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Heroin Detoxing, with all supplies at hand. Overused topic I have minute but KEY differences


Jun 25, 2008
But every case has its tiny differences that could greatly affect the outcome. I believe that is the situation in my case, and why this thread is worthy of a few Bluelighter's hardened wisdom.

I have been using Heroin IV for about 7 months. My dose fluctuates wildly, although lately, with my "kick-or-be-doomed" date approaching, I have been trying to do no more than .4 a day. I have been able to space my shots out at least 12 hours, and usually 16-18. Last month I went 20 hours without feeling sick. Don't let that fool you, there have been times where I have done well over a gram in one day. (west coast powder/rock quite pure)

February 2nd, the love of my life returns to the state. He thinks I've been clean since a force stint in rehab in July. Other than those miserable 30 days, I've been using ever since.

I have suboxone, klonipin, and xanax. Prior to entering rehab, suboxone had "quit" working for me. It hardly took the edge off of my withdrawals. But, I did do that 30 days clean, and I have my dose down, and can go 20 hours before I am sick.

My issue: I am a full time student with a full time job. It will have to be "walking detox" or the closest thing to that as possible.

Yesterday: I did a .12 wake up at around noon. I took 2mg of xanax at 11am to combat the "fuck-its". By night time I was getting anxious and took 4mg of Klonipin. I took another 2mg of xanax and was at this point so loopy off the benzos I felt great, and stayed up until 5am on the internet. I had class at 9am, but when I awoke at 9:30, my alarm had been blaring since 7. I was SO amazingly sick. I put one 8mg strip under my tongue and snorted about 2mg of the orange pills in each nostril, for a grand total of 12mg of suboxone. 15 minutes later I started puking, I was sweating, shaking, all over a mess. The love of my life comes home at midnight. I had my mom bring me my "emergency" dope (.2 I had saved in case the suboxone didn't work) and about 45 minutes later I finally hit.

I'm thinking the benzos made me sleep too long, to where I had gotten TOO sick. The flavor of the strip had me puking (dejavu of local detox centers long ago...)

What is the best method to transition? I always thought it was a middle-of-the-night thing. Take a xanax to sleep through the first of the sickness, when you wake up you're ready to dose on the subs. Take subs, more benzos, (a zofran) and try to go back to sleep. That was intention this morning but it backfired horribly.

How can I keep my classes up and my job, while simultaneously rapidly getting on a suboxone taper to salvage my relationship?

I also have been taking 60mg morphine to try to get my dose down to a calculated level. I am at a loss. If I do my last shot at night, I will gradually get sick throuought the day, and may be tempted to take suboxone too early and go into precipitated withdrawals.

I'm an undercover junkie, I work in the medical field, full-time student for premed, all around golden girl... I'm getting desperate. If I can't kick, I've considered suicide, rapid detox under anesthesia, and an ibogaine center. Unfortunately I'm not rich.

I do have a very supportive mom, but if I don't kick soon, she will cut all ties with me.
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When do other users do their last shot, which is in turn deciding the time they will take the suboxone? And when should how much benzo's be used in this process?

I could also get Loperamide, Seroquel, Zofran, and maybe some muscle relaxers. Poppy seed tea seems to defeat the purpose.
It wasn't precipitated withdrawals. I was already quite sick, and the flavor of the strip made me puke. Other than that, I didn't get sicker. Definitely not the agony of PWs.

Why did bupe quit working for me? Excellent question. Back when I smoked, I could smoke for three months, smoke at night, and when I would start to feel sick, I would take maybe 1-2mg of bupe and feel great. 18 hours later another 1-2mg, and that was it. I was done. No more withdrawals ever and i was sleeping through the need.

I did this several time and gradually I started needing more bupe, but I didn't think anything of it.

