Bad Mcat Experience, any advice much appreciated.


Sep 6, 2009
Hiya, I am a 19 year old girl average height/weight 5"7, 135lbs, if this is in any way relevant.

I have dabbled in such drugs whilst being young such as weed, cocaine, pills and never had any negative experience previously. Exactly a week ago, I took some white powder called mcat, which I have sone a bit of research on and think it is mephedrone if anyone could confirm this?

I have taken a very small line once before and had a very positive experience for a couple of hours and no comedown, so this time I inhaled via snorting a larger line. I am unsure of the exact amount but it was about the length of a little finger and maybe 0.5cm wide My friends took the same amount and I had used the same batch before so I am unsure of why my current situation has occurred.

My experience : within a minute of taking it I had just about lost the use of my legs which felt very weak, and was completely tripping out and everything shaking. I just thought I had taken a bit much and would sleep it off. After a few hours I felt ok-ish, still a bit shaky. I went to bed and could hear voices in my head. Day 2 and 3, I keep feeling hot, my legs feel very weak, and my head feels full of cotton wool. I could feel tingling in my legs and waves of nausea. I am very anxious about this now as it will not seem to go away which I feel is making it worse. I have been out shopping etc in the last couple of days but feel very much like my normal self is inside a body which is playing up. The worst part is that I do not feel safe to drive, as I feel dizzy and can't think straight. :(

It has been a week now and I still feel pretty dizzy, with constant head tension, andwaves of a tingly sensation throughout my body. I keep feeling normal for periods of an hour or so, then back to being dizzy and unable to think straight.

I was thinking of going to the doctors tomorrow. Any help is much appreciated, or any reports on similar experiences and how I should go about feeling better.

Thank you for any help/ advice
first off, are you taking any medication? mephedrone is proving itself to be quite idiosyncratic, and i personally dont recd it. It being serotonergenic and causing serious vasocontrictive issues is prob to blame for the way you are feeling, and if you are not taking any additional medications it is possible/probable that you are unusually sensitive to its effect. Peripherally it sounds somewhat lie serotonin syndrome, you should feel better soon but if your temp, blood pressure, other vitals continue to be off you might wanna check in with a doc. Its been 3 days? that is a little concerning, but you should be ok.........:D
Actually "mcat" is drug slang for methcathinone HCl proper. It has a bunch of derivatives that are currently legally-iffy, so god knows what you got if you obtained it that way. 4-Methylmethcathinone is what "mephedrone" is, and is one of such derivatives. Typcically mephedrone trips go better than others in this cluster, but unfortunately the others are often marketed and sold as "mcat" to the unknowing buyer, for various reasons. My hunch is that you got one of the nastier ones, that the person who made this was going for memphedrone and went a bit astray (nasty oxidants are easy to accidently make in the synth process of this) or the source is knowingly conning people. Not uncommon for these drugs.

Anyway, I would suggest going to a doctor if you feel like you couldn't see if it runs its course for another week. Try and eat good, clean foods high in carbohydrates. Stay away from caffeine. And hydrate yourself twice as much as you typically would. As for the mental feelings, really the physical betterment may cross over to their improvement. But it probably will just take time. The methcathinone drugs are chemically most like amphetamines, so do you recall ever having any simiar reactions to amphets in your past? They're big on antagonizing dopamine rebuke inhibitors, which will cause depression and confusion for a while after the initial bombardment has given a positive. It's not going to lead to seratonin syndrome or the MDMA "suicide Tuesday," but more like meth psychosis.

Trouble is, these drugs are so new that so little is known about their toxicities and their negative consequences. So please be careful in your future when dabbling with novel chemicals. You never know what's going to happen.

Best of fortune, and keep us updated on your progress :)
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You could perhaps post this question in the advanded drug discussion thread mephedrone: ?

Expect some harsh criticism though, they're not quite as friendly over in that neck of the woods. They should be able to help you pinpoint medical side effects more specifically though. I'd tend to agree with amanitadine on the vasocontrictive issues; heaps of meph users report their extremities, knees etc going purple.

One line isn't a lot compared to what some people are taking... are you perhaps on any other medication? An SSRI or MAOI?
I beleieve this comes from the plant called "Khat". They ould chew the leaves to release the cathinone. The cathinone is the active ingrediant you are feeling. It is similarly structured to amphetamines and has similar effects(dopamine release, re-uptake inhibition)

What you describe might be a bad batch or something else in the drug. Allthough all stimulant have vasocontrictive qualities.

