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Damn Coke Fiends - BE CAREFUL - PLUR


Jul 4, 2002
First post in 3 years.
I simply want to share an experience I went through while at a "mini-rave" house party last SOMEDAY. It had been almost 1 year since I had rolled and several friends of mine (all 16) decided to organize and throw a house party since the rents were gone for approx 10 days.
Our mission was to begin the X-Mas break with a euphoric party that would open up a new world to many of our friends who were new to drugs and xtc in general. We had $700 (40 pack) worth of Grey Ghosts and a table top filled with pacifiers, glowsticks, fruits, beads and all the trendy rave necessities. It was initially invite only. The house was 2-story - chill out room was the master - the living room was the light show and upstairs was the dancefloor, ehanced by multiple strobes and black lights and a thumping sound system. The majority of those invited popped 1 at about 7pm (including myself). It was quite amazing seeing the most unexpected friends allowing themselves to reach alter-states of being with utmost trust and regard for their 1st time.
So the night rolled on (about 1 am), no pun intended, and many of us were on our 2nd tab. At this point, several people were going through the most significant and life changing experiences of their lives (the newbs). Also at this point, many uninvited people lingered about the house. Smoking pot outside, doing lines of free coke upstairs. A 15-16 year old party hosting a chill-out ground for many 19-22 year olds. My friend was even conducting a drive-by E service, selling tabs left and right to people he had never seen (he sold more than 40 that night - he had more than that 40 pack.) Skipping all the fine details - like a friend of mine in a state of trance, rolling balls (minor brain seizure - it was his first time - I asked him how he felt - he said "better than ever before") - it was about 2:30 am and I was outside AGAIN (i love the feeling of the cool 50 degree air and I had to frequent the backyard to smoke cigs to bring it back up) - there were 3 of us out there. 1 of special h-town scene significance. We had already noticed a large gathering of cars + people on the other side of the fence, on the street. Next thing we knew, these strangers were all piling over the fence. One of us approached them to greet someone he thought he knew. He was abruptly drop-kicked in the face and fell to the ground motionless. Me and the other dude backed up. The strangers were accusing us of creating problems - "i hear there is a problem" "we heard otherwise" they said. "We arent part of anything" "we have nothing to do with this" I said. Then 2 of them rushed my friend and started beating him down. There was nothing he could do. Another friend of mine rushed through the door wanting to find out wtf was going on. He was greeted with a swift blow to the face and he fell to the dirt, motionless. I was the last one left. One of the agressors fronted me - I backed off - he sat me down on the ground - took off my glasses and shocked me with a powerful blow to the face, fracturing my nose. Blood poured from my nose and seeped into my mouth. Puddles of blood everywhere. Where the first victim fell, the 3rd - me. Blood on the cement. Next thing I knew, the strangers had ditched, peeling away - all 15 of them. - We ran inside after regaining consciousness. "LEAVE EVERYTHING AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE - THE COPS ARE COMING" we shouted. People had no clue what the hell was going on - it all happened so fast. People were sleeping upstairs, one was still in a semi-state of trance. We left for 30 min. The cops never came. That was an INSTANT HIGH KILLER - and we, the victims were peaking while it happened.
This is a very choppy, one-sided, and poor account of what had occurred that night. Sorry for the poor grammar and sentence structure. But let me explain to you what happened.
Those "strangers" were friends of the dealer who was letting people snort free lines of his coke upstairs. Remember ? Apparently, my friend, the host of the party had to escort him out because it was getting to out of hand. The dealer was cool about it, some of said bye, he didnt take it very seriously. Well, he came back about 4 hours later with his friends. They were all coked up. They had to find a way to vent their aggression and anger. Thats what coke does to you. It makes you want to release all the anger you build up. They were completely irrational, running and shouting - fronting - ignoring every bit of sense and every bit of compromise we offered. They were scary. They were 5 or 6 years older than I - and they were coked up.
The scariest realization was not that I had fractured my nose, or that my friends were bloody and bruised - glasses broken, phones and money stolen. It was the realization that these men were so blown - so irrational - so aggressive - that we were lucky. What stopped them from pulling out knives? - What stopped them from pulling out guns? - What if we would have retaliated? What if we would have thrown just ONE punch or ONE shove. We would have been ended. We took the beating like men. We didnt complain much - we were big - we took the hits knowing that facing a large group of coke fiends - we stood no chance.- we didnt cry or call on our "backups" or our "hookups" - we did not want to wage a war. We simply cleaned up, calmed down, and finished off the night. Ofcourse, the following days braught about severe depression. But im ready for another day ^_^ - when we do it again.
[ 26 December 2002: Message edited by: tyc0 ]
[ 26 December 2002: Message edited by: tyc0 ]
I'm really sorry that happened to you guys. But you live and you learn. My suggestion to you is that next time, you make sure the environment is secure and only let select people that you know and trust inside.
thank you for taking the time to read. Yes, it is a learning experience. Our next party will be INVITE only and it will be organized. As far as retribution, I do not know - one of the victims is quite established in the scene, I am not sure what he will do. But I am almost positive that the aggressors are feeling signs of remorse. They were just too fucked up mentally to know any better.
i got experience
go inside
lock up all the doors and windows
turn off all the lights
become a hermit..
stats show that hermits are the least likely to become victom of a violent crime
we need to "hermitize the environment and surroundings of the house" - that is for sure. We even had a "map point" where we parked our cars - but throughout the night, there was so many people - strobes penetrating blinds and curtains and music vibrating through the walls. ^_^ damn it was amazing. That short night (7 - 3) was better than my experience at the the 2nd biggest rave in world history (transit) - simply because it was more initimate and i was with my friends.
