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[Ketamine Subthread] Intramuscular Injection (IM)

I was spoiled cuz the last few times I got K, it was vials.

Thanks for the responses, guys. I'm impressed at how soluble K is in a domestic setting without any other additives that vials have!

I've never used a micron filter before. Always cotton from Q-tips and such. Never had any problems but as I can get micron filters, might as well be safer. .22u? Is that standard for needles of any gauge?
Weird, your link didn't work, but there's always the search engine.

And I remember the name too. Hi! :)
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Link was fixed for future reference,

and the thread was merged into the K subthread, even though I realize preparing a sterile solution applies to all IM, SC and IV injection practice.

Hey all,

Sometime this month I'll be IM'ing some Ketamine (first time doing K). I wanted to know whether it would be plausible to IM a medium dose, then bump that up to a K-hole? I read about Ketamine tolerance being a bitch, so I would definitely want to K-hole my first time, and if I didn't I would be likely to attempt it the next day, which wouldn't be great. If I manage to do what I set out to achieve, I'd wait a week or so before having some more.

Also, will I be likely to make any kind of noise on Ketamine unintentionally?

If you don't have general dissociative tolerance then yes, taking a proper dose on top of a medium one should be able to make you K-hole.

And the chance that you unintentionally make noise is quite small but not non-existent.

Merging this with the ketamine IM subthread. :)
K tolerance does build up rather quickly (doubled doses after a few day binge) and not only that, even if you can achieve the same level of high based on general dissociative and motor skill impairment, the mental effects won't quite be the same.
You will remember less of your k hole, it will e dramatically less vivid, an usually after I use I for two days I simply black out when I k hole.
K is best when done in moderation, but that's had because even with the effects being diminished its still a hell of a lot better than being sober :p
And if you're by yourself you probably won't make noise, but you never know.
In one of my k holes my friend apparently began calling me like a cat and I followed her and nuzzled her leg then followed her like a cat up to my bed where I fell asleep.
One of those things where you're SO gla nobody took a video
I had never used a needle before but have had conversations with friends who were IV users so I had a good enough understanding to pull off an IM. This was over 6 months ago at this point, and havn't run into any K in a while but I have to say this is the absolute best way to use Ketamine... seems to even change the effects - more euphoric, more dreamy/trippy, the fast onset of ridiculous vibration is amazing, and you use so much less of your K. And to be honest, I think it is LESS addictive when used IM then when snorted, at least it felt that way to me.

After doing a few shots in each arm, my arm was achy for a few days.

I was spoiled cuz the last few times I got K, it was vials.

Thanks for the responses, guys. I'm impressed at how soluble K is in a domestic setting without any other additives that vials have!

I've never used a micron filter before. Always cotton from Q-tips and such. Never had any problems but as I can get micron filters, might as well be safer. .22u? Is that standard for needles of any gauge?

to be honest, i never noticed any problems with the K I had... it was crystals that would all dissolve into the water so I never saw a point. Though maybe thats why my arms ached?
It's not what you see but what you don't see. Without filters there is a chance you inject yourself with some virulent pathogen that could cause an abscess or worse. Getting away with it and not noticing anything wrong does not prove anything but it just demonstrates that you don't get an infection 100% of the time without a filter but some of the time.
It is up to you if you can be bothered to protect yourself just to be sure. Personally the idea alone freaks me out, I am okay taking certain risks with drugs but not regarding this.

I agree with most of the things you say about IM being superior by the way. And it also felt surprisingly less addictive to me at first, that is probably because repeated mechanical habits like using your hand to puff on a cig or joint, or snorting something become wired together with the reward circuits in your brain. So that even the action alone is connected to euphoria, craving and compulsive behavior.

If you are new to IM'ing, you have not 'learned' to connect that yet... but trust me, injecting something is just another thing that can become compulsive. In the back of my mind I have even played with the thought of consciously injecting a saline solution to that effect, basically just for the relief of that hard wired craving. Which is a laughable idea, but in this light it makes total sense.

