Opiate Withdrawal.

Sunrise, We are strong! I am on day 6 free of all opioids. I too kicked all drugs and alcohol back in 1999. If we had it within us to kick drugs back then, we still have that core of strength to kick pills now. I have more to lose... if I stay on pills after Obamacare is repealed, I will go through my money like a junkie buying on the streets, instead of through a pharmacy. I am sick of that pill life...I mostly isolated. The high is really over rated, at least to me, Talk about chasing..... We can do this!!!!
I was just horrible today, horrible...I couldnt stand anything or anyone and I won't mention myself. I scared the kids...that is so not me, so unfair. That's not worth it. I was a bully just an hour ago, Im ashamed...Fuck the fucking drugs, the CTs and all that shit. Getting high to just go oh so fucking low. POkemama, your so right, the high is really over rated. What are we chasing? That is so not worth it. So if youve done it back in 1999, like me, you can do it again! Day 6 dude ( assuming) youre a dude! Well done, just think for one instant how your life could be without any pills, any CTs, any fear... Day 3 for me! Again, ha ha ha!
first of all, Sunrise, I am not a dude. My son, now grown, was addicted to those pokemon cards. Since I paid for them, I am the P0ke mama. Get it? You might be a bully, but you are realizing it and therefore can apologize and correct your behavior, you need to remember why you are quitting... I can't believe I actually forget for some moments. But, my in real life support person reminds me every day why I want to get clean. It is mindboggling how much money I will save each month, and even more when healthcare changes. I am just too old to be playing these games at the pain management clinic every month. I am gonna get ready for day 7 coming up~! And you stay strong... you are doing this!!!
I have a question that I have searched for an answer on here but never found one. Please forgive if this has been asked.

I have had to take more of my M.S Contin this month due to painful seizures and some kind of weird attack.
I live with severe chronic pain, injuries, and illness.

I'm low on my M.S Contin for three days. I have enough to take 2 pills a day but that is a huge cut. I was wondering if I take just a few Loperamide with the lower dose of M.S Contin, will it help to make these next few days more comfortable?
Or will the loperamide block the M.S Contin and put me into worse withdrawal? I notice a blocking effect of my M.S Contin after taking loperamide but I have never taken both at once.

I have got to get the dosage down and down fast. I cannot take any extra when I get my refill. I have become used to a larger amount by needing to take more for 3-4 weeks. My normal dosage is 75 mg a day, I have been taking 105 mg a day for 3-4 weeks. I have enough for 60 mg for the next three days, then I can take 75 mg. I hope. I'm really in need of an increase after 9 years but my doctor says NO WAY.

If the taper gets too painful, would I be better off just taking my regular dose and going one day with nothing but loperamide?
I worry about taking very much loperamide (or any) because I am really unstable right now with just having seizures and some kind of major attack that the doctor thinks may have been a stroke. I have to go have a MRI and see a neurologist.

I'm afraid of stressing my body out at all right now or I would just go a day or two with nothing to get my tolerance back down.

What would you guys do?
first of all, Sunrise, I am not a dude. My son, now grown, was addicted to those pokemon cards. Since I paid for them, I am the P0ke mama. Get it? You might be a bully, but you are realizing it and therefore can apologize and correct your behavior, you need to remember why you are quitting... I can't believe I actually forget for some moments. But, my in real life support person reminds me every day why I want to get clean. It is mindboggling how much money I will save each month, and even more when healthcare changes. I am just too old to be playing these games at the pain management clinic every month. I am gonna get ready for day 7 coming up~! And you stay strong... you are doing this!!!

Poke way to go!!!!!!!! Ive said those exact words as you (I am just too old to be playing these games at the pain management clinic every month) it feels so good not to worry every month how they are gonna f with me now, they control your whole life for that reason alone it was worth it for me after over 20 years!. You have the 3 top meds for success clonidine, gabapentin, and ativan, hopefully you are dosing high enough with gabapentin it will cover so much of wds!. And keep and eye on your bp even though you have clonidine mine was up and down at first. You just made my day reading this!! you got this your a tough Italian woman! im praying for you.
I have a question that I have searched for an answer on here but never found one. Please forgive if this has been asked.

I have had to take more of my M.S Contin this month due to painful seizures and some kind of weird attack.
I live with severe chronic pain, injuries, and illness.

I'm low on my M.S Contin for three days. I have enough to take 2 pills a day but that is a huge cut. I was wondering if I take just a few Loperamide with the lower dose of M.S Contin, will it help to make these next few days more comfortable?
Or will the loperamide block the M.S Contin and put me into worse withdrawal? I notice a blocking effect of my M.S Contin after taking loperamide but I have never taken both at once.

