able to see through them and recognize them for what they means that I am able to go about life 99% normally, but the fact that they still almost constantly plague me is something I desperately want to overcome.

You mention that you've read other accounts of intrusive thoughts issues with cannabis and with ceasing use of it - could you maybe link to some of these?

PM me if you'd ever like to talk more. :)