• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Work Rant


Bluelight Crew
Jul 13, 2007
Let's all vent about our shitty jobs...

I don't think I've had such a horrible job.. ever.. till, unfortunately, now.

I've got an injured foot and am in constant pain. I decided to tough it out but end up going home a few hours early due to the pain becoming unbearable. I go to work again today and the pain becoming unbearable 6 hours into my shift. I asked my managers if I can go home early and they say no and I must work my remaining two hours. Well if that's the case, I don't want to work anymore until after I recover from my surgery. This is what I get for trying to help them! Grrrr.

~ calls out for the next 3 weeks. They can't fire me, right? (I have a doctors note).
My job is pretty decent, actually. It's unfortunate that all the petty tasks get handed down the line to me, and I get inadvertently blamed for not being able to do something since I was the last resort, but meh, it could be worse.

Have you tried taking anything for your foot? I had minor outpatient foot surgery back in December that left me hurting for quite some time. Naproxen Sodium ("Aleve") was extremely beneficial as I'm on my feet most of the time at my job.
I work in an office in a cube farm.

Woman next to me coughs loudly all day. She's old. 60+ There is something wrong with her but everyone must ignore it because you can't say anything. Plus she's a loud mouth, talking and giving her opinions that no one cares about all day long....

The guy a couple seats down complains and crys about every little task that he has to do... he is close to 40... ...grow up or start a revolution.

I'll make it work though, I've been unemployed, and I've had to living in shelters before, and I have nothing to fall back on...
Are you in a union? They can't fire you if you have a valid doctor's note. Although you may have to go on a leave of absence if you are off for an extended amount of time.
I ref volleyball some weekends and I get a bit of steady pay for being a project hand for a science outpost at the university. Otherwise I live off of student loans and bursaries. There's worse ways to get through life.
I am a salesman, of high prestige. I don't need a 9-5 when earning this kind of cash. My job is, well, dangerous and rewarding, oh and the boss has you on contract. Missing a day is a bullet in your hand the first time, then the head.
I'm a cashier part-time while I am working on my neuroscience undergrad.
I have been at the same company (and only company) for 2.5 years now

Oh, how I hate it. I live in Texas so it is a constant stream of nascar-lovin',jean-short-wearin',english-language-manglin' redneck. You get treated like shit, and if something is wrong pricewise the blame is immediately placed on you. It's so demeaning to be a neuroscience major and get condescending remarks from people that probably couldn't even spell the word.
The only thing that has kept me there is that they are very understanding about working with my schedule, and I really like the managers. I am also well-liked by employees and customers.

The issue I have been having lately is I am finally realizing the futility of busting my ass and doing a good job when the quality of my coworkers (and believe me, I have seen a lot of employees come through here in 2.5 years that have quit because of expectations) has been steadily decreasing. Back when I started everyone did their job right and things ran smoothly. Now we've got a few people that do a
good job, a few that are incompetent, and a shitload that are lazy.

I just keep telling myself that this will all be worth it in 7 years when I (hopefully) get my doctorate.
^ Sounds like it may be time to move on. I was in a similar spot as you when I was working at a hardware store as a cashier and sales associate: When I started 3 1/2 years before I quit, everyone did their jobs well and seemed to actually care (including the managers). Then the higher ups decided to change around the local managers, and the new people hired who didn't give a damn for the job were hired and things gradually went to shit within about a six-month period.
Im in a tough spot because there isnt anywhere else that would work so well with my schedule.
The issue at hand is that I can't mention I would be interested in being promoted, because they drug test when they promote. A HAIR drug test
A drug test for a CSR position? Tell me you are joking..
i love my job, it only doesn't pay greatly. lately, however, i have been getting extremely agitated at my work mates. i see a tonne of work avoidance, and procrastinating. we have no stats and very little managing, so you could get away with it. only, since we do this job to help people, we are supposed to be working under our own volition, which is what i do. the avoidance tactics only means i get much more cases than anyone else, and now my workloads is getting hard. very hard.

add to that that we've been short staffed for months, i'm the only one there with full time study load alone with my f/t work, and i'm the only new parent too... i'm reaching the end of my tether.
A drug test for a CSR position? Tell me you are joking..