I have got to get the dosage down and down fast. I cannot take any extra when I get my refill. I have become used to a larger amount by needing to take more for 3-4 weeks. My normal dosage is 75 mg a day, I have been taking 105 mg a day for 3-4 weeks. I have enough for 60 mg for the next three days, then I can take 75 mg. I hope. I'm really in need of an increase after 9 years but my doctor says NO WAY.

If the taper gets too painful, would I be better off just taking my regular dose and going one day with nothing but loperamide?
I worry about taking very much loperamide (or any) because I am really unstable right now with just having seizures and some kind of major attack that the doctor thinks may have been a stroke. I have to go have a MRI and see a neurologist.

I'm afraid of stressing my body out at all right now or I would just go a day or two with nothing to get my tolerance back down.

What would you guys do?

To my knowledge this is no interaction between loperamide and ms contin both are opioids lop needs to be taken in higher doses to get relief which always scared me because of constipation. There are lots of threads here using lop if you had lyrica (pregabapentin) or gabapentin it would help alot also good luck.
Thanks so much for the kind and supportive words, LD!!! You know Italian women are strong and persistent... I would get this thing once the timing in my life was right. Today is day 7, totally off of all opiates. I am running low on clonidine, which is the biggest help. Also low on gaba, but I do have some Lyrica... God, it makes me feel so loopy, and then I have some other type of blood pressure med probably a beta blocker, that I can use if my blood pressure is troublesome. I have ativan, but want to be very careful as to not get addicted.
Thanks so much for the kind and supportive words, LD!!! You know Italian women are strong and persistent... I would get this thing once the timing in my life was right. Today is day 7, totally off of all opiates. I am running low on clonidine, which is the biggest help. Also low on gaba, but I do have some Lyrica... God, it makes me feel so loopy, and then I have some other type of blood pressure med probably a beta blocker, that I can use if my blood pressure is troublesome. I have ativan, but want to be very careful as to not get addicted.

My pleasure you are one of the reasons i come back on here to check on things. As long as you have something to control your bp a beta blocker will work. And yes lyrica made me feel a little drunk like, i was bumping into stuff but held back wds GREAT!. I have actually started taking some of my lyrica lately for sleep with paws it gives me better sleep than xans which worry me more then lyrica taking too often. Remember lyrica is alot stronger than gabapentin i have 150mgs pills and when i was in first two days of wds i was dosing 450mgs at once, which i realized on day three i didnt need that much. But all in all the symptoms that suck in wds then paws all together dont suck near as bad as that ball and chains i worn everyday for over 20 years on ops.
TLD: Thanks! I have 150mg ( I think) dosage pills of Lyrica and that is plenty strong. Because of my tapering, I was only taking 300mg gabapentin about 4 times a day, and it held off most w/d symptoms nicely. So 150 mg of Lyrica will kick my you know what! I think I will try to wait til tonight to take the Lyrica.
TLD: Thanks! I have 150mg ( I think) dosage pills of Lyrica and that is plenty strong. Because of my tapering, I was only taking 300mg gabapentin about 4 times a day, and it held off most w/d symptoms nicely. So 150 mg of Lyrica will kick my you know what! I think I will try to wait til tonight to take the Lyrica.

Those lyricas are gonna help you cruise through the next days like a champ they really work so dam good they help so much with the nerve pains i get in my feet plus sleep.
Thank you, my dear friend! I will give them a try this evening, and will let you know how it went. :)
first of all, Sunrise, I am not a dude. My son, now grown, was addicted to those pokemon cards. Since I paid for them, I am the P0ke mama. Get it? You might be a bully, but you are realizing it and therefore can apologize and correct your behavior, you need to remember why you are quitting... I can't believe I actually forget for some moments. But, my in real life support person reminds me every day why I want to get clean. It is mindboggling how much money I will save each month, and even more when healthcare changes. I am just too old to be playing these games at the pain management clinic every month. I am gonna get ready for day 7 coming up~! And you stay strong... you are doing this!!!

