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taking pills on an empty stomach vs full stomach

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
how much difference do you think it makes? and does it matter a lot which drug youre taking? i seem to notice a HUGE difference between taking pills on an empty stomach vs a full stomach. now i feel like i am wasting drugs if i don't take them when my stomach is completely empty. of course this makes it very difficult to plan useage around meals.
You kind of answered your own question; it does make a difference in terms of the speed of onset. As you should know by now, taking pills on an empty stomach basically increases the rate at which they are absorbed, as they are the only stomach contents being digested.
RorerQuaalude714 said:
You kind of answered your own question; it does make a difference in terms of the speed of onset. As you should know by now, taking pills on an empty stomach basically increases the rate at which they are absorbed, as they are the only stomach contents being digested.

An empty stomach can sometimes decrease bioavailability, but increase onset and absorption rate. Some chemicals, such as amphetamines, react negatively to highly acidic compounds, such as those found in our stomach fluids, ie: HCl. For some drugs, it can help, and for others, hurt. If your unsure, take a anti-acid, ie: Tums (Calcium Carbonate), it will help, if not be neutral in its action. You should also know ginger ale can help with absorption for chemicals that are negatively influenced by acids.

*When I say negatively, I mean in terms of bioavailability, absorption rate (distribution ratio), etc. Hope that helps.
With some drugs, when you take them on an empty stomach, you get significantly better results, than on a full stomach. For example, diazepam on empty stomach has really fast onset and it's really enjoyable, because it peaks so fast - that's why I never bother to take it on a full stomach.

If you read the summary of product characteristics for the drug in specific, you usually get a pretty good idea of; if you should take it on an empty stomach or on a full stomach.
Survival0200 said:
With some drugs, when you take them on an empty stomach, you get significantly better results, than on a full stomach. For example, diazepam on empty stomach has really fast onset and it's really enjoyable, because it peaks so fast - that's why I never bother to take it on a full stomach.

If you read the summary of product characteristics for the drug in specific, you usually get a pretty good idea of; if you should take it on an empty stomach or on a full stomach.

yeah diazepam is a great example. for instance, i once took 20 mg on an empty stomach and had a really good time. one day i tried taking on a full stomach and i was not getting affects. i kept taking more til i get up to 60 mg and i still never got the same high 20 mg gave me on an empty stomach, i just felt drowsy and groggy for hours and hours and it was actually an unpleasant experience and huge waste of diazepam.
ok, so i have a question sorta relating to this but i dont feel like starting a new thread about it.

what about the Opanas? I've read here and on their website that a high fat meal before taking them INcreases their bioavailability. but with food in the stomach, doesn't the onset take longer?
Taking in a highly fatty food product increases absorption of Opiates. I usually eat a few scoops of ice cream and then ten minutes later my opiates...tend to notice them a little stronger.
I was always under the impression that one should only take vic/oxy on an empty stomach, otherwise it would be sort of a waste. But I have been reading on the board lately the whole fatty food before dosing notion. So on my first try...on a full stomach...I noticed a slower onset (obviously), but somewhat of a stronger high...and longer lasting (again, somewhat obviously).

So count me a believer...not that there was any question as to whether it would "work."
yesterday I took 3 5/500 vicodin on a completely empty stomach aside from a few chips and some drink. It kicked in within 15 minutes and was probably the strongest experience I've ever had from hc.
I enjoy the high alot better if i take my pills on a full stomach of some good food.
Krowsnose said:
yesterday I took 3 5/500 vicodin on a completely empty stomach aside from a few chips and some drink. It kicked in within 15 minutes and was probably the strongest experience I've ever had from hc.
yah if I did this the experience would feel really good and strong but only last about 30 min. it sucks
eatin pills on an empty stomach is the only way to go IMO
or take the pills then eat right afterwards helps and makes it last a little longer i think
considering i debated this problem constantyl during my extremely bad habit of oxycodone daily in doses above 300mg, i can assure u with most OPIATES(namely oxy and hydro), there is no doubt in my mind that an empty stomach is essential for getting the most outta ur opiates.
when id take the SAME dose on a full stomach, i would never get high just very sleepy(which is a big difference).

im not saying u cannot get high with a fully stomach and opiate pills, just that its 110% better to wait atleast 4-5 hours with no food or calorie heavy drinks and take them with atleast 16oz of water!

works like a charm and belive it or not, with the right dosage of oxy, the rush from taking them orally on an empty stomach was very very comparable to the IV rush from heroin.

later guys
^I tend to take my pills on an empty stomach, and I started to realize was if I took a couple pills about 15-20mins after getting up, they hit me alot stronger than if i took them later in the day. Say i take 2 10s 15mins after i wake up, ill get a nice buzz on for a couple hours, while if i took 2 later in the day or night it wouldnt do much, maby make me feel kinda warm or feel good for about a half hour to an hour if im lucky ( not saying some days i dont just wait til the night time to get fucked up but when i got a nice supply i tend to take some in the morning and more at night even though redosing pills usually sucks). Anyway my point being oxycodone and hydrocodone seem to fuck me up alot more right after i wake up which leads me to believe this is because of your theory that on a completly empty stomach without any high calorie drinks or anything the oxycodone/hydrocodone hits you much much better. I don't usually take it down with 16oz's of water but im definitly going to give it a try tommrow morning. Im glad you brought that up.

Be safe and thanks,

- B
Some guys will tell ya, you are taking the same amount of drug, only difference would be the rate of absorption. I would tend to agree. However; in the RX information given to patients and doctors it says the medication might not be as effective taken on full stomach (hydro). I am not certain if this is done by a double blind study, or taking blood concentration. I am also not certain if they mean you just won't 'peak' and its more slow absorption or you auctually get less drug.

What I do know is simply, the RX companies fda approved statement is, pills (hydro/perc/adderall/dexadrine all of those I have read for sure)can be not as effective when taken on a full stomach

my pamphelt from CVS for my oxycodones tells me to take them on an empty stomach which i found really strange cause thats really what u do when ur trying to get high lol!

even the pharm-assistant reminded me to take on an empty stomach with water!!

however, i must admit that if u are taking ur pain pills for legit pain and could give a rats ass about a buzz, then dont even bother; ive found them to be equally effective for pain with or without food....only difference being the rate of absorbtion aka how long they took to work.

when i see 'full stomach,' i think 'steak dinner.' I prefer having a bit of a nosh before dosing but not too much to put my digestive system into overdrive. the pills take a bit longer to take full effect, but it's worth not getting nauseous
I always take my hydrocodone (60-70mg at a time with 2 soma) on an empty stomach to get the best bang for my buck. Unless you're prone to nausea, I would suggest you do the same to feel the full effects. As for other types of drugs such as amphetamines, I would not know.
I take alot of pills everyday as it is, not even counting the ones for recreation

I usually take them on a full stomach because I already get pretty bad heartburn as it is, and taking them with food helps alot
IR Oxycodone actually does work better if you have a high fat meal.

"Peak plasma concentration increased by 25% with a high fat meal"

IR Morphine also has a higher peak plasma level after a highfat meal. (under nutrition/herb/ethanol section)
http://www.merck.com/mmpe/lexicomp/morphine sulfate.html

Controlled release versions of each show on difference. However under the Morphine it says alcahol can disrupt the time release...