They do a hair test for all new employees, and they also do random hair testing periodically, although they only do it when they suspect something. I think they have only random tested once in the 11 years the manager I talk with has been there

Now, not all "promotions" are actually a promotion in the sense that you would get tested. For example, if you were moving from bagging groceries to a cashier they would not test you, nor would they if they moved you to blocking/stocking. However, the position I want is office cashier. IE, the person who runs the office at the front of the store that deals with money orders, lottery, counting money, running the other cashiers etc. This is definitely a promotion, and I am growing increasingly irritated as they promote incompetent people over me. I am also really angry with myself because I broke my 30 days sober on friday. I would consider 90 days the safe mark.
I guess maybe it's a culture difference but I don't see how your weekend or free time activities bears any importance to the people who employ you. I would be indignant. It's truly none of their business.
Oh believe me. I feel strongly the same way. Why the fuck should it matter what I choose to do with my body as long as it doesn't affect my work performance?
I'm one of the best employees there (no arrogance intended) so clearly my personal choices are not affecting my work
I'm surprised more good workers don't refuse drug tests on principle. If you are a good worker and they obviously want to keep you, then refusal for a drug test on principle should actually carry some weight.
Good One!
Refusing to take a drug test, very funny just like Keepin' it Real, on the Chappelle's show
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I'm surprised more good workers don't refuse drug tests on principle. If you are a good worker and they obviously want to keep you, then refusal for a drug test on principle should actually carry some weight.

Where I work, refusal to drug test is ground for dismissal. It's a condition for employment. I've seen a few people get fired for refusing.
I'm a bar/gaming attendant. Dealing with the drunks who crack the shits because they're too intoxicated to realise how much money they've lost in the pokies (which they think is my fault because I work there) doesn't really bother me. If anything, it's a bit of entertainment for the night and I love the people I work with which is the main reason why I'm still there. But on the negative side, my boss is one of those 'business only focussed' types. He could not care less on what is going on in his employee's lives. If we can't work he demands an explanation, demands an unavailability request to be filled out with 2 weeks notice from casual employees and even if that request is provided, it doesn't guarantee our requested days off. A while back I fainted behind the bar which was my fault from a lack of food and sleep. The first thing I heard when I properly woke up and realised what was going on was "Oh great now who am I going to get to cover the members bar?", two weeks ago I worked an 11.5 hour shift with NO BREAK! I was driving the courtesy bus for fuck's sake. They're happy for me to drive people home and pick people up for so many hours but couldn't give two fucks about me eating to keep going and not to mention the safety of myself and the 12 other people on the bus. Also a lady I work with was refused time off for her SON'S WEDDING! Like c'mon really?. Also if we're rostered for a 5 hour shift we are not required any break at all, not even a 5 minute smoke break which I'm pretty sure isn't legal.

This is only a fraction of the unfair cases at my work. I could be here all day typing about them. But the thing that's keeping me there is that the staff I work with are fantastic. Sometimes it doesn't even feel like work as we laugh, have a drink together when we clock off and even head out some nights depending on what time we finish work. We really do work as a team and help each other out. So what would anyone recommend? Even though this isn't my career goal, should I get out and find another job?
We feel like robots to the higher ups. If we can't work they treat us like we're broken. I really hate the office people but I really love the team I work with. Any suggestions?
Looks like your boss could use a roughing up after close one night. Usually humbles the pricks when they lose a couple of teeth. They start to realize that employees have power too.

It's tough for me to say because I've recently gotten a job with a very good employer. I get paid well and the company culture is pretty relaxed.
Believe me I'd very much love to do so if he wasn't my fuckin life line. Even with what you have with your new job sounds like a dream. Currently looking for a new job. NO idea what so ever of what I would like to get into and it's driving me nuts. Time will tell. But anyways congrats with the new job.