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Does America purposely promote stupidity?


Bluelight Crew
Sep 10, 2001
Growing up in the average American suburban and rural high schools, I always noticed that stupitity was a promoted personal trait amongst the student body. For instance, someone who could make light of their own lack of wisdom were somewhat worshiped by others, where as those who projected their knowledge and other academic abilities in a wise fashion were/are regarded as the fools. It exists somewhat further into society in the university atmosphere and in the "wage" occupation atmosphere (from what I have observed, and most likely exists somewhat in all areas of our society). Idiots make light of their obvious lack of mental fortitude, and the surrounding individuals think bettor of them for it. This is not to say that one cant laugh at one's self for making simple mistakes, I am stating that from my observation stupidity appears to be a somewhat promoted trait. This makes little sense to me.
Is it because of our forms of media? For instanse, many popular televison shows exploit this same behavior. Remember Blossom's older brother? How about Homer Simpson? Even the older son on Family Guy. They may appear to be icons due to their characturization of what is "big, dumb and stupid." I am not stating that there is anything at all with any of the mentioned programs, just pointing out examples (being a great fan of The Simpsons myelf). Perhaps this "popularly stupid" behavior is emulated by youth, and thus carried on with age and exists both within an older and younger age group.
This idea, of course, exists outside of media influence, as I am sure many have observed this behavior as well. Is it really "funny" or "cool" to display your lack of wisdom? Perhaps this is a devious trap set by individuals unknown to cause stupidity to be a common trait, reducing the common man's cognitive ability to defend himself. Perhaps its just a simple, pathetic example of how truley unsatisfying a consumer culture really is. Perhaps its all just in my imagination...
*edit - my bad for spelling purpose wrong*
[ 17 June 2002: Message edited by: THE WOOD ]
I think the part promoted in school is plainly people trying to deal with their insecurities. At that age though...you can't expect much else. It's a rarity to find someone mature enough to deal with it in a different way. Sometimes I wonder though how much the government and the "elite class" wants people to be smart. As long as the "mindless millions" do as they say, vote how they want, and do not resist...they stay in power, they stay rich, and they keep change from happening. Perhaps it is just our imagination...
Being able to laugh at your own shortcomings and make light of them is a sign of somebody whos come to realise their own limitations and balanced them with their desires. But this is probably not the case with most of the people you're talking of.
Good entertainers and comedians are always very bright people. Perhaps these 'jokers' just love the attention and act out popular TV characters whilst keeping a private, intelligent monologue.
This stupidity is a fashion, and the young are susceptible to fashions. It's something most (I hope) grow out of. I'd be worried if this fashion carried over to mothers and fathers who then become too lazy to care about their childrens' futures (or their own for that matter).
It's a very insightful point you've raised about media's influence. On the economic side of things, TV is a product, and to sell a product you need to satisfy a demand from your target group. TV shows that promote stupidity receive greater ratings so more are made as the producers know thats what the people like. Makes more money. Is TV the cause of stupidity, or is it the effect, a byproduct, a symptom of this trait present in the population? If it's a bit of both, then what can anyone do about it?
Being able to laugh at your own shortcomings and make light of them is a sign of somebody whos come to realise their own limitations and balanced them with their desires. But this is probably not the case with most of the people you're talking of.
This isnt necessarily what I am referring to. I laugh at myself and say "Jackass!" all the time. For instance, NOT TO MENTION ANYONE SPECIFIC, but what if we took all the people from BL social, and asked them strict philosophical questions, as those that are inquired here? I am quite sure the attitude would be that of mockery towards intellectual introspection and the like (again, not to downcast or mock anyone, but it is the simple truth, I mean absolutely no negativity by it).
I even recall thousands of times when I would point out a seemingly relevant historical or scientific fact (ya know, just shootin tha shit) about a topic at hand, people have regarded me as a jerkoff for simply KNOWING something "like that." Should people say "ahhh, interesting! But did you know..." No they dont, they say "U fucking dork, how the fuck do you know something like that? Terd!" Not that it offends me, I simply find it hypocritical and backwards. I am quite sure many others have expierenced this as well.
