Aspergers and substance abuse

Erm, can I say that I don't mean to be rude but I think you need to actually interact with some people who have the condition and maybe you'll change your mind about it being a 'social constuct of our modern age'.

If only it was... then maybe I'd be able to go into a supermarket without it being a low-level military operation...
I have indeed interacted with such people before.

Humans tend to do things out of necessity, and when a dire necessity arises, it can be remarkable what a person is able to do.

A long, long, time ago, before internet or even TV was around there was no such thing as Assburger's syndrome, or for that matter ADHD. People had much more of an incentive to go outside to do many things. Nowadays a person can spend many, many hours inside of the house while avoiding social contact, and not have it be so bad because they can find themselves pre-occupied with their computers and televisions and whatnot. When this happens social isolation ensues, and after social isolation lack of social skills ensues. It's very basic logic that people become better at things the more often they do them, and social contact is no different. In the old days people were more often forced out of necessity to spend their days outside doing a numerous amount of tasks. Assburger's syndrome did not exist back then. I think it's a shame that people nowadays find a reason to call almost every abnormality of a person a disease. I think it's more of an excuse, and there is also an economic incentive with the hiring of counselors and psychiatrists and whatnot. The more diseases there are, the more these people get paid, so of course they would like to come up with more of them.

If going to the supermarket is a "low level military operation" for you, then I suggest you take a deep breath, collect yourself, and proceed to do it anyways. Go to the supermarket every single day, and force yourself to do it if you have to. If there is a cute girl working the cash register, force yourself to casually smile and say hello to her whilst approaching your turn at the check-out lane. As with most things that are improved with practice, I guarantee you will get better at doing this if you keep doing it every day, and it will cease to be a "low level military operation". If you are really up for a challenge, smile and casually tell the girl at the register that her hair looks nice that day, if you can manage to pull this off without being a creep, then by God you are cured of Assburgers syndrome. Once you have achieved the great task of going to the supermarket to achieve the simple and very necessary task of shopping for basic needs, you may decide to take it a step up and actually try making friends or reconnecting with ones you haven't talked in a while and perhaps even going to a party.

I mean even when I go out to buy cigarettes at a small establishment, it's not unheard of me to make small chit-chat whoever's working the register. It's like there's always some dude behind a gas station counter ready to talk to me about the weather, whine to me about taxes, sometimes even make remarks about ethnic minorities. Those guys are often bored as fuck from their jobs and will chit chat with just about anyone.

I challenge you to do this: find a friend with a car, and tell him to drive around and drop you off at a random ass place where you'll be forced to ask people around for directions, and maybe even about bus schedules and routes.

I'm sure there's many, many more exercises of this sort, also living in a big city helps.

Perhaps one of the best solutions of all might be to actually engage in intimate relations with the opposite sex. Girls love to open their mouths and talk and yap yap yap yap about absolutely nothing. But you're just too into her to care that she's doing this. After a while you might actually get used to this and be able to keep up with what she's saying, if not that's okay too, because now you are at least comfortable with it :)
Erm... I'm perfectly happy with the big city I live in, my happy relationship with my long-term girlfriend and my reasonably large circle of friends, thanks!

Maybe it's the somewhat-warped (but not uncommon) view of AS you seem to have which leads you to make borderline-offensive statements like the ones you made above. You seem otherwise intelligent (for a neurotypical - AS advocacy joke there, kids - believe it or not, some of us even have a sense of humour) so I'll rise above the nagging urge to argue and do what I usually do; sigh, move on and hope you come to a better understanding later in life.

And I thought it was us AS people who were supposed to lack empathy! ;)
Bumping this old topic.

I've slowly come to realize I have fairly bad AS (as I'm sure is usually the case), and wanted to hear some more opinions on how drugs effect any others with this disorder. I recently have been reading how MDMA and LSD are commonly taken by AS sufferers to great effect (and LSD was even researched for treatment of AS disorders back in the 60's!. Aside from those two main ones, what other drugs seem to help? Has amphetamine (Adderall or other) helped? What is it about MDMA that seems to make it so useful compared to other drugs of the same class? MDA? 4-FA? What about other psychedelics such as Salvia, Mescaline, or the 2C's?