Oh my apologies Pkmama!! So you ca relate a bit more when Im talking about being around the kids. Thanks for youre words, they means a lot cause Im struggling really hard, by myself. Today is day 4 and the cravings are just too much...I have to old on. It is not worth it. So now your on day 7? Keep up the good work, hope the biggest w/ds symtoms are getting more bearable. I too thing clonodine helps a lot. You stay strong ok?
Poke- beware of lyrica wd's too. Some people have none, but some folks have life altering wd's. I use it too and I have to taper after only 4 days use(i get bad insomnia, have to taper down for 2 days)
PainfulOne- no experience with loperamide here but I do have a suggestion for your dilemma.
Cut your pills in half and then plan every dose til you get your refill. Figure out when you can afford to be in WD ( nighttime, kids at school, etc), plan for how long it takes to kick in when you dose, and stick to your plan. It's a couple of days and just know that even cold turkey doesn't get to it's worst until around day 4. It will be a bit of a struggle, and you will be sick of staring at the clock, but the little bump every few hours should reset the withdrawls enough to make it bearable.
If you get desperate for the half-pills to work faster you can chew them and let them dissolve in your mouth. They taste like dog crap, but I have done it with 30 mg ER oxy and relief comes MUCH faster(but doesn't last as long).
Just don't deviate from your plan for any reason or you will be in full withdrawl for your a day and life will suck.
Sunrise- I am envious. I just got my refill today and I kind of wish the Dr would cut me off. It feels like I'm staring at Mt Everest- I know I will have to climb it. I keep waiting for better weather, but it seems the weather is only getting worse. It's four days climb and I can see you just reached the top.
It's all going to get easier every day for you now.
Don't forget you can always B.S. your family and friends and blame everything on the flu until you get your energy back. I did it a year ago, cold turkey off oxy, and nobody questioned anything.
I'm low on my M.S Contin for three days. I have enough to take 2 pills a day but that is a huge cut. I was wondering if I take just a few Loperamide with the lower dose of M.S Contin, will it help to make these next few days more comfortable?

The answer to your question is yes the loperamide can attenuate W/D's and even be a very short term replacement but to do this it takes huge doses (up to 100mg) that cause little side effects for some and deadly ones for others. The most common are Peripheral Side Effects but also progress to heart problems like arrhythmia's and prolonged QT syndrome, Torsades de Pointes. If that's not enough, lope is also neuro toxic and cardio toxic if these levels are sustained. If you are in seriously bad shape from w/d's then progress slowly with the lope but if toughing it out is at all plausible than I highly suggest sticking to that course of action and using 10mg or less for it's intended purpose. Hope everything works out.
Thank you Jekyl Anhydrite - I was having some withdrawals from lowering the dosage of the M.S Contin and took 10 mg loperamide along with the lower dosage of M.S Contin and it has worked great. I can sleep now. I was in withdrawal territory of not sleeping tonight.

I totally agree with you. I would never take more than 10 mg and only for a very short period of time 2-3 days maximum.

This did help though and it answered the question of if a small dose of loperamide along with a lower dosage of your prescribed pain medication can hold off the withdrawal until refill in 2 days. It did not interact with the M.S Contin and put me in worse withdrawals.
I was worried it might have a stronger affinity or something like I hear others say about suboxone and might kick off the M.S Contin but it did not. Good tool for tapering. Only for a very short time though.
Loperamide is supposed to have a much higher potency than morphine but so little of makes it to the CNS (without polysorbate 80 coated nano particles and pGP inhibitors anyways) that it becomes moot. Glad to hear and confirm that 10mg was sufficient to potentiate the MS a little and things are working out. Hang n there.
Oh my apologies Pkmama!! So you ca relate a bit more when Im talking about being around the kids. Thanks for your words, they means a lot cause Im struggling really hard, by myself. Today is day 4 and the cravings are just too much...I have to old on. It is not worth it. So now your on day 7? Keep up the good work, hope the biggest w/ds symtoms are getting more bearable. I too thing clonodine helps a lot. You stay strong ok?

Oh Sunrise, No worries, at least you are right.. we can relate in that we both know how hard and unending the work of being a mother really is. My kids are grown... I cannot imagine how courageous you are to do this with the younger kids... you are a strong woman! Congrats on day 4... you are doing such a noble and right thing for yourself and your family. You all deserve to live life sober... it is definitely worth the pain and struggle. I am sorry you are getting strong cravings... what do you do to distract yourself? Can you listen to music? Have a list of positive affirmations taped to the bathroom mirror that you can read to yourself... of the reasons you are quitting? The longer you stay clean, the more the cravings diminish. I have not had cravings that much... they may be waiting for me or not. I have been dealing with the physical symptoms of weakness and dizziness if I try to walk very much. I am thinking once I am off the clonidine I will not be so lightheaded, and can accomplish more. Fingers crossed, that in a few hours I will be at day 8.
Stay strong and hang in there!!! You are doing this, and the worst of the physical symptoms should soon start to weaken!! You are motivating me to continue on this journey of recovery!!!
Don't forget you can always B.S. your family and friends and blame everything on the flu until you get your energy back. I did it a year ago, cold turkey off oxy, and nobody questioned anything.
Hehe, idk why I never thought of that ;) I can see it now, everybody is bringing you chicken soup and wearing masks as to not catch your awful flu.