why do i feel so strange while on suboxone?

Suboxone is good and bad

2MGS? 4 MGS? Hell if you want to feel OK on Sub you should be at 16 MGS AT THE VERY LEAST. Many people are on 32 mgs.

I agree completely. I feel that suboxone simply puts you in a state of mild withdrawl for some time until your body gets used to it. I was on 32 mgs for about 8 months and even then I still had the exhaustion of being in withdrawl. I couldn't get up for class even after 12 hours of sleep. Once I was up I was up but getting up was the task. Now I will say that the withdrawl from subbies is not that bad and if you are at a good, high dose, you can miss a day or two and feel fine as opposed to say methadone which you may as well be on H again. If you have enough of an addiction to where you need withdrawl help from methadone or bupes you should be on at least 24mgs
That's just blatantly incorrect.

Bupe is very powerful and there's a lot more negative side effects the higher up you go. I feel a lot better when I'm adjusted to a lower dose of sub than when I'm taking a higher dose.

It's really not that hard to taper down on suboxone either. You might have a few periods of discomfort, but it feels better at a lower dose.

I'd recommend checking out the mega thread in the Other Drugs forum if you have any questions about suboxone.

very good advice. this is how it worked with me. i was started on 12 mgs, then moved to 16 mgs a day. i didnt like how it made me feel and easily tapered to 2-4 mgs a day and it worked much much better for me. personally i dont see the point of being on 32 mgs a day.
I feel better on higher doses, like say 8 or 16mg... and by better I mean craving wise, 4mg will knock out my withdrawal. But damn does suboxone taste nasty, and for that reason I usually take 8mg every other day instead of 4mg a day. I know it sounds stupid but there's no point if I puke it up. And time doesn't seem to be getting me used to it, either.
Going to be tapering very soon and probably pretty fast since I can't afford it any more. Or rather, I am investing my money in therapy instead, I had to choose. Wish me luck.
Ya I'm not really sure (other than the obvious financial reasons) why doctors put addicts on such ridiculously high amounts of buprenorphine. I mean I was about as bad a needle junkie as they come and when I first got off smack and on bupe I started at 8mg a day and a week after was down to 4mg a day (half a pill a day). It didn't make me high but it certainly kept me from getting sick and gave me that subtle little buzz that prevented me from going crazy from sobriety (crazy how sobriety makes us crazy lol). But from what I've heard, the pharm company that has a patent for bupe is soon coming out with a tasteless "strip" that simply dissolves under your tongue. I really can't fucking wait because that orange drip (I sniff my bupe) is almost too bad to handle. I mean honestly, you'd think they scoured the earth for the most foul tasting chemical subsance known to man, gave it a hint of orange tang and pressed it into a pill....:! But hey, can't really complain, addicts of years passed had it much worse than we...:D
Update on my sub status:
I went off suboxone using tramadol with barely any w/d (RLS & some stomach problems). I didn't even notice how different I feel now that I'm off of it. I didn't notice that I didn't really have emotions and that I was in a zombie state. I feel sooo much different now that I'm not on any opiates. Its hard to explain. I notice nature, which I didn't on sub. My creativity is back and I'm back to doing art and jewelry. I actually care about my surroundings and things in general which I didn't on sub.

I suggest going to a detox place and demanding to be put on tramadol at least 200mg per day for at least a week. After a week or a little longer u can stop the tramadol and it won't be that bad. If u can get valium then it will take away the RLS and give u a lot more energy. U'll only need about 3-4 days worth of valium. I took 20mg each day for 3 days and I felt pretty good. A little off but better than having the RLS and resltless arms and stuff.
i just stated sub 2 days ago and feel shitty why???

The first 2 weeks were the worst for me. U just have to hang in there and it will get better. But don't stay on the stuff for too long cuz it is addictive also and w/d is hellish and long. Detox and tramadol have saved me.

Can u go to a detox? Do u have insurance?
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^really zyggy?

I am on Suboxone and I feel as if i have "too much" emotions in a sense. Not always though. But I also suffer from anxiety/panic attacks which pretty much started since i've been on suboxone, i don't know why that is.

I'm afraid that once I get off my suboxone that I will be flooded with even more emotions which will then cause more anxiety/panic. also depression. it also seems i have a bit of an OCD type thing now where i have to wash my hands alot and am afraid that i am touching something that could possibly have drug residue on it or something? yes, its weird i know.

do you think any of this could be because of the suboxone?
ive been on an off subs to oxy all year though not through official program although i monitored it pretty closely and just the head fuck was enough to put me off. particularly when i know for me its only a few weeks before my sanity starts returning as i did last year when i ran out in malaysia.

This is by no means saying suboxone is bad just that its a little psychologically impairing for me and if i want to do it i just couldnt handle emptyness.

And Correct me someone if need be but I was of the understanding that they prescribe massive numbers to higher risk to give the somethingness and smaller dosages can actually be more effective - if 1-2mg can semi-equal 300mg oxycodone yet they hand out 24mg to my unstable freshly junkie benzo ridden mate??

^really zyggy?

