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I'm Frightened I'm Fucked I'm Soulless

thanks jay
i know its hard but ur gonna hav to forget about ur ex if shes engaged - shes not coming back
she might oneday b a friend again, but probly never a lover
i know that feeling sorta, cos ive lost a few bfs due to drug use - my first real luv of my life i never got over
he died of a smack OD
its gd to hear ur doing voluntary work
it gets u outta urself
and its impressive wen ur probly still feeling a bit sick
goes to show u hav willpower and determination
which gives u a better chance than most at making it!
im thinking of u, jay
drug_wench said:
its gd to hear ur doing voluntary work
it gets u outta urself
and its impressive wen ur probly still feeling a bit sick
goes to show u hav willpower and determination

that's so true - i hope you feel proud of yourself so far jay, you should.
I did something so dumb tonight. My lonelyness got the best of me and I called Sharlene. The phone call lasted about 30 seconds. For some reason I thought a friendship could be salvaged. I was wrong very wrong. Sorry for being a downer. I'm so depressed right now. This will probably be my last entry. I don't want to bore you guys with my pathetic existence anymore. Wish my life had taken a different turn than this one. For whoever reads this I want you to do me a favor. If you have a loved one within arms reach give them a big tight hug and tell them how much you appreciate them. I wish I had done that more. Good Bye everyone, thanks for all your kind words over the past couple weeks.
jay, stay with us, plz
and dont give up on urself
making amends is the ninth step!
u hav to hav gone thru a lot more steps that help u grow and strengthen as a person before ur ready to start ringing ppl uve let down
and the fact is sharlene was not necessarily going to want u as a friend - that was a big maybe
but that doesnt mean ur never going to hav another love
plz dont use because of this
and plz continue posting
if we were bored we wudnt b reading and replying to this thread.....and notice theres 2 pages worth of ppl interested in ur story
plz hang in there!
I've just read all your posts.
Please do stay and continue your fight against your demon.
As d_w so rightly said, the people here wouldn't have taken time to reply in the first place if we assumed it was trivial or boring.
It's blatantly an upset that your ex wasn't willing to talk with you at this time but nothing stays the same forever. Time and willpower changes situations and you've made some drastic changes already.
You are doing so so well and I'd hate to see you turn back to old ways or worse.
I feel as though I can't say enough to be of any help.. but I really hope you stick with it and beat this.

Good luck sir, I hope you'll come back and let us know how you're doing.
I would like to apologize for the tone of my last email. Drug Wench you're completely correct. I skipped many steps and tried to make amends before I was ready. My MP3 player has been my constant companion and source of comfort. I was really close to relapsing after my disasterous phone call to Sharlene. The lure of escaping reality for a couple hours was so strong. Holding up and not letting the demon back in my life.

Did some writing on the fiction novel I've been working on for a little over two years. The distraction of developing characters in the book has kept oxy out of my grasp and out of my life. Rebuilding my life has been much tougher than I thought. Often wonder if I can turn this around and just be normal like the people I see out on the sidewalks and the stores. Smiling holding hands in a jovial mode. Hoplessness is consuming me but I keep going forward hoping I can smile and be real.
glad you're still with us...........

your life will be a rollercoaster ride for a while. the opiates are tough to beat. You may relapse a few a times along the way but dont beat yourself up if it happens. You are clearly on the right track. Just dont listen to your mind right now. Stay busy with your writing. You can become one of those jovial people you see on the sidewalk much quicker than you think. Get through this and you will be a stronger man than you ever thought possible. the world is waiting for you Jay. just take your time and realize the battle has only just begun. Keep up the fine work and continue your correspondence with us. Its something many of us of have gone through. You can help us and much as we can help you. Hang in there Jay. If youve really kicked this cold turkey then you are an amazing person. The opiate withdrawal is not very much fun even with the help of suboxone. To go at this cold turkey shows you clearly have a drive to get yourself back in the game. stay strong and stay in touch.

Sean, thanks for the words of encouragement. From your past posts I can see that you traveled a similar road to the one I'm navigating. For all the hell that it's been, cold turkey was the way to go. Through my own careless actions I created this mess. It was of paramount importance to be accountable. Kicking without any help but will gives me the memories to look back on to avoid this in the future. It's going to be a step by step, day by day and minute by minute challenge to be sober.

I lost it all, a wonderful woman who loved me, friends who respected me and a roof over my head. This experience has opened my eyes in a way I never thought possible. By living on the street and seeing addiction up close on a daily basis it has taught me that none of us is immune, we are all vulnerable. With that said I've applied to the PHD program to be an Addictions Councilor as my new chosen career. My calling is to help others in the best way I can and that is by learning every facet of addiction. We all fall down but it is possible to get up if someone extends their hand.

Thank You to everyone at Blue Light. You were there in my darkest hour and I'm eternally grateful.

Wow, thats real harsh..., fist thing you gotta do is try to get a job, get a roof over your head and some food.... and you have to kick that oxy habit man...
wishin you all the best
glad to see u back, jay
wen i read that last post before u came back, my heart was heavy
i am glad u hav chosen a better way for urself
keep going forward
i hope some of ur withdrawals r easing up now
uh-huh - and how is that?
and if it isnt fake, can u imagine how it will affect sumone who has just come off drugs?
Welcome, Jay.

I too was brought to homelessness by oxycontin. Spent about a year roaming around with a $200/day habit. Shelters, couches, bathrooms, anywhere I could sleep. Oxy is simply an evil drug. Glad to see you're kicking.