I've never rolled or dropped acid, but I'm getting my first opportunity two do both coming up in a few weeks, and I'm suddenly hopeful this might offer some much needed insight/relief. Weed tends to not sit well with me. Though it did give me the insight needed to realize I have Aspergers in the first place (and that my dad does too), lately it's been very anxiogenic, leaving me feeling very uneasy even when I'm not stoned. Alcohol also sucks due to ADHD (the inattentive type). It can make me pretty "spacy", makes my attention worse, and makes my sleep worse, which makes all of the above worse again.
Bumping this old topic.

I've slowly come to realize I have fairly bad AS (as I'm sure is usually the case), and wanted to hear some more opinions on how drugs effect any others with this disorder. I recently have been reading how MDMA and LSD are commonly taken by AS sufferers to great effect (and LSD was even researched for treatment of AS disorders back in the 60's!. Aside from those two main ones, what other drugs seem to help? Has amphetamine (Adderall or other) helped? What is it about MDMA that seems to make it so useful compared to other drugs of the same class? MDA? 4-FA? What about other psychedelics such as Salvia, Mescaline, or the 2C's?

I've never rolled or dropped acid, but I'm getting my first opportunity two do both coming up in a few weeks, and I'm suddenly hopeful this might offer some much needed insight/relief. Weed tends to not sit well with me. Though it did give me the insight needed to realize I have Aspergers in the first place (and that my dad does too), lately it's been very anxiogenic, leaving me feeling very uneasy even when I'm not stoned. Alcohol also sucks due to ADHD (the inattentive type). It can make me pretty "spacy", makes my attention worse, and makes my sleep worse, which makes all of the above worse again.
Check out my thread I recently started-

Amps seemed to help me in the short run, but long-term abuse damages the receptors that you're already running low on which is the cause AS...

I bought 7 grams of 60x Salvia the day before it became illegal in my state. It just scared the living fuck out of me and I trashed the rest.

I've done small amounts of 2C-E, the visuals were pretty cool I didn't do enough to get to "that" plateau.

I bought 'Obama-head' MDMA once, my friend said he had fun off of it but I couldn't feel shit even after 2 hits. Who knows. I have a MDMA hook up from a different source but after my thread I've created I've been trying to stay clean. Although with that said I wouldn't turn down Lucy if it was offered to me tomorrow.
86 my last post. Apparently he was referencing not having E at the moment. I'll have a report in a couple weeks. :)
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Humans tend to do things out of necessity, and when a dire necessity arises, it can be remarkable what a person is able to do.

to casually smile
to actually engage

Now if only dire necessity would intervene to prevent your rampant splitting of infinitives.
I have self-diagnosed Asperger's and I self-medicate with cannabis, opiates, DXM, and occasionally alcohol, benzos, psychedelics, and stimulants. It's been a difficult time finding help and a diagnosis, I had to do it myself as everyone really does in the end. Opiates are my first choice due to increased empathy, motivation, sociability, and decreased social anxiety but they also are incredibly addictive along with benzos. I find that cannabis is the best everyday medicine due to availability, lack of toxicity, and functionality, along with a bit of euphoria which is always welcome. I must admit that I find tripping/self-medicating the easiest medicine since I don't have to interact with many people to do so, i.e. psychologists/psychiatrist, doctors. A psychedelic experience is looming at this time, I believe I will use morning glory seeds as I've previously had fantastic results with them circa 2007. I don't always seem to have a point and if coherency is needed, we're out of luck! but, seriously...I don't hurt anyone but myself with my use anymore and try to stay as functional as possible as this hasn't always been the case. I'm better functioning as an addict.
i have had pretty obvious aspergers since the age of 6 , i started smoking cigarettes at 11 , had my first drunk experience at 10 , was drinking regularly by 13 and an alcoholic by 15 when i got kicked out , as people with aspergers we have very addictive personalities , i know that when im interested in something , i dont want to do anything else just the stuff (usually one thing) that i enjoy most .

i got addicted to ice at 16 and spent a year living the junkie lifestyle , im now 17 and have moved away from sydney , to near brisbane to get away from the scene , up here i have found a new circle that just drink and smoke weed , and sort of experiment with other drugs (my mate tried codeine the other day lol) so its perfect .