I am on Suboxone and I feel as if i have "too much" emotions in a sense. Not always though. But I also suffer from anxiety/panic attacks which pretty much started since i've been on suboxone, i don't know why that is.

I'm afraid that once I get off my suboxone that I will be flooded with even more emotions which will then cause more anxiety/panic. also depression. it also seems i have a bit of an OCD type thing now where i have to wash my hands alot and am afraid that i am touching something that could possibly have drug residue on it or something? yes, its weird i know.

do you think any of this could be because of the suboxone?

It matches my experiences although it kind of thinned out a little. And prozac style anti-depressents helped stabilise too. I thought i was going bonkers, was losing friends gigs and lots i loved. so i turned back...... gradually...... several times.

I cant handle feeling like im insane because i think i sometimes can be semi.

SUBS Aint for me cos i want to be done with when i do rather than dragging it out but there are positive sides to it that can balance out.

Being Strong and Taking control is the key and you guys are already well on your way so congrats and respect to you Chrisinabox and Helisha dont give up just seek additional advise. -> KNOWLEDGE IS POWER

and to finish it off -> Im not insane
Feeling strange How about feeling SUPER!!!!!!

I am a suboxone user, I would say the first week or so should be "strange" but no more than that, talk to your doctor if you still have issues beyond a week. I happened to catch a cold and took sudafed while on suboxone, and let me tell you, that is strange. I can't say i didnt like it because i felt like superman, and i was real happy, but my friends are all saying that it makes me real talkative and annoying. I have never taken speed but i can imagine its like using sudafed for a cold, while treating opiate dependancy with suboxone. All in all i would recommend this to anyone who isnt worried about heart problems. In other words dont listen to me, unless you wanna feel cranked!!!!
I don't know why i just typed all that. Just my experience with subox i suppose. I'll have myself tapered off it in about a month at the most probably. Then ill be picking up extra and selling/giving them away to friends and firends of friends of mine. My town is really fucked with the dope. So many kids from sophomores to seniors to graduates. Even a few freshman and i swear to god even middle schoolers have tried it. There are countless people addicted its crazy, ive already gotten 3 clean. Im trying to spread the message. I can only hope the message is head before someone dies.

That is cool brother, hope you can get few to a few people close to you while they're still young. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the deaths are inevitable, they'll come....one here, a couple there, it's terible but any opioid infested community is bound to see some losses. :|
Just after highschool is when i started seeing my friends start falling out and getting the calls from the ER about overdoses.

I just started on the bupe, so far it seems to be working pretty well for me.
I've been on Suboxone and Subutex for two years now and all I'm hearing are these horror stories that scare the shit out of me. I take between 8 and 16 mgs a day (I'm really disciplined with the wean) and haven't skipped more than 20 hours since I've started taking it. I was an episodoc binge drinker as well as a pharm opiate lover (well, still am I guess) and the bupe takes away my urge to binge on stuff, at least binge on opiates and alcohol. Still struggle with speed and benzos and the pot I have to quit before I go on probation. Been clean off everything but bupe for 3 months now, but I'm dreading having to come off this if I go to jail. For me the benefits so far outweigh the negatives. I have no desire for alcohol or expensive opi's (except what I'm on, the Sub), best of all the bupe really helps regulate my bloodsugar. I am a type one diabetic and opiates in general lower my insulin tolerance. On bupe I can eat all kinds of things I normally couldn't with out my bloodsugar going way up. The bupe would be worth staying on just for the diabetes' sake. Anyother junkie diabetics out there have this experiance. Another downside is I've lost my insurance coverage and this shit is expensive! Peace, sorry for the long post, it's that bupe rush coming on--I still get it.
SWIM has been addicted to drugs on/off for a few years.
A few months ago SWIM quit pretty much all drugs except tree/sub, and a couple months ago SWIM even quit smoking tree too.
For some reason SWIM can't seem to stop doing sub, SWIM doesn't think he wants to quit.
Life seems better with sub in SWIM's opinion. SWIM is manically depressed and sub helps him with his depression and levels out the mania (but doesn't get rid of it completely which is a good thing, SWIM likes the elevated moods of mania and sub makes them very mild and manageable.) SWIM feels that sub does make him feel like a drowsy zombie at times, like when hes at school and took too much. However, at other times sub heightens his senses and helps him notice nature more than when hes w/out it. Maybe this is just part of SWIM's manic depression, but he doesn't think sub has particularly zombifying effects. SWIM has been taking sub for about 6-7 months. He sniffs between 1.5-2.5 mg/day. SWIM thinks sub sometimes makes him have a headache when he takes even just .5mg too much. SWIM also thinks that at other times an extra .5 mg can make him feel more euphoric. It's like a 50/50 kinda thing in SWIM's opinion. One thing SWIM can tell you though is that when he doesn't take sub he feels like shit. SWIM takes 1mg in the morning and another mg in the evening. Sometimes SWIM will feel like shit as soon as 6 hours after taking a mg. Other times SWIM can go 18+ hours without feeling bad w/drawal effects. SWIM was never too into dope, he banged it a few times but never felt too great/got sick. Snorting/smoking it was nice but too expensive, as is OC in SWIM's opinion. Sub he can find relatively cheap to dirt cheap and gives a nice mild buzz/elevation in mood. SWIM likes his sub and would prefer to be on it than not on anything at all. SWIM has depression and anxiety but can't afford to see a doctor to get benzos. He would like to alternate taking sub one day and benzos the next but doesn't want to push his luck and fears he would probably just mix them anyway. SWIM thinks sub feels weird at times but believes the positives outweigh the negatives. SWIM hopes the sub isn't too bad for him. Sometimes SWIM will go 2-3 days without shitting. SWIM does find that dulcolax will guarantee smooth sailing 1.5 days after ingestion. Taking 2 is not needed but if you've been backed up a while definitely take 2. SWIM also finds that sub causes him to crave sweets. SWIM was never a big sweets eater but finds himself eating a carton of ice cream by himself in 2-3 days. SWIM tries to stay away from it though, but its very tempting! SWIM fears the day he has to stop taking sub, but knows he can handle the withdrawal. SWIM just doesn't want to stop taking it cuz life on sub is way better than sobriety.

