Opiate Withdrawal.

Loveofmynephew- TPD put it much better into words than I did. Bottom line is your taper is really aggressive and possibly doomed. However, you have already come this far. Maybe keep him at 25 mg until he is stable and come up with a better plan? If he is already begging for more, then he will surely quit and go out and get high if you keep going this way.
You might try a Benzo, Clonazapam, OR Ativan worked well for Me. Avoid Valium or Xanax,
as they work too slow (Valium), and too fast (Xanax). Drink lots of Gatorade, and avoid fatty foods
Good Luck.
mariconix said:
Toothpastedog, can I ask you some advice on tapering oxy? I really don't know how I should do it or if I should do it or just CT...And if I don't start now, It will become harder and harder.

Mari -

TPD is awesome at advising on tapers! He seems to mostly hang out in Sober Living and I think only stopped by here cause he was asked to give some advice to loveofmyneph. Can you go over to SL and make your own thread? Or PM him?

Best of luck, Mari!

- VE
TDS is actually very, very dear to my heart. It was what got me interested in BL back when I was just get involved with heroin, gosh almost a decade from now ago. There is just so much I am trying to do with SL I get a little sucked in (to put it mildly). I always love popping by TDS though :) <3

You might try a Benzo, Clonazapam, OR Ativan worked well for Me. Avoid Valium or Xanax,
as they work too slow (Valium), and too fast (Xanax). Drink lots of Gatorade, and avoid fatty foods
Good Luck.

Actually of all the benzodiazepine meds you mention diazepam is the gold standard when it comes to opioid detoxes. Second best is clonazepam and third is lorazepam. No one should be using alprazolam to help them detox from opioids unless they cannot access a more suitable benzo.

Toothpastedog, can I ask you some advice on tapering oxy? I really don't know how I should do it or if I should do it or just CT...And if I don't start now, It will become harder and harder.

I saw your post in SL and will reply probably later tonight, if not tomorrow sometime. Keep your head up!
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So Im jumping from 250mgs/day of oxy. Wish me luck...Ill need it. Ive stash on OTC meds and Kratom. Plus Clonodien and Ketazolam. Hope it will be ok.
Sunriseoversea- best of luck! Check back in and let us all know how it is going occasionsaly. Daily posting will probably help someone else who wants to quit too.
Please be careful of kratom! Although many people tout this as a miracle drug, it doesn't mix with some people's chemistry. I was encouraged to use kratom by a friend who swore by it. He told me that after 2 decades of use that he was forced off it while doing a month in jail and had absolutely zero detox or withdrawals. This was not the case for me. I can't escape the grasp of this monster and I regret ever trying it. It might work for many people but it doesn't work for everyone.
Please be careful of kratom! Although many people tout this as a miracle drug, it doesn't mix with some people's chemistry. I was encouraged to use kratom by a friend who swore by it. He told me that after 2 decades of use that he was forced off it while doing a month in jail and had absolutely zero detox or withdrawals. This was not the case for me. I can't escape the grasp of this monster and I regret ever trying it. It might work for many people but it doesn't work for everyone.
Thanks Kratom misery for your concern. I used Kratom before for PAWs and it help me a lot. I haven't used it yet. Today was my fourth day of jumping from a 250mgs/day of oxy and sometimes more, but I didn't make it to day 5...I suck.
Sunriseoversea- It's not over yet. You made it through three days of Oxy wd's. Your tolerance is way down now and you can go back to getting clean. Or you can get yourself on a good taper and not suffer as much.
Either way you should be proud of yourself and not go back to being an addict. Don't let yourself be a junkie who suffered through wd's for three days - Be a survivor who slipped on the way to getting your life back.
Sunriseoversea- It's not over yet. You made it through three days of Oxy wd's. Your tolerance is way down now and you can go back to getting clean. Or you can get yourself on a good taper and not suffer as much.
Either way you should be proud of yourself and not go back to being an addict. Don't let yourself be a junkie who suffered through wd's for three days - Be a survivor who slipped on the way to getting your life back.
Squeaky, thanks for your words, youre right. I would try not to be too hard on myself. No junkie bullshit for me ah ha. I have a plan and Im going to stick to it. I finish with whats left and then CT again. Can't taper. Won't be good at it. Love the high too much. I can do it. How are you doing Squeaky?
It's really hard to quit with a bottle of pills so easy to get to. I'm still trying to taper. Been stuck around 45-60 mg/ day for months. Going back to work in ten days. I'm hoping the distraction of work will help me get off the oxy. I don't get high at all, it's just the pain in my back and the anxiety from wd's is murder. My biggest problem is that I'm really productive when I take my pills. I have strength, energy, patience. It makes it hard to want to quit.
I am about to start day 5 of my cold turkey from my prescribed oxymorphone ER and oxycodone. I was able to taper somewhat, but had to jump off at the end. I feel so weak... I cannot go to the store and I need to... out of my Gatorade. So far, clonidine, ativan, and gabapentin have helped. Buy my stomach feels like it has been punched, and is not getting better. I have to be successful this time, I cannot go through this pain again.
Pokemama, Im with you here, day 1 or day 2 I dont remember, of my second CT in less then a week. Im holding on big time cause I cant fake a big flu anymore...Had to go to a fairwell party in the mountains today and walk for miles with a group of friend and it was very very hard. Thank god for the loperadime and Kratom and clonodine. Im back at home and have to deal with the kids and all...Im in hell, a hell that I brought upon myself. Hold on Pokemama, you can do it. Hope you were able to go to the store. We are doing it and we will be successful, oh yes!!
POKE- check out Amazon for your groceries. They charge but they have absolutely everything from milk and eggs to frozen pizza and toilet paper. It may be worth the cost to save you a trip. Some areas can get 2 hour delivery.
Thanks Sunrise and Squeaks. I posted over on the tapering thread in response to the grocery post. But thanks, Squeaks.... it worked out, and it was sweet. Sunrise, you must be strong... I could not do what you did... you are amazing. Do not give up! It is so worth it to not be imprisoned by pills... do I have enough to go on vacation? I thought I did, and ended up in bad w/d at the airport; planning my life around my doctor visit. And now, if Obama care is repealed, my drugs will cost hundreds w/o my insurance. I am done. It is messing up my head way too much to worry about all this stuff re my pills all the time! I am now free and want to stay free!
When I decided to take all that I had left, I binge in 1 day and a half, almost 700mgs of IR oxy...Way too much indeed. I was so hangover the next day. But I had to do it that way, I wanted to be done with it. I threw away all my drugs gears, cause I used to plug it.Second CT in less then a week. Im missing the oxy high real bad. But Im holding on cause I want to do something else in life rather then just wanting to be high and lay down on the couch. Yes I can feel Im sometimes more patient, a more loving mother and wife when Im high but its just a fucking lie, and Im tired of lying. I can do it, we all can do it cause we know deep down that its get us nowhere...Right? I love drugs, I will always love drugs, but I don't want to be a prisoner. No fucking way. I kicked H 20 years ago, I can do it all over again. Lets keep our head high gyus and girls!!