Then I didn't use bupe for about 9 months. Straight heroin, smoking for 6 months, then shooting for 3. The next time I tried to take suboxone it hardly took the edge off. All that happened was I DIDN'T shit or vomit. But everything else. The hot/cold chills, goosebumps, anxiety, malaise, insomnia, complete agony. I took another 8mg with no relief. I waited 36 hours in this state before caving and getting dope. I thought maybe I had done something wrong, maybe I fucked up. So a month later I checked into a (free local) detox clinic that used pure bupe 2mg pills. 36 hours later and 12mg down, my BP was 80/60 with a HR of 144. I was flailing and hadn't slept even for a second. They were going to send me to the ER, but instead my mom picked me up and took me to get dope.

She said seeing me like that scarred her for life. It was the most ill she has ever seen me.

Fast forward two more months where mommy checked me into a fancy rehab center 120 miles away. At midnight, the nurse had to call the doctor for special order because I was not responding to the suboxone. They put me on a 24mg a day dose the second day (first day on subs because I came in high), and the ceiling dose of 32 mg the next day. I was in agony. A nurse had to sit at my bedside to monitor me. They were sweet, putting hot or cold washcloths on my forehead to comfort me, changing my sweated out sheets, and rubbing my back. Again a dangerously low BP and high HR. I didn't eat for 4 days, and I didn't sleep for 7. Then I took a two hour nap. I was started on 50mg of seroquel for sleep, and incrementally every night when I would crawl to the nurses station at midnight to prove I was still awake, the doctor increased the dosages. By the 7th day I was on 300mg Seroquel, 150 Trazadone, and 100 Diphenhydramine. What a joke. I pretty much cold turkeyed. Except i didn't get the runs or vomit.Those dogmatic doctors wouldn't even give me a .25 Lorazepam.

Just now I went back and read some of my former posts from 2009. 2mg's of sub detoxed me start to finish with almost no discomfort.

You guys tell me why? Did my brain figure out it was being tricked with a "partial agonist" and say "screw you thats not what I want!" Or is there a better explanation?
I've never heard of needing such a high dose of bupe, and it still not working? Very strange indeed.
And that was prescribed by my addiction specialist doctor in rehab! So now I'm at home and trying to detox... WHAT AM I TO DO? COLD TURKEY?

Or shell out thousands for anesthesia or ibogaine? Or just be a junkie forever?

I can't live like this.:|
I've seen the "thomas" recipe online, but that seems like its for cold turkey detox? My goal is do not miss work or school but obviously kicking dope is my priority and I will do what I have to do.
I kno how u feel i have the same reaction to subs. rakes away the worst part of wds bt leaves the more mild part chills insomnia etc. The shitty part is even though it doesnt give u full relief the wds from bupe when ur on the doseages that r really high r almost as bad as oxies i couldnt drink water for days without puking. i would recoment gltting a doctors not for your work and school thats what i did. u dont have to tell them ur dope sick its not their business goodluck my friend. oh yeah promethazine does wonders for nausea it got me from puking water to joyfully stufing my face try it¡
I meant to say subs wds r as bad as oxys at such high doseages. i would do taper and cold turkey with sleep aids that u could abuse and try sleeping most of the four days. i dont think u can do it without a week or two off
Ur immunity is due to your high tolerance in my opinion but i bet methafone a full agonist would feel better but the wds r just as bad as heroin. man up cold chicken u turkey¡
Doctor's Note

Thats a genius idea! Medical records are private so they don't have to know whats going on. I've always been nervous to let my primary care provider know I do drugs, because then they will never prescrive a benzo or codeine again. I could man up and cold turkey, but the predicament here was maintaining my life. So if that is just not going to be possible, I can accept that.

My tolerance really isn't high. Its actually quite low. Well, one day I can do a gram, but the next I can stay well off of one .15 shot for the entire day. I made a gram last four days before trying this. I've seen people with CRAZY tolerances react so much better to the suboxone.

Is it possibly that my brain figured it out? That it was being tricked?

I can't think of anything else.

Thanks for the help.