Fortunately I got my habits under control now. :)

Also, the first while I didn't really cycle injection sites and primarily used my thighs because the are large, easy to do and conveniently placed. Plus I actually found it hard to believe that you can inject into your shoulders without jamming the needle right into the bone.
A little later I tried my butt and shoulders and I don't mind any of them. It can be tricky to do the shoulder because you have only one arm to do everything (including aspirating test etc) which is a very awkward position for your arm... but it is not really that hard to master.

To make it so that your arms don't ache, cycle injection sites and massage the muscle well after you injected - and repeat that a few times over the course of an hour or more. Helps a lot.

I got one weird thing though: the last time I injected MXE and stuff my syringes seemed to malfunction: if I tried to aspirate after inserting the needle it somehow got air coming in between where the needle is mounted on the syringe. I have Luer-slip, not Luer-lock. Not sure if that is the reason... but it was really annoying and it happened a number of times consistently...
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I have been IMing powder ketamine for 3 years now and roughly 1-2 times a month, still enjoying it. So far I have used Sterifilters (5 µm) and have had no problems whatsoever, but now I'm considering switching to micron filters (0.22 µm) just to be on the safe side. However, micron filters are pretty expensive, so I'd prefer to prepare a 3g/30ml solution at once using bacteriostatic water. It would take me about 6-8 months to use this amount. Is it safe to store the solution in a multi use vial with a rubber stopper for this time or will it degrade/go bad?
Steps for IMing Street K?

I've gone round and round the internet, but I'm yet to find a sure way to turn street K into liquid for proper IM.

So I have my hands on extremely pure ketamine, and I've gotten to a point where I'm tired of snorting K. I used to love it! But now, the clogged nose doesn't do it for me. Besides, IM'd K-holes are the best! Anyway, can anybody give me the correct steps I need to turn my street K into IM-quality K? The only thing I know I need is a .23 micron filter if I'm not mistaken. I really hope Solipsis can chime in and help me out! :)
I am not to versed just with insulin rigs and cotton from exchanges. Also other helpful materials if there's an exchange nearby ask them for help. I'll try to give the best guide I can although please someone correct me if I'm wrong unless it's overexcessive effort to reduce harm making the procedure unneeded pain as it's better to be safe than sorry... I hear im is much more risky than iv.

Iso alcohol pads for sterilizing
Shot glass
Sterile water solution*
Brand new Filter
Brand new Syringes (I've been recommended oral syringes for use with micron although I'm assuming you have all the leur lock gear stuff)
Sterile cotton swabs
(Optional) medical tape/band aid
(Optional) purell or generic hand sanitizer


1. Clean yourself as well as your space. Create a sterile space to work with using isopropyl alcohol pads as a final touch or a paper towel soaked in alcohol. Use hand sanitizer or alcohol to sterilize hands.

2. Steralize your clean shot glass by wiping it down with the iso pads and a sterilized cotton ball

3. Pull up about 100 units** of steralized water with syringe. I recommend using cheap insulin syringes for measurement like this.

4. Release 20 units of water into sterile shot glass (optional again wipe with iso followed by a sterile cotton ball) for each 60 mg of k*** as the less water the better.

5. Mix the solution with something sterile. No heat is neccisarry whatsoever just agitation until the solutions clear. I use the plunger of a new syringe as it is sterile until uncapped. A paper clip sterilized with iso works as well.

6. Attach the wheel filter to syringe and pull the solution through if using sterile oral syringe and release it in a second sterile glass you could use your other syringe to collect up. I could see also pulling into a leur lock and attaching a syringe to each end of the wheel filter and pushing it through the filter from your collection syringe to your shooting syringe. Personally I used insulin rigs and cotton balls from the NEX to dissolve and filter although in the sake of harm reduction always use .20 micron or so rated filters with street quality stuff especially if you're a regular user.

7. First sterilize your injection site by wiping it with.... That's right an iso pad! Attatch new needle to rig or remove cap of insulin syringe depending what you have. Open a new pad and wipe down the site and your hands.