Things change as you start to clean up (as I'm sure you're seeing that yourself -you're on day 6 or 7 right?). It's totally possible for you to get your life back...you might not believe me, but if you want it you can have a better life than you ever had. Oxy addiction is rough and can weather you a bit, but oddly enough, kicking it can be a way for some people to find strength they never knew they had. You said you were shy before the drugs, right? Well, now you're being honest with yourself, you're fighting a nasty addiction, and you obviously want a better life.

You're allowing people to see who you are and that's an awesome step. Continue to be honest with yourself, feeling 'normal' is not as far away as you think.

Your parents will forgive you. Be honest with them, it's rough at first, they won't understand why you did anything you did, but just ask for their forgiveness and help and be patient with them. They are scared, nervous, and probably don't know what to do.

Stick with it, brother.
Keep Going Up: I really wish it was fake man, I'm not here to convince you of anything. My whole family is with you, they want it to be fake too.

DW: Thanks for your thoughts. You and a lot of people in this thread gave me encouragement when I wasn't respecting who I became and what i'm still fighting.

Systemic: I'm still battling some depression from withdrawl. Not sure I want to take any meds for it. I've done enough pills.

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glad to b here to help, jay
and wen u become a 'bluelighter' feel free to PM me - theres more advice and support where that came from ;)
Hey dude,

I know that you are going through the most horrid time, but just keep going! :)

If you just keep chipping away, day by day, your life will take on new depth, and you will find a strength that will leave you a better person for your experience.

Think about how meaningless that expensive bit of clothing becomes when you cannot even afford a place to keep safe, or how trivial that meal of $100 is when you can't even buy a loaf of bread. I think that if you look at life as being made up of a few defining experiences, then this one may leave you with more 'soul' than when you started - and you have already said that you now would just like to help other people who may be going through some similarly tough times.

I know it may be hard to see at the moment, and you may even disagree with me, but i feel that this time you have spent, or are spending, clawing your way back is beautiful. It may not be the carefree, happy life that so many people will know each day, but it is powerful and beautiful. And you have such a gift as a writer that i am sure will allow you to achieve some great things, if that is what you want.

And if you can find the strength to keep holding in there, when you have seemingly lost everything, how much less daunting does that office meeting with a potential publisher look? Or how much more are you going to value the simple things in life , such as helping out a fellow human in need.

Jamie Lidell wrote some lyrics which i love: "life may sometimes be sad, but it's always beautiful". And i don't think beautiful always has to be all sunshine and bubbles, but rather it is beautiful that the world may now have one more citizen that has had the experience of facing a massive fight just to keep going each day. You cannot know white without knowing black.

Look at how much compassion and mateship you have brought out of your fellow bluelighters. These people may have never met you, and yet they all just want so much to see you get back to a place where you want to be. Had you taken a less 'Dynamic' route with your last few years, you may never have known the sorts of compassion the good people in this world can harbor.

As an artist, which you are as a writer, you have already had an impact on my life through helping me to see just how great some people around here can be (bluelight amazes me every time i am on here).

Anyway, if you find yourself in a hole that you think you are not going to get out of, and need a few dollars, or someone to talk to, you can PM me. I am in Australia but i would certainly do what i could to help you out.

And don't. don't don't beat yourself up about being a junkie. Beat yourself up for lying, and whatever else you may have done, but the world today is in such a state of confusion about how to deal with drugs that sometimes sees good people crippled by the fact that they now see themselves as a worthless criminal because of their drug use. I know because i have felt it myself and that can do more damage than anything.

If you have your fiction work published, then you can put me down as a customer. I would read with vigor.

Keep going dude!

DW: I will PM you when I get Bluelighter status. Does it go by time on the board or number of posts before I'm eligible?

Frogman: Thanks for the kind words man. I agree with your opinion of enjoying the small pleasures in life. This experience has given me a whole new appreciation in something as simple as enjoying sandwich and being able to sleep indoors.

Yesterday afternoon I reached out to my sister. We are as different as blue and red. I've always been very liberal in my views and various opinions while my sister has been more conservative in nature. At times our relationship has been strained. Being four years older than myself she has always been ready with advice and commentary on most aspects of my life. She wasn't aware of the scope of my addiction until I was kicked out of my parents house in May. We had a long conversation, I explained in detail my shortcomings of the past few months and what I've been doing to reverse field and change my predicament. In the spirit of us being brother and sister she has allowed me into her home until I'm successful in gaining employment and hopefully being accepted into post graduate studies in January. Her husband and I get along quite well, he was onside with the decision. So this is where I will hang my hat for awhile until I get my life kickstarted again. I'm going to have to eventually contact my parents as most of clothes are still there. It's going to be daunting talking to my Father again. The wounds are fresh and he shouldn't and won't forgive me easily.

My depression is still quite deep. I wonder if it still has to do with the opiates. Living life without a crutch is a gargantuan task. Even after all that's happened I still miss the rush of being high. Quite unbelievable really. The biggest challenge is feeling my emotions again and facing life without chemical help. This is the first step of getting my ducks in a row. Step one will be to a paying job ASAP and step two will be coping with the unknown of where my life is headed.
step 1.a) keep posting updates on bluelight! I dont usually have much advice about your posts, but I always read them first on the board if there's a new one. So don't stop posting mr!
^agreed - and wen u get that book published i want a copy!!!! (even tho i really hav trouble with reading books, i find i can read ur posts quite well)

You are making the right steps. Also, don't be afraid of where your life is heading. Trust me, it gets so much easier. If I would have told my junky self back then where I am today... I would have laughed and said "your lying".

Keep updating, TDS can be a great place to get help. Even if its just to write down what you are feeling.