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can you actually get addicted to Ecstasy


Aug 4, 2010
ive herd you can but it seems like i am so can you or not? for example i cant wait longer then a week in between rolls to save my life
Some people can get very psychologically addicted to MDMA. Also, if people are taking unidentified/untested E pills, they could be cut with other very addictive (physical or psychological) substances.
A lot of drugs are technically "non-addictive", but clearly have some people addicted...

I think that the nature MDMA, the fact that it feels so amazing but can produce some bad health effects if abused, makes it typically a special event for most users.

For a lot of people (like me), you start out doing it every few weeks...then you crave it when the weekend comes, and it becomes almost every weekend ritual...then for some, even more often. Eventually, everyone who abuses E suffers major problems from it, and has to back off if they want to enjoy it again. I think when you can't resist the offer of E, and enjoying yourself always has to involve E, it's a dependence. It becomes important to you, the emotional state becomes necessary. With MDMA, just because you don't (and can't) do it every day on end, doesn't mean you can't get "addicted".
people can get addictions to anything... shopping//gambling//drugs... it does not matter... if you have an addictive personality then sure..

mdma use for me was very crazy in the past few years 05/06/07/08

use to drop like 10 pills every friday or weekend (do not do this)

then i stopped... now i use every 3-6 months if that
to me, X is like mushrooms or acid. its like a twice a year thing.

opiates, however, are a daily use of mine. I'm highly addicted to morphine.
I think the thing with MDMA is that after constant use your serotonin is depleted and if used continuously it seems to have more of a 'wired' effect rather than that 'I am in heaven' feeling that I'm sure lots of people have experienced.

I agree completely with Bsiren that it can be addictive in the sense it becomes your weekend release and you live for that feeling, but for me and many of my friends once you 'lose the magic' the psychological addicition dissappears because you don't experience those feelings anymore, or to a greatly diminished intensity.

I think you should try and cut back, I know it can be hard when it feels AMAZING but it's better to experience it less frequently and occupy your time by doing other things than relying on living for the weekend and MDMA, trust me I've been there. Try to keep it special :)
Yas and no.
Yes because the e virgin stage often has you wanting to roll ALL THE TIME. Which most people do when they first get into it. IMO that is classified as a mental addiction.
No because it is not physiologically addictive. Ie you will not go through withdrawals if you binge and then quit taking the drug. The few days after a roll may feel like a WD to someone who has never experienced a true WD but its just the nature of the drug, you get to feel amazing for 2-6 hours and then you feel like shit for a few days. Kinda off topic I'm sorry.
^ by mental addiction you mean psychological addiction and by physiological you mean physical

psychological: it's addicting because you like it
physical: it's addictive because it gives you withdrawal

but yeah i think ecstasy is not addictive if you know how it works. i mean, if you go up to someone who abuses X and say "you have to wait a month between for your brain to regenerate serotonin, or you wont feel anything in between". they're just like "OH! ok ill do that". and they do.

for people who arent knowledgeable about it they think its just a matter of "take more pills" and you will get the same effect
psychological: it's addicting because you like it
physical: it's addictive because it gives you withdrawal

It's not quite as simple as that. People who are psychologically addicted to drugs often need them to prevent cravings and psychological "withdrawals" like anxiety, depression, and so on. It's not just because they enjoy using. People physically addicted to drugs need them to prevent physical withdrawals like sickness, pain, and even seizures (in the case of alcohol and benzos).

But back to the original question, yes, ecstasy can be psychologically addictive. I had a real bad MDMA habit for two to three years during my late teens and early twenties.
Yeah I get cravings to do e about every 5 weeks. I won't crave it at all until like week 4 than by week 5 I really want to roll. If I don't get my pills I start to get irrititable and obsess about it until I do it. My connect disappeared and I haven't rolled in over 2 months.. I dream about rolling every night.. but it's weird cuz I won't even crave the pills till like week 4.
psychologically, yes. physically, no.

anything one could consider "pleasurable" has the potential to be addictive, whether that be mdma, opiates, gambling, or even watching t.v. some people just don't know how to stop, regardless of what it is they're doing.
I was addicted to MDMA this summer. Some say that its a fake addiction because you don't have withdrawls but I did. I got severely depressed, and anxiety so bad that I actually thought people were out to get me whenever I wasn't on MDMA. Be very careful with MDMA use or you will end up taking SSRI's and other crazy prescriptions for the rest of your life (like me)
I'd say yes, but only temporarily. The 'honeymoon' period is what gets you. It's a new substance and you'll love it. You won't feel physically addicted but you might just constantly think 'fuck that was so amazing, I can't wait to do it again!'

That's what happened to me, lasted about 6 months and I had about 9 rolls (~15 pills) in that time. On the 6th month I said to myself "dude, enjoy this roll because it's about time you take a 3+ month break ok?" Worked PERFECTLY. Going into that roll with that attitude made taking a long break super simple.
Well, I think this question's been answered in abundance, huh? :)

Psychological addiction is a problematic concept in my opinion. It's not strictly the drug itself that produces the addiction, unlike physical addiction in which one is trying to evade physical withdrawal symptoms. There's something else about the person (e.g. stress factors, an "addictive personality", etc. etc.) that causes the drug to become an accessory to their escape from their problems. Anything that provides a distraction can fulfill this role, but obviously the more pleasant and complete the distraction is, the more likely it is that the addicted individual will resort to it as an escape.

The important thing to stress here is that it is indeed an escape. If you recognize this, you can steer yourself away from fretting about how to avoid taking Ecstasy and concentrate instead on the factors that are pushing you to take it in the first place. I'm not trying to be patronizing here (although perhaps that's unavoidable), but I think it's helpful to think about what Ecstasy gives you and whether you can achieve those things on your own, without the use of the drug. Once you've mastered your need for it, you can eventually return to using it in a recreational rather than a desperate sense.

Hope that helps and that you don't feel like I'm lecturing you. :\ All the best.

(NOTE: this is of course assuming that the person isn't self-medicating for a possible chemical imbalance. If you are, it's probably much more effective to either discipline yourself to tolerate it without the use of chemicals -- difficult to impossible in some cases -- or use a chemical to adjust for it that's not as harmful in the long term as MDMA. Either way, putting yourself in control of the problem will be much more beneficial in the long term than caving in to your cravings, in my opinion.)
I love ecstasy, but its like acid and mushrooms to me. its something I can only do like once, twice a year.

in 4 years I've rolled probably 6-7 times.
To me its a form of addiction. Not a day passes without me thinking about rolling...