8. Use medical tape with cotton ball or band aid to cover wound and not allow bleeding to occur badly.

9. Fall into that hole unless your shooting lower responsibly

*If you can not get a sterile water solution from a local needle exchange or some other source buy distilled water. Pour some into a sterile canning jar (wipe clean jar with iso pads and allow to dry or wipe with sterile cotton balls to make sterile) double boil it and allow it to cool before using. Do this step first if needed

**10 unit=0.1 ml

*** possibly more my experience is limited

You should probably wait for another member to give some follow up comments although I think this guide should help you figure out how you can work with your space to make things safe. Sterility and patients is key.

Edit: brand new needles and rigs to!
The above sounds good. You can buy bacteriostatic water (either with 0.9% NaCl or without - it is just the same concentration of salt as in your body so it is a match), but you can also just buy distilled or demineralized water and preferably boil it before use and let it cool while protecting it from random - invisible - stuff which is always floating in the air, that could land in it. Personally I figure that the 0.2 micron filter will more or less sterilize your solution anyway but it is best to start out as sterile as possible anyway. Plus the street K will not be sterile / fully clean so let's not kid ourselves with that anyway. Imperative is that there is no particulate matter left, as it will clogg your filter. Also the filter is not 100% perfect.
Make sure you do your absolute best and don't cut any corners, if you don't work cleanly the chances of it spoiling (faster) are relatively a lot bigger and you would be exposing yourself to serious risk.

IMO make the solution 100 mg / ml, so 10 ml for every gram of K. Draw the solution into a clean syringe and put an unused wheel filter on top of the syringe and fit it with an unused sterile needle.

Use empty sterile vials, order them from somewhere. I will not instruct any DIY shit since I don't do or condone that myself.

Put a loose needle in the rubber cap of a sterile vial so the air can get out that is displaced by the K solution that you put in. Now inject the K solution through the wheel filter into the sterile vial until 'full'. Don't make them too full obviously, typically the vials are made to contain like 10 or 20 or 50 ml with some extra air space.

Was anything left out?

Talking about not using bacteriostatic water: vials like that don't have an unlimited shelf life and there is a chance any bacteria that made it in multiply which can be dangerous! But you can improve a lot on that by adding benzyl alcohol yourself thus making it bacteriostatic- weirdly enough also 0.9% is a normal concentration only this time it is by volume while the NaCl / salt concentration mentioned earlier is by weight.
I didn't always use to have benzyl alcohol but I have a small vial of the pure stuff now - should last me a lifetime.

Also curious: how do you know your K is pure and not cut - even if slightly - with something you don't know?
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Thank you for your help! Obviously, I don't know 100%, but the source isn't the "street." Without saying too much, I didn't get it from the streets, and there's plenty of people who can review and independently test the product in a lab.

After reading all this, I worry I might mess up down the road and end up getting sick. I might just stick to sealed vials for now, but I will definitely keep reading this over and over until I'm 100% confident with what I'm doing.

Thank you for all your replies!
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It's good to be realistic about the risks, your level of understanding and experience, and the grasp you have on the matter... I've had both sealed vials of different brands/kinds and self-filled vials, and I wish I had better access to racemic K again since I don't really like the separate isomers anymore for a number of reasons. If you can get sealed vials, sure hold off on these preparations... may cost a little more but you get good certainty of quality and safety.
Solipsis, I could have sworn that every other post of yours that I've read, you used to recommend a .23 micron filter instead of a .2. Is my memory just failing me? Also, should I order PVDF, PFE, PES, or nylon filters? I'm guessing Whatman is the industry brand that everybody orders, but does anybody recommend any brand? In the name of harm reduction, a few extra bucks won't kill me lol.

If I do decide to proceed, these are the steps I'm going to take.