im not very interested in trying to get completely clean , i plan on continuing to smoke weed (need to regulate it way better) , i want to quit drinking because its just so fucking harmful ... almost quit cigarettes now im fucking cheerin about that , i also plan on doing LSD/shrooms/DMT/MDMA as weekend sort of shit whenever it pops up .

i didnt really use drugs as a coping mechanism , at first it was to be 'cool' and just for fun , then it became a great escape from depression , and the world in general , i didnt have to care anymore (when i got kicked out) so i drank every day chronically for about a year , by half way through that year my depression was way worse , and i had started getting suicidal , and when i got drunk i would sit around for hours heating up my lighter and burning my arms with it . so after around that time it wasnt so much fun anymore , it became the dilusion of having fun but i was just coping with the way id fucked my life up so badly , then i got addicted to ice and the honeymoon stage basically set me up for free ice for the next year .... i became so depressed and strung out that i just got cold , had no feelings what so ever towards anything , only hate for myself , and selfishness .

eventually i nearly died from golden staph infection , i snapped the fuck out of it and used part of my extremely high iq to make myself even agree to going to rehab , which i had no intentions to do , after 2 weeks of being in hospital i could think straight enough and i worked out a plan , surely enough i relapsed and was using on weekends until i moved , ive been clean for 2 months , then used once and another 2 months since then , and my life has improved at least 10 fold . i have good friends here , i have money to live , and im not so depressed that i want to die every minute of the day .

I have been recently diagnosed with aspergers and my drinking and drug use was brought up. I am curious to hear from others who have aspergers and abuse drugs and alcohol and also from those who are now clean. I have used drugs heavily since 13, I am now 21. I regularyly use ecstacy, weed, cocaine and drink most nights. Generally all my social activities involve drinking or drug use. There is very little information online about how one affects the other and vice versa.

Do you think that you use drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism due to your aspergers? If you no longer use, how did you quit, why, and is your quality of life better now?
So I guess that's what I have. what kind of proper assistance is available ?

Well I do in fact have Aspergers. I used to have clinical depression at a very young age, and am also diagnosed with ADHD and OCD.

Honestly, weed helped me infinitely, but now I smoke too much of it. I just replaced my current meds with it, as it's so much more natural and enjoyable. I have a tendency to just sit around and smoke when I could be doing other things, but I take care of my responsibilities and used to do that before I smoked anyway, but it's a little worse now. Most of all I wish I could control my use with it a bit better, but I enjoy far too much. I am a chronic over-thinker and weed assists me in thinking for long periods of time in unusual ways so of course I love it.

I honestly believe that my drug use of marijuana, MDMA, mushrooms, LSD and DMT have led me to a much, MUCH happier life, but my aspergers was only severe when I was a kid. I've just worked through a lot of confusing feelings and issues though, so I would recommend any of these drugs, but in moderation always.

I should state though, I was anti drugs for ages. Never touched them until 17, and most people I know who did do them when they were young aren't as functioning as other users I know, bar a few. That's just my experience though, it's so different for everyone. I'm glad I was a late bloomer though :)
Definitely I use drugs to cope the world. I'm working on getting a diagnosis for aspergers to hopefully get the proper help. I Also want to find adult aspergers support groups in my area, as I'm in a halfway house full of non aspergers people which is a total nightmare and I went downhill so fast in the 3 months I've been here. I restrict food and use opiates to numb incoming stimuli. That's what I do.
baldtire, that sounds completely horrible. What have you done to find information on support groups? I know you are probably in no state of mind to do it but if there is no existent group maybe you could start one?
Definitely I use drugs to cope the world. I'm working on getting a diagnosis for aspergers to hopefully get the proper help. I Also want to find adult aspergers support groups in my area, as I'm in a halfway house full of non aspergers people which is a total nightmare and I went downhill so fast in the 3 months I've been here. I restrict food and use opiates to numb incoming stimuli. That's what I do.

