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Stimulants Will Amphetamines help Opiate withdrawal?


Jul 20, 2006
This is my first day of going cold turkey. it happened unexpectedly and anything i can use to ease these feelings will help
Ugh, even the thought of that sounds horrible, imo.

I say avoid amphetamines like the plague and stick to standard withdrawal aids.
Id steer clear of all stimulants/amphetamines when your going through opiate w/d's. It's not a comfortable feeling at all.
Actually it helps alot of people, just do not go on ridiculous tweek fests. The only way to know is give it a try but many posters at opiophile have reported alot of success using amps during withdrawal. Basically you are going to feel like shit anyway so give it a shot. I would not expect a comedown to be pleasant though.
i reckon amps is one of the last things you want whilst w/d... allready you'll get insomnia, and badass cramps, amps will just makr that way worse...

to help... loperamide, maybe some codeine/apap, benzos for sleep/anxiety, methocarbamol or carisprodol or meprobromate for cramps, maybe an anti-depressant if you'r prone to PAWS... sport and healthy eating...
Ugh....just the thought of that makes me feel sick. I mean, I'm already sweaty, restless and have VERY high blood pressure during wd. Me thinks its a big mistake. Jeeezz....not even mentioning the torturous anxiety wd brings to the table.
God , this makes me nervous to even think about, as I was just in w/d yesterday, all I could think about was benzos...
I can't imagine doing coke during w/d...
But then again...
After I got my OC yesterday, I got some free coke along with that, and let me say, I don't like mixing my downers with my uppers...

As for withdrawal and coke,
I would definantly avoid it, along with any other stimulants like caffeine, adderal , etc, just , stay away from stims, they will make you feel really bad if you have a serious case of w/d...
If you just did some opiates for a few days and think your w/ding...then go ahead and do the coke.
jesus christ, amphetamines are a huge help. The depression is finally gone. You guys have no idea what i've gone through, basically im 19 and im hitting my rock bottom. It's time for me to really look at sobering up.

I just got knee surgery 6 weeks ago and Im taking high HIGH doses of Oxy and Dilaudid. I went in to the doctors today, and i had ran out of medication last night. I was expecting to be put on methadone and she totally sheisted me and wanted me to quit cold turkey. I fucking lost it. I was composed and everything but inside it felt like I hit rock bottom, it was such a lonely scary feeling.

Anyways. The amphetamines help, and im working out something else with my doctors. I still have physical therapy to go through from my surgery but after that im willing to go cold turkey.

Keep a lid on your habits guys. This shit will really overrun your life.
^Keep any firearms or sharp objects out of your reach once the amp starts wearing off.

I have no doubt that stimulants will help you feel better while you're on them.

But to me, the comedown + opiate w/d would be more than enough to keep me away from them. Be prepared for depression like you've never experienced before my friend.
i agree, any kind of stims while withdrawing just sounds awful. It would be the last thing I would want to do. Now some benzos, or anything to help me relax and get some sleep would be perfect.
that may help me at first but i think it would end up in severe PARANOIA (sp?)! But your doctor should know better than to take you straight off pain meds that strong without tapering first.
I was withdrawling a month ago and tried Adderall to see if it would help (unusual for me, because I hate uppers). It didn't help at all. Didn't hurt, but didn't help. Mentally it made me feel better, like an anti-depressant, but it made my body feel much worse. In the end I was equally miserable on or off the Adderall.

If you need something quick/fast, DXM did help me some. Alcohol made everything much worse though.
amphetamine comedown mixed with opiate withdraw would be the last thing on earth i would want to experience...

but the effects of the amphetamine may or may not be pleasant, I don't have enough experience with using amphetamine while withdrawing.

good luck with your wds though :(
if you have some knock out tranqs then this doesnt sound like a bad idea when done responsibly. otherwise, yeah what they said.
In the long run, the depression will most likely be worse now that you've taken uppers, during w/d...Unless you have a constant supply of amphetamines, but even in that case,
You'll have a hard time sleeping, and when you aren't on the uppers anymore, that depression is going to hit you like a train.

I dont think it would be a bad idea to have someone around to watch you/ talk to you.
sorry youre going through that shit. amps probably wont help with the physical discomfort. well, they may very temporarily, but when you come down, youll feel even worse. Why not try subutex or suboxone ect?

Not to mention the addictiveness of amphetamines...
would it be bad to combine opiates and adderall on the same day too, since the next day the comedowns of both might be combined?