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can you actually get addicted to Ecstasy

i feel like as soon as you say that you love to trip or roll or blah blah blah, and have only done it once or twice, you're addicted (may not be on my opiate addicted level, but still). the fact that people say "i love being messed up like that, etc" means they are addicted and love being in another mental state. it may not be the same as someone going through w/d like me, but they still lovei t..
i feel like as soon as you say that you love to trip or roll or blah blah blah, and have only done it once or twice, you're addicted (may not be on my opiate addicted level, but still). the fact that people say "i love being messed up like that, etc" means they are addicted and love being in another mental state. it may not be the same as someone going through w/d like me, but they still lovei t..

I disagree that simply enjoying something means that you're addicted to it. Why draw an arbitrary line between enjoying "normal" things and enjoying drugs? I can see where you're coming from to some extent, but I think it has more to do with guilt over the fact that any recreational drug use (that's not in the short list of condoned drugs...alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc.) is viewed as "addiction" in our society rather than because there's an actual addiction going on.
I was addicted to MDMA this summer. Some say that its a fake addiction because you don't have withdrawls but I did. I got severely depressed, and anxiety so bad that I actually thought people were out to get me whenever I wasn't on MDMA. Be very careful with MDMA use or you will end up taking SSRI's and other crazy prescriptions for the rest of your life (like me)

Sounds like you were doing large amounts of MDMA. The depression and anxiety could be from a dip in your seratonin levels, from frequent usage. A lot of people experience this and their symptoms lessen and go away as their seratonin levels return to normal. I don't know if this will happen to you or not, but it is something to consider... How long did you wait after using before going on SSRI's?
Well, I think this question's been answered in abundance, huh? :)

Psychological addiction is a problematic concept in my opinion. It's not strictly the drug itself that produces the addiction, unlike physical addiction in which one is trying to evade physical withdrawal symptoms. There's something else about the person (e.g. stress factors, an "addictive personality", etc. etc.) that causes the drug to become an accessory to their escape from their problems. Anything that provides a distraction can fulfill this role, but obviously the more pleasant and complete the distraction is, the more likely it is that the addicted individual will resort to it as an escape.

The important thing to stress here is that it is indeed an escape. If you recognize this, you can steer yourself away from fretting about how to avoid taking Ecstasy and concentrate instead on the factors that are pushing you to take it in the first place. I'm not trying to be patronizing here (although perhaps that's unavoidable), but I think it's helpful to think about what Ecstasy gives you and whether you can achieve those things on your own, without the use of the drug. Once you've mastered your need for it, you can eventually return to using it in a recreational rather than a desperate sense.

Hope that helps and that you don't feel like I'm lecturing you. :\ All the best.

(NOTE: this is of course assuming that the person isn't self-medicating for a possible chemical imbalance. If you are, it's probably much more effective to either discipline yourself to tolerate it without the use of chemicals -- difficult to impossible in some cases -- or use a chemical to adjust for it that's not as harmful in the long term as MDMA. Either way, putting yourself in control of the problem will be much more beneficial in the long term than caving in to your cravings, in my opinion.)

I completely agree with everything here :)

As for the chemical imbalance issue... i'm naturally depressed and anxious so MDMA/MDA is like my perfect cure. it allows me to express myself comfortably and enjoy myself, which is something that's always been unusually hard for me to do..

you could say i'm one of those people who don't know how to have fun - basically anything many people find interesting/fun is boring to me (tv, sports, games, exercise, etc), so i escape :\ - if not with a drug then with work..

i spent the last 3 months clean from everything. all i did was work everyday to stay busy..to the point that i'd crash hard every night (otherwise i wouldn't sleep). my mind is very active so if it's not stimulated by something (food, sex, drugs, work, meditation etc) i become bored+depressed right away

anyway i haven't rolled in months. in 09' i was off the hook tho; rolling for several days at a time etc. if i had to estimate, i probably did something like 8g of molly and a few grams in pills just last year.. i'm sure i've lost part of myself i'll never get back, but i wouldn't take any of it back.. that closeness and bonding i shared with people, and helping others.. doing things i wouldn't otherwise have the compassion to do at the time :)

MDMA is an amazing drug i believe everyone should experience. just be sure to use it wisely if you want to avoid the repercussions

-G :)
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this thread seems to already have all the right anserws in it... kudos everyone
I just got into MDMA over the summer. It started just as something new; something different, something fun. But as the summer progressed, I found myself craving it whenever. I would always say," gee, I really shouldn't be doing this so much. I need to stop doing this so frequently." In my case though, talk is cheap and my habit persists on a weekly basis... as of late at least. I really do feel it to be quite the addictive substance and that is in light of my knowledge of its detrimental side effects. Its just I don't really feel anything more than a bad hangover for a day or two. I feel like I will be doing it frequently until I actually hit wall and I usually do have a good will power over substances.
Anything is harmful to the body when abused.

Everything in moderation.

Hard to really recognize in the beginning but it will sit you on your ass when you least expect it.
I remember my first E experience (while I was a freshmen in HS), so wonderful. For the first time in my life it seemed I had no worries, was able to freely love and trust anything, could be open with other people, and just the overall feeling being in heaven. At first this seemed like a mystical experience I should only really explore once or twice a year - and I managed that quota, until my sophomore year started.
At first I had the same mindset, i'll only do this once a month or so - but it gets out of hand. I went from 3 pills a month to 20. I spent a lot of money on just chasing that first roll - and when I finally did enough to hit that - I would want to hit it again and again and again. This went on for about 6 months until I quit for a month without any real intention except to reduce my tolerance. Then I started snorting which continued on for another 2 months of weekly use. Eventually the comedowns got so bad and my tolerance got so high it didn't even make the drug worth it which helped cool me off it a lot. Since then i've reduced my use down to only require 1 pill (was up to 4 popping/1 1/2 snorting) and through my experience i'd defiantly say it's addicting but it's really not on the level of crack/meth and one of the drugs that you can easily grow out of. Just be smart and stop when you start losing the magic (it's not hard to do). hope this helps!