EDIT: SWIM also smokes 5-8 cigarettes a day. SWIM finds that when he's on sub he enjoys smoking cigarettes more. When sub starts to wear off SWIM dislikes smoking cigarettes/they make him feel kinda sick. The lack of nicotine will make the withdrawal of sub feel even worse. Sometimes SWIM will take more sub just so that he can smoke a cigarette without feeling ill.
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I agree completely. I feel that suboxone simply puts you in a state of mild withdrawl for some time until your body gets used to it. I was on 32 mgs for about 8 months and even then I still had the exhaustion of being in withdrawl. I couldn't get up for class even after 12 hours of sleep. Once I was up I was up but getting up was the task. Now I will say that the withdrawl from subbies is not that bad and if you are at a good, high dose, you can miss a day or two and feel fine as opposed to say methadone which you may as well be on H again. If you have enough of an addiction to where you need withdrawl help from methadone or bupes you should be on at least 24mgs

I am sorry, but you have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about. I was using over 200mg of oxy a day and 2mg is plenty for me. anything over 16mg is overkill IMO. And if you were withdrawing, you wouldn't be able to sleep 12 hours at a time. And withdrawal from bupe can be just as bad if not worse than most opiates, unless you taper down to a very low dose.
Dude suboxone is STRONG... When i used it i used it as a tool to get through the withdrawal of Methadone(low dose 20-40mg for 3 months). I only needed 1mg to completely kill all withdrawal symptoms after cold turkeying it for a week. I did'nt take as directed by a doc though i would snort my 1mg daily because more of the bup gets in your system that way(made the bup way stronger for me). I got down to .5mg a day and when i stoped i still suffered moderate withdrawal symptoms(INSOMNIA!!!!). Then i started jogging every night, I started feeling great with in a week of starting my running routine. My sleep schedule returned to almost normal and my depression and anxiety went out the window. I am such a big advocate of jogging to get through the long term opiate withdrawal symptoms. I believe if you start jogging long distance 3 times a week (gotta ease yourself in start may 1 or 2 times a week then get to 3 times a week) even while on suboxone this will start to heal your brain. When you run your not just training your body your clearing your mind and producing natural endorphines restoring your natural brain function more rapidly. I know for a fact if you get yourself into good enough shape to run 2 miles 3 days a week then coming off of your suboxone will be much easier. I dont understand why doctors dont recomend jogging during the taper process because i know from personal expierience that it makes the withdrawal process SO SO SO SO much easier.
I am sorry, but you have absolutely no fucking idea what you are talking about. I was using over 200mg of oxy a day and 2mg is plenty for me. anything over 16mg is overkill IMO. And if you were withdrawing, you wouldn't be able to sleep 12 hours at a time. And withdrawal from bupe can be just as bad if not worse than most opiates, unless you taper down to a very low dose.

Just a minor correction. Some people can easily sleep 12-14 a day when withdrawing. While a lot of people have terrible insomnia, some people get really drowsy and sleepy.
I was hooked on 5mg oxycodone pills with tylenol in the past, Took like 15-25 of em a day for like 8 months straight. When i withdrawald from that all i could do was sleep! I would sleep all day and night, Then Methadone came and the withdrawals were less physically draining honestly but the mental anguish was almost unbearable! I couldnt sleep for 4 days straight. Same with suboxone. I think it has to do with the half life. The oxycodone rapidly left my system making me sleepy where as the methadone and suboxone takes a week to leave the body making it mental hell. I dunno just a thought.
crisinabox- i have been on subs on and off a lot. i would like to ask you a lot of questions and answer yours but i was hopin maybe on aim or somethin. i dont thiink i can send messages cuz this is my 2nd post. if you can contact me somehow but just replying to this on this board, ill keep checkin. thanks
heyi was wondering how long do suboxone withdrawls last?? i am on suboxone now and iascurious when my doctor decides to take me off how long will i withdrawl for?