Refering back to the media promoting stupidity, I somewhat feel that it is promoted, not by society, but definitely in the media. It is funny or entertaining to watch a person act silly, or dumb. But possibly the motive behind that would be to allow us to make light of our own 'silly' or 'dumb' actions. To give us an idea that these are 'normal' people on TV shows.
But, then again when you think about it, are they trying to say that this is the level that we are on, that most of society can only handle this level of intelligence from a television show?
Now, I know I am surrounded by all levels of intelligence, but I definitely notice that in my school, I am surrounded by 'dumb jocks'. Not that they are all dumb, but they at least act that way, and it is admired!!! Is this a reflection of what is portrayed on television? Now, I know they have other things on their minds,(sports) but still, why are the analytical types looked on as being below these 'dumber' yet highly respected individuals.
It is definitely instilled in us at an early age, what we will value vs. what we will ignore. hell even cartoons glorify stupidity. When I was in high school it was 'cool' to be dumb. Now my ideals are changing. I need mental stimulation. I need a challenge. I may not be all that verbal, but I enjoy feeling the wheels churning always.
Refering back to the media promoting stupidity, I somewhat feel that it is promoted, not by society, but definitely in the media. It is funny or entertaining to watch a person act silly, or dumb. But possibly the motive behind that would be to allow us to make light of our own 'silly' or 'dumb' actions. To give us an idea that these are 'normal' people on TV shows.
We are naught but an emulation of behavior.
Human nature, sociology and common sense will tell us that people, regardless of origin tend to speak the same language as everyone else around them. Think of it as a cultural channel of communication; a collequial and friendly way of blending in.
This is why the role of the teacher is so important in society. People need someone to 'set aside' as mentor. Nobody wants to be highbrowed by their peers and siblings and this is why you rarely see group lectures and therapy sessions going on between friends at the bar.
Feigning stupidity can be an artful and comforting aspect of someone's personality. Admit it, when you blurt out a little known fact or slice of scholarly information, you must know the pretense that permeates from every syllable.
It's irresponsible to harbour the 'it's not my fault for being a genius' attitude. If you want to get ahead socially in this world, it's important that you pay attention to the role you play in others' lives.
Factual wizardry doesn't work on pets and stuffed animals.
yeah I recon that stupidity is a very important part of America's unique democratic system. It is present in politics, where issues are usually portaid with slogans rather then rational debate. Just look at the "just say no" campaign, and the excuse Bush gave as to why the WTC building was bombed when he said, "they hate our freedom". Of coarse there's the whole voting shame, where people have no idea who they vote for and what multinational corperations own the guy their voting for. But to get to the school system, I think you need to have a good teacher to really get it to work, without one it just teaches you to follow a standardised routine rather then learn anything. Most schools do not teach how to think, and the processess involved, such as looking at both sides of the argument, finding middle ground, and going beyond the square you live in.
I know it smacks of conciparcy theory, and I am by no way a concpiracy theorist but it would make sense that the powers that be would encourage this behaviour (the promoting of stupidity and the denigrating of intelligence) as a stupid, ignorant populace is easier to control and dupe.
It's irresponsible to harbour the 'it's not my fault for being a genius' attitude. If you want to get ahead socially in this world, it's important that you pay attention to the role you play in others' lives.
i certainly hope you are not referring to anyone who has posted in this thread.
Personally, i consider myself far from genius status. Im am a simle little dood who consumes too many psychoactives and thinks way too much.
I think that teachers may be, in fact, a bad role.
This is why the role of the teacher is so important in society. People need someone to 'set aside' as mentor. Nobody wants to be highbrowed by their peers and siblings and this is why you rarely see group lectures and therapy sessions going on between friends at the bar.
Perhaps the social construct of the role of teacher is what prevents us from healing and growing in a collective unity, so to speak. I believe in the next era of human advancement, we will be more accepting of mentoring from everyone, and that everyone will help everyone else grow, in a peaceful and loving sort of way.
