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High? How are you pt - let's get ratshit

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Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
5 hours of xanax enduced sleep last night, a wake and bake with 2.5mg of xanax and some lyrica and a nice strong coffee are now one of my favourite things to do on a sunday after a night on the meth.

i had some bizaar chat with some guy who seemed to know me when i was stopped at a red light heading into town just then. i was feeling nice and barred out and damn stoned and acted like he my best mate so i went along with. the clincher was when he said he'd give me a call later to catch up=D

just to get things rolling i reposted my last post that wrapped up the other:)

ps. last thread is in the archives
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tonight i took it eeeeezy.

on my way home i picked up a box of N2O...... and huffed them all!
that got my heart a little racy, so popped 4mg clonazepam. knowing i was gunna do me usual CWE with 10mg Codeine/500mg APAP, i also popped ovrer 1000mg soma.

while i wait for the CWE (200mg codeine expected), i decide to start chuggin my corvalol (phenobarbital....), like 1/3 of those litle bottles.

my CWEs ready and i plug all of the codeine (which i'd never done before.)
IMO- much much much better route of adminstration than drinking the solution!!!

shit i'm nodding SOOOOO hard right now. i'm craving a clove like the goth chick i used to be.

i hope everyone is having an awesome saturday night!!!!!!!!!
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worked 11 hours today. About to drink a few beers and eat my painkiller have sex and pass the fuck out.
i wish i could fuck..... it's such a great high without the nasty hangover

unless you wake up next to quasimoto i guess.
4mg Clonazepam
1,000mg Chloral Hydrate

'Drunk' as fuck.
343 morning glory seeds crushed and steeped in water for 45 minutes. First time. The reviews seemed to be mixed...Some people knock these, but my experience has been really positive. I'm buzzing pretty hard and getting some pretty odd and entertaining visuals...(this is....uyup I'm tripping balls.
coming down now with a few helpers to make sleep come.
Another huge weekend. Booze, Coke, Pills, Ketamine. Followed, last night by lorazapam, diazapem, and alporozam. I passed out too quick though. I've kept going today. Its been awesome....
Shot 2 of the New Haven bags earlier and have been fucked up all night.

Vaping some weed now and it's got me noddin' so I'm hitting my head on my desk (literally!).

Sent a text message too. It took me around 96 minutes to type and was only around 160 characters.
Just took me 20 fucking minutes to make a waterfall that wouldn't leak when I held the whole. I was pissed by minute 10, but after that first rip, I knew it was all worth it :).
I'm not sure what happened between now and when I last posted. I do know it involved standing.
^ HAHAHAH post of the week right there :D

i think ill go smoke a bowl and head off to bed
i want more K but i have to wait a few days :(
Had some ciders last night then did a CWE and took the codeine with promethazine. At its peak I cracked the last of my nitrous; that combination is brilliant. Numbing as fuck, you can't feel any extremities.

Woke up this evening after a 16 hr sleep. Opened a bottle of wine and got a bit tipsy till my boss came round. It was cool though, took me for a ride in his new car, now I'm enjoying the rest of the wine.

Have a strange bump/bruise on my head though, don't know where that came from. Must have hit my head last night...?

Might try and get some mj soon, want to try it with DXM or codeine.
Two big wake and bake milk-shots outta the waterfall..
smoked some bowls :)
feels good man

Ive recently realized i love weed
i use to hate it and think it was boring, but now that Ive smoked more I'm starting to really take a liking to it :D
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