Kratom Withdrawal

Father Stack

May 7, 2009
Hey Everyone, have decided to finally just do it and quit the Kratom, I'v quit it a few times before with bad withdrawals but was easy enough to do. This time it feels alot harder. For the last week I'm on the leaf so I'm hoping that helps. I have a supply of xanax and loperamide, does anyone know if that combo could help me, my habit is near a year now. Im doing a big walk across France and Spain with my girlfriend so I have to be off it by the time we go. She hates me on it and gives me serious shit about it and I reckon she would finish with me if she knew I was still on it.
I have never really been on anything else other than kratom and alcohol but found kratom to be a source of serious pleasure that snuck up on me and is now affecting my life way more than I like. While it may be mild in comparison to opiates I guess you have to pay the piper sometime in someway.
I'd be happy for any advice or ideas from anyone, I'm glad I can bitch about this here, have felt alone with this for ages, even went to doctors and councellors with no help, I would of got more help if I was addicted to poppy pod tea.
Hey Father Stack, Welcome to Bluelight. Is looking forward to the trek across Spain and France getting you the motivation to put aside the kratom? Sometimes setting a date and tapering is what works for some people. I have no kratom experience so I'll be watching this thread for some more knowledgeable people to chime in. Best of luck on getting past kratom and enjoying your trip.
Even tho Iv quit kratom before, I forgotten how bad the anxiety and depression is. I have been very depressed even when I was on kratom sometimes but it's a pain in the ass. I feel raw and that I'm depressed and anxious and feel like reality is too gritty at the moment. I went all day untill 8.30 and then burned some. Feel ok now but really hungry. It's amazing how you think your prepared and then you get a kick up the ass of some anxiety that you did'nt think you would get. Anyway it's great to say it out somewhere, thanks guys.
can you take other non opiate stuff for anxiety?
I have anxiety and depression today really bad and I dont know why.
list your w/d symptoms, then try to find a medicine/cure for each one

pain - aleve, exercise, hot baths, any other non opiate pain relievers
anxiety - xanax, but only short term, also very addictive, take it only as needed, preferably not everyday
stomach issues - loperamide will work just fine
Restless Leg Sydnrome - Xanax or other benzos
insomnia - ambien or other sleep meds, again only if absolutely necessary, you are doing something in the morning and need the sleep

exercise and take lots of hot baths/showers

you might have lower appetite, maybe make yourself a few days worth of chicken/beef soup and put it in the fridge so you can drink a cup here and there and still have some nutrients.
I have a lot of experience with kratom withdrawal... I've been using it daily with a few times quitting/breaks for about 4 years. The worst part for me is the extreme restlessness and not knowing what to do with my time (boredom).

The boredom can be combatted by going outside and doing stuff. Schedule your day so you have a lot of things to do.

The restlessness/discomfort can be helped with loperamide, definitely. Large doses will reduce the restlessness and give you a bit of overall relief, although it's certainly nothing like kratom. Alcohol can help if you get really desperate, but of course it would be worse to be addicted to alcohol. The last time I quit I got drunk 3 nights in a row so I could sleep at least a bit. The restlessness almost totally prevents sleep for me.

The good news is that for me at least the withdrawals last 4-5 days, and then they're over. Then the key will be to replace the role that kratom played in your life with something else.

Good luck. :) <3 I've gotta do this again some day. It costs WAY too much money and I hate being a slave to a plant.
Ye, I think no1reason for quitting is being a slave to the plant. I am still taking small amounts but no extracts or large amounts. I have felt very anxious and depressed lately so I'm sure thats part of lowering my dose. Tommorow I plan to 24 hours without any at all. I fully realize Iv got to quit now, I'm going easy on myself but I plan to be off it soon. One of the worst things I'v come to realize is that when Iv not taken it for a while the world looks very gritty and uncomfortable, even watching TV can be very uncomortable. It's an awful feeling hard to describe. I also think everyone has a different experience. I am also yahoo messanging a girl whos going throught the same stuff, I plan to give myself as much support as possible which really helps the mind.