I feel that living within the western world promotes the non-use of ones brain. Take for example most young drug users, ask them why they use whatever drug. The answer you'll most likely get is to be "fucked up" or to not use their minds for a certian given period of time. Look at wrestling and our sports (which professional wrestling isn't, its just entertainment). They all promote the lack of useage of ones brain. I work inside an ISP, and all day, I deal with fuqk's who literally REFUSE to think for themselves. Ask your adverage juvinile what the boiling point for water is, or how to administer CPR properly, you'll probably hear something along the lines "I don't know nothin bout that shit !".
Anyone remember Chris rocks routine about niggas and books (Niggas hate to read, a book is like kryptonite to a nigga. They even sing and praise ignorance)? It's true, but I fear its true for the great majority of our young (which I'm part of) not just those who came from what might be considered a "lacking" background. Just my thoughts @ the moment
[ 07 June 2002: Message edited by: Shenanigans ]
As long as the majority of society is not in the 'know'...the mass is much easier to lure and guide in a preconcieved direction...
IE...the govt's plans are easier to put across society and into action.
The 'drones' live in a world of ignorance, and it feels like bliss, but they soon feel the emptiness, but it's usually to late.
The 'dreamers' live for something, have drive and goal, but many times have their dreams and hearts crushed by the world around them...and it can possibly deter them into 'drones.'
The drive has to come from within, and one must love oneself to develop invinsibility to the world around oneself.
The 'blinders' of society are in many ways held by our entertainment and media sources. People seem to like living in some sort of soap opera instead of dealing with the real, they would rather create fabrications and live inside of them....and the entertainment and media sources promote this kind of life pursuit.
...living within the western world promotes the non-use of ones brain.
I believe that hundreds of years from now, our society etc will be viewed as "The Dark Ages" are viewed now. Sad?
I think that society currently rewards stupidity. Think about the anus who bought a Campervan, took it out the highway, set cruise control and left the wheel to make a cup of coffee. He crashed his brand new campervan, sued the company because there were no specific instructions about cruise control and got a new campervan and 1.5 million dollars. If only I was that stupid.
I hate to quote **Caddyshack**, but:
"The world needs ditchdiggers, too."
Seriously, there are so many menial, crappy jobs in the world that it behooves a military-industrial complex to keep at least some portion of the populace sufficiently uninformed and uneducated to do them without rioting.
If everyone was really smart, who'd want to fix toilets flooded with shit or cook hamburgers at McDonald's?
Also keep in mind that most American money is invested into and spent on entertainment--we're taught to be escapists from the time we grow up.
Human nature's the issiue as well. Knowledge is power. Those who think outside the realms of what we currently have define the future, the rest follow in their footsteps. Ask most people in a club (different crowd) if they want acid and half will look at you in fear.
Ignorance is bliss in that people don't acknlowedge the idea that things could exist outside their knowledge base. The idea that they're all knowing is a fundamental lie that keeps them going. Anything which questions this is a threat, and therefore attacked.
Buddist spirals of knowledge. We be climbing it, they're on the lift to the basement.
I did a rant on friendsreunited.co.uk, former college E-mail each other board type thing. Do you believe it's worth it? Should we attack them for vilonently (in some cases) enforcing their views towards nothingness or just let them get on with it in the knowledge that the rest of us are more interetsing?
It's easy to point the finger at the 'bad, bad, government' when in all probability, it is made up of people just like us with the same desires and fears. Remember when the government used to be seen as an extension of society, for society. Now it seems the two are at odds. It's time people stopped shifting their own power onto faceless government officials and face their REAL enemies.
errr... what real enemy?
I think that societies such as America need a gullable, stupid or distracted population in order to exist. This is simply because America is not a democracy, does not practice anything that it preeches, and generally controls most of the world through economical power.
Am I anti-American? No, i seriously doubt it. I think that the country and history has a lot to offer, but the government-political-social system is seriously flawed. I dont think a better system exists in the world though, since "modernisation" has made all govt's practically similar but with different levels of wealth. There maybe govt's around the place with different ideology, but that doesn't matter, its window dressing. What matters is the economical processess and the social freedoms, and most countries have similar degrees of this.
If everyone was really smart, who'd want to fix toilets flooded with shit or cook hamburgers at McDonald's?
Think. If we were all really smart, would we need fucking McDonald's?