Have you used speed or meth before? Did you get the same experience? Your body just may not well tolerate stimulants and usually the precursors and analogues tend to be allot harsher than the base chemicals

Cathinone and cathine both come from khat, but methcathinone HCL and its structural-relatives that are sold on legal high sites and such are fully synthetic. Methcathinone alone affects dopamine as its own chemical. There's no cathinone or cathine involved.
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not sure what is actually correct but ive heard 4-methylmethcathinone (4mmc) being called mcat before. I'd never tripped before this stuff, butdue to my inexperience in drugs did trip out for about 10 mins seeing cartoons looking like ones from topcat and dangermouse, very odd, and did get jelly legs.
sorry to hear about ur bad experience, if it was 4mmc, def something to leave for the odd occasion.

and have you eaten? usually takes a while to be able to eat again, but after coming down for a bit as soon as i made myself eat i felt like i had more energy. make sure you look after yourself and give yourself things to help your body recover and fight it, ie, vitamins etc.

let us know if things are better!!! xx
Ya, please tell us what's been going on. One-post-wonders of the dark kind are never easy to digest.
Ya, please tell us what's been going on. One-post-wonders of the dark kind are never easy to digest.
haha I can imagine.

Hiya yeah a couple days on I am pretty much back to normal. I can't fathom why I had such a bad reaction to it whereas everyone else was fine, as I didn't take alot at all. Maybe it was mixed with something bad or I'm overly- sensitive to it I'm not sure, but I probably won't be touching it again.

I think the way I felt was worsened by anxiety triggered by feeling so bad for such a period of time, I was shaky and nervous which is something I have never experienced before so I wasn't sure how to feel. After I got over this I think I started to feel better straight away. I ate good stuff and it obviously helped, despite having no appetite. My head is pretty much back to normal although there is a very slight dizziness still there.

In reply to peterskeys no I have never used speed or meth before so I cant compare anything? There was a heightened awareness, colours sounds etc. Feeling pretty happy. Things keep shaking every now and then which isn't unpleasant but pretty bizarre. Just watch out for the jelly legs.

Thanks for any help anyway, and yeah I mean probably somethin rare like but.. take it at your peril haha :\ Feeling insanely dizzy and unable to think straight for a week, really isn't fun!!
Great to hear you're doing a lot better! Some of us just have drugs that don't agree with us. It can be anything from like what you had to, for example, my mother going bats after a cup of coffee. Glad to hear you didn't face any really dangerous medical problems, and that you're going to be okay in time. And you are correct in that anxiety so easily snowballs, and the fear of permanent damage element is strong in a lot of us. Hang around if you want, of have any more questions!
=D please please dont take it as you would a line of coke you anly need a tip of a key's worth no more. it is a very fast activating drug and if you take it right the effect wears off after about 2 hours but make sure when taking it you are with friends and in a good mood the effect will be totaly diffrent
lol ive only been doing Mcat for a few week but i can tell you ive had some pretty fantastice time on it but because its a new area for me im still running into problems with it, this one time i felt like i was incredibly thirsty and i drank far too much water. it bsort of washed away the effects of the drug and i couldnt feel it at all. the next day i woke up and my tongue and mouth were all bloated and sore due to hyper hydration, this is because i had fucked up the salt water ratios in my body so i cured it with a high salt diet. i was fine the next day.
another thing ive founed is that its better if you keep moving while youre still feeling the buzz. if ur still high as a cite when you go to bed then you will end up getting terrible paranoia and halucination. when i first took it my legs went weak too and my head was all heavy so i sat down for a bit and i was fine afterwards. ive founed that the best experience comes when your in a posotive mood and there is good music on, mcat also makes strobe li8ghts and lazer shows look fucking incredible. i was out till 5 in the morning having only taken half a gram and it was amazing. i think the more fun your having while you take the drug enhances its effects therefore meaning that you dont need to take as much.

just a theory but it works for me, i thought i was in fucking heaven
Hi Stas,

Reading your post is very interesting for me, as i am in the middle of having the same experience!

Im a bit older than you though, at 35years. I used to take a bit of E when i was in my mid 20s, but i gave it up as the hangovers were getting longer and longer! After that i took a bit of coke now and again, but lately, i havent been taking anything.

Went out with some mates on Friday night (some younger guys from the office were there), after a few hours of drinking, a mate offered me some MCAT. I said, whats it like, he said, bit like E, and he roughly told me how much to take, but i was pretty boozy, so didnt pay too much attention.

Anyway, talking to my mate afterwards, he reckons i took about 300mg - im not sure it was that much, but i can tell you, whatever i took was WAY too much.....

I came back upstairs in the club after being at the toilet, and immediately i thought, damn, this stuff is good. Then literally 5 mins later, i felt my legs going weak, in fact, my whole body, and i felt really high, and a bit trippy.

My first thought was "oh sh1t, ive taken way too much, if i feel like this after 5 mins, imagine what its going to be like in 30mins"!!

But ive taken enough Es to know that you shouldnt be paranoid, just enjoy yourself and usually your ok, so i stopped worrying.

Although at that point, i grabbed my mate (who i didnt want to tell i was on the stuff!) and said to him, "ive just taken something, and i feel totally wasted, keep an eye on me".

Anyway, it peaked about 15-20 mins later, (thankfully) and i was alright, but i felt like i was far too wasted, almost to the point where i was a little out of control.

But the point is, that was Friday night, this is now, Wednesday, and i have been suffering all the same symptoms that you have. I am a professional, and i have had to take 3 days off work, as there is no way i could go into the office feeling like this!!