I drink those protein shakes, Iv lost loads of weight nd Im sure its cause I always spaced out eating to accomodate keeping my kratom buzz going, thats a slave. I find the xanax to definitely help the anxiety but I feel guilty for taking it afterwards which ads to the whole thing.
Thanks for all the posts, it defo makes me feel that I'm not alone, all in all I'm sorry I kept taking kratom because if I could of controlled it, it would be the best rewardafter a long week!
somebody please help! i'm hooked on kratom. can someone give me a taper schedule and/or help with loperamide,cimetidine? please, please help!
I'd start by figuring out how much you take and writing a taper schedule for yourself that will use up your remaining kratom... don't buy any more of course!

There is no way to not have w/ds, but as was mentioned above, you can medicate for each symptom. Also, get out and exercise.
damn.... I tried kratom ONE time when I was withdrawaling from a small fentanyl and heroin binge I had like 2 summers ago.. It was some pretty weak stuff. People actually get addicted and withdrawals from this stuff???!!! hahahaha.... Seriously guys, You don't know what pure agony and suffering is untill you have had the W/D's from an IV heroin habit, and your connect is out of town for 3 days. Does kratom withdrawal leave you on the bathroom floor in the fetal position in a pool of your own diarrhea shit with goose bumps and throwing up all over yourself?
Hey- if this guy feels like he's suffering without Kratom- then let's take him at his word. He feels like he needs help, period. It may not be heroin but it's the withdrawal he's experiencing.

Stack- codeine is readily available in France. The French pharmacies are very liberal and hangovers are often treated with codeine mixtures. The codeine should keep you ok but only take it AT NIGHT as needed. Try not to take more than 60mg and you should be able to sleep if that's a problem. Otherwise- I recommend you tough out the days. Hiking is awesome during any type of withdrawal.
Never done Kratom, but I'd just treat it like any other opiate withdrawal (tons of threads on remedies). It affects the mu-opioid receptor so it has similar effects to a weak opiate.

You should be fine, just take immodium and as little of the xanax as possible. I mean seriously, are you going to risk losing this girl over Kratom, of all things?
damn.... I tried kratom ONE time when I was withdrawaling from a small fentanyl and heroin binge I had like 2 summers ago.. It was some pretty weak stuff. People actually get addicted and withdrawals from this stuff???!!! hahahaha.... Seriously guys, You don't know what pure agony and suffering is untill you have had the W/D's from an IV heroin habit, and your connect is out of town for 3 days. Does kratom withdrawal leave you on the bathroom floor in the fetal position in a pool of your own diarrhea shit with goose bumps and throwing up all over yourself?

Is being an asshole needed?

W/d's are w/d's no matter how you slice it. And while you think kratom is a mild drug, it still is an opiate and still can cause dependency, and he will still get opiate w/d. For someone who has only used that, and no other drug, its going to suck. And he is looking for some help, not someone to laugh at him.

Just because you think your cool by experiencing H w/d, doesn't mean you are. Maybe with your group of junkies, but not here man.

Anyways on topic:

|How much Kratom are you using? The best plan would be a taper. Gradually reduce you dose little by little. Take just enough where you are comfortable. stay at that level for a week, and gradually lower yourself. When you are as low as possible, jump off.

Benzo's, Benadryll, and imodium will help you out. try to stay busy, I find if you are out and about, not matter how crappy you feel, it always seems to help me out.

Good luck.
For mild opiate withdrawals I find a positive frame of mind, a couple beers and some bud can really help. Just do not make it a habit (except for the positive thinking of course), many a former opiate user turns to the booze after they drop the opiate use. Frankly, I find the legal one much more conducive to living a functional life though.
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damn.... I tried kratom ONE time when I was withdrawaling from a small fentanyl and heroin binge I had like 2 summers ago.. It was some pretty weak stuff. People actually get addicted and withdrawals from this stuff???!!! hahahaha.... Seriously guys, You don't know what pure agony and suffering is untill you have had the W/D's from an IV heroin habit, and your connect is out of town for 3 days. Does kratom withdrawal leave you on the bathroom floor in the fetal position in a pool of your own diarrhea shit with goose bumps and throwing up all over yourself?

Uh... it may not be an IV heroin habit but it certainly does cause withdrawals. I used to be a kratom addict before I moved on to poppy tea and can recall having withdrawals when I wouldn't use, particularly depression. I'll admit that kratom withdrawals were a walk in the park compared to PPT withdrawals, but lets not belittle anyones experience here okay? Opiate withdrawal is opiate withdrawal and it's unpleasant to varying degrees dependent on individual factors, the drugs used, and doses taken. If he/she says they're suffering, then I believe them.
I have quit taking kratom twice by tapering before although admittedly I am on it again right now and will be starting my own taper soon.