1) Sterile environment.
2) Sterilize a shot glass, fill it with 10 mL of bacteriostatic water (using a sterile 10 mL syringe & needle (what gauge? Also, I say a needle because, from what I'm seeing, bacteriostatic waters comes in a sealed vial with a rubber top, just like all other vials,) discard syringe & needle after use,) add 1g of ketamine, and stir it well using something sterile.
3) Draw up solution into a new sterile 10 mL syringe (sterile needle optional, as maybe I won't be able to get every last drop without a needle,) remove needle, attach .2 micron wheel filter (I know they're only good for one use, but will ONE .2 micron wheel filter be enough for sterilizing 10 mL of solution?) and attach a new sterile needle to the filter and inject into an empty sterile vial. I won't forget what you said about using another loose needle for the air.
4) Jump into the k-hole following proper IM steps which I've gone through many times with pharmaceutical ketamine vials!
Sorry was lazy and couldn't be bothered to remember or check if it was .21 or .23 microns or whatever - .2 probably doesn't exist cause it is just a rounded number that is supposed to be pretty much the same thing. That's why. ;) Thought it would go unnoticed, so yeah keen eye I guess.

Gauge needle does not matter for drawing a liquid and handling it like that, anything other than cannula type shit is going to work nicely, if anything thin needles work a little slower cause less liquid fits through in the same timespan. If you do IM shots anyway you can just use those needles. I can't really recall a single time my IM needles were imcompatible with what I wanted to do unless it'd be drawing up and expelling liquid Psilocybe cultures which are veerrry thick - I got metal cannulas for that!

How much solution you could filter with one filter probably depends on how much 'stuff' (filtrant?) is floating in that liquid, which should be fine if you don't do this in a gravel pit. If you plan on making a liter you might wanna reconsider, as a figure of speech... but I personally try to save up different things I want to put into vials so that I can all do them in one go, one filter. That is technically not really kosher but as long as I am fine with any of the involved substances contaminating the other ones with a trace amount, it is a reasonable price to pay IMO. And that should not be too much to filter at all and it would be an unnecessary waste to use a filter for each separate substance. Again: unless the substances would be contraindicated and I believed in homeopathy.

Actually I doubt I have a sealed packet with a clean filter to check the label for material of the filter, but I remember checking if the material used in mine would withstand boiling so that I might resterilize them (I guess that would only work if the pores dont melt together and there is not a whole bunch of stuff that got stuck in the filter). It is a sketchy idea/plan and I am not at all close to going there.
The substances involved are not corrosive or do not dissolve plastics like some solvents. AFAIK you can use any of them. And I would personally not worry about brands either, unless they were filters made from recycled materials by some sweatshop kids who also 'recycle' batteries by hand. ;)
Thinking back, and going through you posts, it always was a .2 micron filter, I was getting it confused with the .45 filter I've seen online, and a 23 gauge needle. I took the two digits out of 45 and swapped it with 23 lol.

Sweet, thanks! I may or may not do this, and I want to lean on the side of not doing it for safety reasons, but I know my wants are going to take over and I might end up taking the plunge soon lol.
Now got got me confused about the pore size stuff as well :!

Anyway, be careful. Know what you are unclear about in particular, play it in your mind - everything should make sense. Something like "sterilize workplace", may not really mean that you wear a hazmat suit and everything, but still make everything clear and concrete: 'what does that mean and what does it look like?'. Make sure about that, and also that you are confident you can manage. Consider starting with not all your K so that you can afford to fuck up, see if you can get a little extra of every piece of equipment needed, and return here if shit goes sideways.
And yeah don't skimp out on preservatives like the benzyl alcohol. I guess I never worried much about what I was doing since I got kind of a background in this sort of thing, but that could have meant my overconfidence. Better safe than sorry.
Haha no, it was a 3.1415926535 micron filter lol.

Yeah, good idea. I was planning on buying these item in bulk anyway, for future proofing myself :). As for the water, I was planning on buying bacteriostatic water. Now, I know you said it doesn't matter, but what if there's no difference between bacteriostatic water with and without sodium chloride, why even sell the two variants? For $1 extra with added NaCl, is it worth getting that variant? From what I read, the difference only helps when you IV? Which do you personally recommend I get, since I'm going to be IMing it and not IVing it? Also, I figure that a 1g vial will last me about 5 weeks (200 mg shot on the weekend is enough for a k-hole lol.)