I feel totally anxious, and nervous, and my head feels fuzzy, like you said, full of cotton wool! I cant think straight and i feel tired all the time, like i cant get enough sleep.

Ive been eating really well, all home cooked good food and drinking fluids, i even went out for a 3-4 mile run yesterday to try clear my head, but it just hasnt been working!

I do feel like i am improving every day, but only slightly, and part of me is worried ive done some permanent damage!

I thought about going to the doctor, but apart from the embarrassment, im not sure they will be able to help me, i probably just need to give my body time to recover......

As for MCAT, it does give you an amazing feeling, probably the best of all the drugs ive tried (and i reckon it would have been better if i hadnt taken so much). But if this is how it makes you feel afterwards, then i certainly wont be trying it again!!

PS - an update on how your feeling how would be great, so i can hopefully get some comfort that eventually i will feel back to normal!!
It has been a week now and I still feel pretty dizzy, with constant head tension, andwaves of a tingly sensation throughout my body. I keep feeling normal for periods of an hour or so, then back to being dizzy and unable to think straight.

I had similar symptoms after taking too much MDMA before. They went away fully about 2 weeks after.
MCAT is mephedrone also known as 4-MMC / 4-methylmethcathinone or just methcathinone. Another slang name I've heard of is mieow. It is a totally different drug to methedrone which is bk-PMMA / 4-Methoxymethcathinone. Dont get them twisted!

The names are way too similar and also wonder if peope have taken what they thought they took!

SWIM has taken this (MCAT that is) and have had nothing but good times. A gram over 6-10 hours spread out in about 0.1-2g snorted off a key. Has always taken with alcohol, if this was the case the memory loss could be down to that?? When on this stuff it seems one can consume an unlimited amount of alcohol!
Have not heard of any thing quite as severe as the OP but a friend of mine felt shaky, weak and dizzy as it was kicking in one time, but a sit down and a few deep breaths seemed to sort it in no more than 10 minutes. As it is a RC (Reasearch Chemical), nobody really knows what the effects will be! So be careful

MCAT is very new on the scene where I live, but is fast becoming the next 'big thing'. Every week more and more are on it or talking about it. I do fear a slight psycological addiction has developed as I know a night out without this would now be boring in comparison.
But apart from that the only bad affect I can really say from this is a disgusting taste, slight burning sensation when snorted, and a big loss of appetite for a good 24 hours after taking. The comedown can be harsh, but the last time was the most one had taken and the comedown was nowhere near as bad as before, strange?

I have heard of people having a tanned, or a browny, and damp coloured powder of this. I have never seen anything but a pure white crystaline powder?
Also I have heard it is being made illeagle in the new year here in england, does anyone know of any truth in this??

- The Bafty Crastard
Just letting people know I might have got it wrong..
4-MMC / 4-methylmethcathinone is aparently methedrone!
And MCAT is ephedrone (the m is missing on purpose!) Which is methcathinone.

If you search around a few websites you will hear a lot of different things, none of them seem to match up. This is very fucking confusing and irritating!

Does anyone know wot this shit REALLY is!?
Ahhh... This is why I hate these stupid names:

MCAT = Methcathinone ( which is the BK of Methamphetamine. This is somewhat compareable to Methamphetamine and has been around for a long time.

4-MMC = 4-MethylMethCathinone which is Mephedrone ( Euphoric, addictive, illegal in the EU very soon, probably incredibly toxic to the heart and brain. Also known for producing random effects to random people, even at reasonable doses. I.E. above post. Probably should never be taken by anyone.

4-Methoxy-MethCathinone = Methedrone = bk-PMMA. ( This is similar to PMA, known for killing a bunch of people and being crappy. I gasped in horror when I saw this was going to appear on the RC market, and sure enough it instantly killed a couple people as soon as it appeared. Very dangerous and should never be taken by anyone.

Hope this helps clear the confusion. Oh yeah, MCAT is pretty rare, and if you hear something is MCAT and its more like-MDMA stimulant stuff, it's almost definitely 4-MMC as above.

Quite interesting to see peoples different oppinions on this drug, it is now 10:20 am on Sunday 20th December and I have been up since 8am yesterday morning. My mate came round at about 7:30pm with an oz of the stuff, and id say we've got through at least 10g between us, and I'm still here on the go now.
I've never had any bad experiences on this drug at all and infact quite enjoy it, only every now and again. I do find it can be very addictive though.

My mate on the other hand did have a very bad experience one of the first few times hed taken it, he mistaked his coke for mkat and did a rather large line compared to what he or anyone would take. He had a nasty fit/panic attack lasting for about half an hour, it took him about three weeks to fully recover.
During this time suffering urine infections, chest infections, miagraine and dizzyness and sickness and diaroehea?!

Some of us just don't learn, ever since then, he's been totally fine.
everything shaking was eye wobbles i expect, ive had that before but not often. whole body felt light as well, was quite trippy but very nice. after the peak i came back down and was pretty much fine. although i sometimes get bad come downs which last for days.
sounds like a strange reaction