You can make your own taper schedule depending on how fast you want to quit. The quicker the more discomfort I would imagine.

The thing to do here is start keeping a log of your doses. Weigh all of them so that they are all the exact same. This stabilizes the level of the active ingredients (Mytragynine?) in your body. Stay like this for a couple days at least then lower it by a certain amount and then stabilize at this dose for a few days before lowering it again. I lowered mine about .5 grams each time as I was taking 4 grams every 3 hours. If you follow this pattern it isn't that uncomfortable at all. You can adjust this depending on how quickly you want to taper and how much your taking.

I suggest you buy some phenibut to take on the days you lower your dose. You will feel almost nothing. The worst symptom I get is restless legs and muscle aches. It can be very irritating and almost impossible to sleep and phenibut is very effective for this.
Tapering seems like a good, plan. My buddy has limited experience with kratom, but he urges anyone that taper with kratom make sure that the dosage drops are a little larger when compared to other taper plans. This would allow one to be fully sure that they are indeed reducing the dose. A .5 gram dosage adjustment seems fine.

Really the most important part about any taper is a true commitment to it. Its all about getting into the mindframe of taking steps to take care of a problem, rather then getting high to avoid that problem. Sounds basic but its huge.
I've quit kratom three times since I started using it over 3-4 years ago. I would use it daily and up to six times a day and every time I quit I did it cold turkey. The first time it took one day, second time it took three days, third time took five and the last one took nearly 10 days! I had to waste an entire week's vacation to get off of it. I certainly could not work while coping with the wds. And now I am back on the stuff and would really like to get off the stuff for good. It's too damned expensive and I'm sick and tired of having to plan ahead to make sure my next order won't be late and risk wds on work days.

Like I said, I've been totally abusing kratom, it helped me with depression and got me through the hell of work (which I hate). I even take kratom openly at work, nobody asks me what it is and for the rare ones that do, I just tell them it's a natural herb which helps me against depression and loss of energy. All of this to say that I've come up with certain "recipes" to make the wds less of a pain.

The best thing for me to alleviate the pain and RSL... is coffee. A nice big cup of coffee always helps me for a couple of hours. You won't be able to sleep at all, so might as well just dampen the pain with a warm cup of coffee. I tried tea and other warm drinks, but coffee is the only thing that helped. Take a lot of really hot baths and relax as much as possible. Make sure you are in a warm environment, cold is your enemy here as it will worsen your symptoms. As for depression, I would also equip myself with some strong 5-htp pills which I would take 2-3 times a day. It won't get rid of the depression, but it will help a bit.

The only thing I have never been able to escape is the restlessness/lack of sleep. I've tried melatonine, but it never did anything for me. The few hours of sleep I did get throughout the week were due to sheer exhaustion. And no matter what you do, you will have to struggle with bouts of absolute torment. Every day, at least once in a while I found myself shaking uncontrollably on the sofa, my face dug deep into a pillow, moaning away in pain, eyes all teary and itching.

It might not be heroin wds, like that prick who thinks he's so cool and manly to have gone through, but kratom wds are hellish enough and not walk in the park as some would suggest. I am completely incapacitated for the first couple of days and need to busy myself as best I can during those first few days. After day three-four or for me five, you'll ba able to walk about and do a few things, but you'll be in terrible shape and the depression is to be reckoned with.

Anyway, good luck. I'm planning to quit in May (another week's vacation gone) and hopefully it will be for good. If anyone has any solutions as to a way to get some sleep (and perhaps avoid the coffee) would be welcome. I would prefer not having to go to the doctor to get precription drugs, but if it's the only way... Here in Canada you can't just buy whatever drug you might want to test against wds, so my ears are open to new formulas...
took a look at this thread again, and wanted to apologize for being a douche bag in my post up above. Not sure what I was thinking at that time, sure it has something to do with my occasional methadone crankiness... Opiate withdrawal sucks and I have extreme empathy for anybody going through opiate withdrawal, cause I know mine were complete hell and suffering. Kratom is an opiate isn't it? And by the way to the cool guy that posted after me, when did I say i was cool for experiencing heroin withdrawals? go back to poppin lortabs buddy, and quit trying to be an e-badass