Do you have friends/family that can help?
I have ADD and high functioning autism, trust me if you want to see a disorder vanish into thin air just get your hands on some speed. Before I used this drug I was as slow in the brain as syrup, and a 13 year old version of forest gump, I would always be quiet anywhere I went because someone would chuckle or giggle every time I said a word as if I said the wrong word or if I said it to slow, people think your disabled just because you don't talk fast at my school, so now when they tell me I'm slow I intimidate them by taking my speed pills out and threaten to pop them, they paid the price when they called me slow while I was speeding, one guy was in a coma for 3 years, I am no longer the bullied and earned my rightful place as the bully. If you typed in autism and meth you would only find the cause of using meth during pregnancy to cause the autism, I'm talking about a tweaked out autistic person. I wish I could find a good explanation to convince my doctor to prescribe me some desoxyn, but the way I say things make it sound like a lie, but I can't organize my sentences correctly, but it isn't my fault, it's my autism. I don't care if my dealer threatens to shoot me I am going to raid his house while he's gone and get some free crystal so I can go back to my doctor and better explain my reasons to be prescribed this drug, so I won't have to put my dealer in the hospital again, he's thirty five and looks like a steroids nut , I'm a bony armed 18 year old! Speed is the breakthrough for autistic people and steroid junkies alike, for no reason i almost ran over someone, I didn't even care, and before doing speed I would always overreact to little things, but now I underreact to dangerous or risky things. If I was forced off this drug I would probably be brain dead. The loud noise of guns on speed is like music to my ears, you probably know about autistic people's high sensitivity to loud noises, the drug changed me from a slow kid, to an adhd guy.
I got another evaluation and was re diagnosed with adhd, I don't even have symptoms of autism anymore, but I rarely fully let the drug get out of my system before redosing again so I've almost been on it constantly for 5 years! I am lucky that I was successful at forcing myself to eat and sleep on it! my last checkup was shocking, my blood pressure was only one decimal above average and my doctor knew about my drug of choice and was completely speechless about the minuscule amount of complications, I told him that it wasn't the drug itself that made me euphoric but rather how normal I became. Which proves that you can be responsible with drugs depending on what benefits will come after.
Hiya - I have aspergers diagnosed at a mature age.

At 18 I became a binge drinker on weekends to make social contacts. My life had been a series of continual meltdowns from puberty to dealing with work and relationship issues. It's been a shamble in that area.

I didn't really moderate my drinking until last year.

Now I have a new boyfriend and he likes to drink every evening and he also smokes pot.

As I want to develop a close relationship with him I've supported this and also joined him.

After 4 weeks my nervous system in on the edge. I am NOT happy and I have had a depression meltdown for 2 days so far.

Symptoms include bodily tremors due to external stimuli, body pains in my arms, anxiety, negative outlook, mute behavior... Really grumpy!!! My agoraphobia is also getting quite bad. Can take me 5 hours to go out to the shop.

In regards to other drugs - comedown is much harsher and if I don't sleep It results in seeing stuff. Rock or ice results in seizures (small and severe).

Basically if I want to live a happy life I cannot be around these things.

To the person who thinks aspergers is curable!? It is a fucking curse the more enlightened and aware you become. You have no idea what it's like to live in a body that is wired like electricity. We feel EVERYTHING and we don't want to. It's like living in a prison being tortured all the time, especially if we are detoxing.

Don't get me wrong I'm a positive person. I'm an advocate for my disabled sons and I am a spiritual pioneer - due to my aspergers which keeps me busy and happy.

But the bad days which can turn into weeks are like being stuck in hell and I don't want anybody let alone myself feeling that way - but I'm stuck with it!
I have been recently diagnosed with aspergers and my drinking and drug use was brought up. I am curious to hear from others who have aspergers and abuse drugs and alcohol and also from those who are now clean. I have used drugs heavily since 13, I am now 21. I regularyly use ecstacy, weed, cocaine and drink most nights. Generally all my social activities involve drinking or drug use. There is very little information online about how one affects the other and vice versa.

Do you think that you use drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism due to your aspergers? If you no longer use, how did you quit, why, and is your quality of life better now?

Of interest to you, I am a medical student about to graduate next year, as well as an individual with mild high-functioning Asperger's. Of interest to me, did your diagnosis of Asperger's precede your drinking and drug use? Or was it the other way around?
I think that with x number(depend on person's mind and drug use) of psychedelic use in a stable and controlled context you could get rid of daily/once every 2 days polydrugs use. Also if you still are into drugs low amount of psychedelics is merely a party drug to an experimented user and pretty social and fun too, also non-habbit forming.