well, I've been doing coke, at least once a week, for several years, I've only been involved in one single fight when I was on coke, and I didn't started it, a drunken asshole kept trying to pick up my g/f... i advised him 3 or 4 times and he started talking back at me, so I beated him up really bad.... but apart of that, I'm always a peaceful guy. however, I totally can see how coke can turn agressive assholes into super-agressive motherfu**ers. The problem isn't coke, the problem is people..... You did a big mistake, you forced them to leave.... I know a story of 5 guys who were fuc*in coked up, and they blew up 1 club and kicked about 100 people really hard, just 'cos they weren't allowed to enter the club. So, my advice is....... be more selective, don't let assholes in
Umm.. what's the point here? To warn little kandie kids not to fuck around with crazy "coke fiends" or to tell us what asshole's you and your friends are for letting people in your house who you didn't know and trust? The coke had nothing to do with it, the kids were just dicks. I've seen people on E bug out and act violent and irrational too, but I would blame the person not the drug. And remember that you might believe in that PLUR bullshit, but that shit doesn't exist on the streets. You are at fault here for letting your guard down and letting shady kids you didn't know into your party in the first place. And this doesn't belong in this forum.
Damn e-tards and their fucking "PLUR".
[ 24 December 2002: Message edited by: Crimson Cloud ]
i respect your opinion and I do agree that PLUR is overrated and played out. It was 9th grade shit for me. But, you may be an advocate of cocaine - but you were not in that backyard. Those people were influenced by the drug. Like I said, the aggressors were cool before they were forced to leave - I even shook his hand AND he was a senior at my high school. But do not villify us or insult my integrity ok. I am not a kandie kid.
[ 24 December 2002: Message edited by: tyc0 ]
I think this would be more appropriate for the Drug Culture forum, as it really has nothing to do with psychedelic drugs.
i kindly asked a guy about 4 years older than me to buy me a beer.. he said ok, and i gave him my money (it was about 5 bucks). when he came out of the store, i asked for my beer, and he KARATE CHOPPED me (lol, who the FUCK karate chops people?) and ran off. i would have chased after him and ate his spleen, but he was about 6'5 300lbs, so i figured id just give up the 5 bucks.
BEER didnt make him a thieving asshole, he was just an asshole, and he was bigger than me and could do it. i think the same thing goes for the coke fiends that beat you up. they were assholes, and they could do it. so they did.
moral of the story: dont karate chop people, its just fucking lame. at least punch or something rational :)
Sorry you had a messed up night. But, good to see someone on Bluelight from Houston. Northwest even! But, you're such a youngster. Be careful.
Don't worry, you'll get a much more sympathetic ear here.
That's pretty fucked up what happened to you. I got mugged on Friday on my way to a club, thankfully I was sober, but my friend wasn't. I dealt with it okay, just because I knew that there are fuckwits out there that lack that certain nuance of introspection that prevents them being fools.
The best thing to do in situations like this is remember, that even though PLUR (the abstract concept, not the tired phrase drawled out by teenyboppers that wouldn't know about "the vibe if it fucked them in the arse) is a noble ideal to have, one must remember that dickheads exist.
Thats really fucked up. I know people who do coke who get stressed. Normally in a "shut the fuck up, what the fuck are your tlaking about?" sort of way. Or "stop talking about me you fuckin cunt". More paranoia than aggression.
On Coke I get a bit paranoid (if I go too far) and have a short fuse, but not aggressive.
I know what it's like to be surrounded by people older than you. Normally a few slick words can sort it out, but drugs makes people do stupid things.
Dunno what more to say. Assholes are Assholes when not on drugs. Probably just as much them being twats than the Coke making them twats.
:( Thats a really horrible thing to happen. That was almost too descriptive... As long as you have all learned from this, then I'm sure that it will be a valuable (if horrible) experience. I hope that everyone has recovered OK.
I've seen coke bring out the very worst in people. It stops them holding back on the negative parts of their personalities. The thing you have to remember is, those negatives are there to start with. A group of really together and friendly people on coke is a whole different experience.
One last thing. Retribution could be a bad mistake. Consign it to the past and try to convince your friends to as well. Remember: "An eye for an eye makes the world go blind."
Originally posted by toxiku:
I totally can see how coke can turn agressive assholes into super-agressive motherfu**ers. The problem isn't coke, the problem is people.....
I agree. If you're an asshole, and you do any drug you will become more of an asshole. Coke doesnt make people assholes. Being an asshole makes someone an asshole.
Wow, I want to say thank you for all the feedback. I now know why I came back to Bluelight after a long hiatus - very sensitive and generous people who take their time to help. I guess erave = too elitist ^)^ BUT - I agree with everyone - Funkay - yes, sometimes you just have to catch the shit when it hits the fan for whatever reason. Jester - yes, let the aura of PLUR radiate your reality as long as you keep in TOUCH with your reality. Del - that is a very plausible statement that "assholes are assholes when on drugs" - but I am not exactly sure that can fully be applied in this case - the agressors were pretty cool before they left - even offered me a free line :/ Oh yeah, InSearchOf - I may be young on certificate - but dont let that decieve you -- ummm no, that was dumb - yes, I am young.....keep going !
What I said is no longer relavent, changes have been made
[ 25 December 2002: Message edited by: Fetish Jester ]