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Clean vs. Messy - Your Preference


Jan 11, 2001
I recently managed to try a cap (100-110 mg MDMA) for the first time... I was really surprised at how clean it was. Up until this time, I had never had anything even close to this cleanliness...
I had heard people talk about how clean powder was compared to pills, but I never expected the degree of clarity that I got.
The classic MDMA experience was there, minus the headfuck, and was quite strong... But, I think I enjoy myself more when my head feels like its been through a washing machine...
Am I just not appreciating good drugs or do others prefer the messiness as well? Does it just take time to get used to that degree of clenliness??
And does anyone know what causes the difference between the clean and messy feeling?? Is it improper/incomplete synthesis or pill bindings or something else?
And if I like the messy effect, what would you think of say crushing half a pill (e.g. a HQ) and adding that to the cap?? Or should I give the cap on its own another chance??
Anyway, I have at least another two caps to investigate further

[This message has been edited by gregington (edited 28 May 2001).]
If youre talking about Fundamental, I saw you - if I *ever* am that happy, Ive had a good life
Clean ones
eg Blue BB/ White Bentleys/ Green CUs
Clean E is nice because a reasonably clear head means you can do whatever you want (dance, chat, gaze, wallow), instead of being chopped and just sitting there.
Izzy wizzy let's get busy
Yes, I was talking about Fundamental... It was a great night... And If you thought I was happy there, you should have seen me about about 3am-5am at PvD

Not that I'm complaining about the caps or anything... Its like I tend to act more spontaneously when messy becuase I don't have the mental capacity to think about what I'm doing
I much prefer clean pills, prolly 'cos I hate having my head messed around with at all, by anything... I'd much rather have all the typical mdma effects without my brain being filled with cottonwool as well...
Each to their own... Give the caps a couple of more goes by themselves and see how you feel after that... One thing we're never short of is messy pills, so you're not missing out by taking a good clean cap...
As for why some are clean and some are messy, I don't really know... Perhaps this thread helps explain it, its a little over my head tho...
As nice as the cleaness of some nice powder is, personally i like to feel that my pill is there. Having said that, I dont want it to be really messy, just not exceptionally clean.
Ive previously have powder that was clean enough that at times it was possible to forget that you were rolling... 'Damn, its all over.... whoa... there it is!'
Hey Tarsalan - thanks for posting that link - really interesting. When I have the time I really must do some archive browsing....
Maxi, I agree with you. I like to feel a little bit of a head fuck.
With a messy pill, I find it easier to judge the strength and you know its definately working

Not TOO messy, but I like a bit messy. For example, if a pill is REALLY clean, i'll have a bump or two of K to twist reality sideways a little.
I dunno, I just think it makes it a little bit more interesting
I had *exactly* the same powder as gregington, and it was sooo clean!! It was dancey and all, but not loved-up which is how I like it!! One minute is was "yay, this is cool" then it was, "oh, was that it??" HQ for Sonik should be good with the cap though...Hehehe...
...then there is the other way of looking at it. 'Messy' can be the result of having a really strong/long dose of MDMA and depleting your seretonin right down to next to nothingness. That 'ultrascattered I can't walk let alone think' you get after a really good pill(s) isn't really due to the pill, its the lack of seretonin.
When I first started going out, I couldn't understand why people would want to get messy. To me, it was something to be avoided at all costs. Thus I stuck to MD pills and no wizz/green/other stuff, AT ALL. But I think after you've been going out for a while (ie. 1yr+) you start to look for something else, and getting messy does add a kinda new dimension to it.
It used to annoy me when people would munch to the point where they couldn't walk & talk, I used to think "why fuck yourself up like that" but honestly, you can't criticise until you've done both nights(clean & messy) and can judge for yourself. Now I try and avoid getting messy but if the opportunity arises it's heaps of fun with the right people, and as long as you're not annoying anyone, hey it's your choice right??
Messy gets my vote.. sometimes ;)
Hmm, I wonder if Messie prefers messy pills?

I've had a few occasions where i'd had a big strong dose of mdma (a couple of pills, or pills and caps) and still been quite coherant... I've got nothing against getting a little messy, but I'd prefer to keep it clean mostly because those have been the experiences I've enjoyed the most... That said, the best ever was a Red Honda at Wild Things 2, and since the night is pretty blurry, you couldn't really call that clean could ya? ...hmmm...
shit man ive been messy more times than id like to remember... however im definitely a fan of the cleaner experience...
i dunno if it can ever be truly 'clean'... i hope so... i do know that the more you have, the messier you get.... well at least of the pills i get.
hmmmm, depends on where you are too.... at a rave, its fine to get as messy as... cause no-one gives a shit <- they're all messy too... other events call for a bit less messiness, i think you get what i mean.
Definately prefer clean, ie. powder. It can be turned on and off almost at will, and for me at least, the amount to which you notice it depends on body temperature (which usually equates to movement). As soon as the temperature rises, its heaven... sit down and it feels like its finished. Nice way to avoid a foggy brain

Still, definately something to be said for both sides
Step 1: Peak hard enough from super clean powder to give you stretch marks on your pupils and leave you wondering where the high pitched sound in your ears is coming from.
Step 2: Get someone to pack a phat cone for you (because you won't be able to hold your eyes still for long enough - here's some we prepared earlier...) and get as messy as you want. It's controllable and familiar that way, and plus it's funny trying to pull a cone while you can't focus on the flame and you're trying to chew on the top of the bong.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
im a candyflipper myself....love the way how it gets ya on all angles..as ya ride in and out of the mdma peaks..the acid fills the troughs....the next day can be a bit nasty tho..but when ya with good people, to talk shit with..its ok
For a few weeks in the arse end of 1999, it was my mission in life to get as messy as I possibly could. If I wasn't cross-eyed and gurning, the night was a failure. OK I wasn't quite that bad
but it did turn me off the messiness of the experience a bit.
Here in good old Canberra we used to have a little club called Heaven (or dirty heaven as we re-christened it) and the best nights of the year were the Positive nights.. great hard funky tribal progressive in a little black room full of super caned individuals. I took a friend up there to lose her pill virginity and she couldn't believe it. 'Look at these people, they all look so miserable! How can they possibly be having a good time!' It was that gorgeous 'I'm so fucked up I look like I'm dying of blood loss' kinda look that she meant.. if you know what I'm talking about, you've looked that way yourself

aaaaanyway, now I prefer a cleaner feeling. I like to be able to choose whether to hold up my end of a conversation or fuck it all off and dance. And those 'I'm messy, gotta go sit in the car' parties seem to have lost their appeal.
but, to each his own

(with a pop-o-matic bubble)
goddamn but did positive rock... *reminisces*
but hey, Canberra no longer has heaven and Barry Barton moved to Melbourne, so i am glad that i moved to sydney...
but that back room all UVed up with the awesome sound that those boys would crank out... it was to use a bad pun... "heaven."
heh... have fun...
Drugs are not the answer... Drugs? is the question... Yes is the answer.