
Dec 20, 1999
MayDay 2002
Sunday, May 5th 2002
Location :: Tompkins Square Park, Ave A btwn 7th & 10th St, NYC.
Start/End Time :: 1pm-5pm.
Production Company :: Blackkat.
Ticket Price :: FREE.
Age Restrictions :: all ages.
it's a pretty well-publicized event at this point...this will be the 6th annual one I think? And it's not like the cops don't already know about it!!!
There's about 126182618286287 of them there, complete with mobile command units, paddy wagons, and scopes on the roof. LEAVE ALL GOODIES AT HOME, or chances are strong you'll have serious drama.
More outdoor day parties coming soon!
[ 28 April 2002: Message edited by: Dazzle ]
Looks like it could be fun, hope it warms up by then. Today it was freezing, brrrr. If its nice sunday I will most likely be there. Could be a good warm up for Body and Soul.
I went last year & had an awesom time. I'm probably not going this year because I'm going to PA. the night before. Have fun.. =) Like Dazzle said, leave the goodies at home.. Mad police around so if your looking to spend the night in jail go ahead .........
i cant afford train fare twice this weekend--and i plan to go to the city on friday night...but if i can find someone to drive to mayday i'm deffinately goin!!! gotta luv afrika, TC, and jason bk. mmm mmm good. last year's mayday was maddd fun!
The rain date is May 5th. Also note that MayDay now starts at 1pm instead of 2pm.
Tiger and I went last year. It was a nice day in the park. We'll be there too. :)
I posted this, but maybe you missed it...
Rain date is May 5th.
i'm kinda glad it was postponed... i left the city last nite to come home b/c i had a "really weird feeling" in my gut that just told me to GO HOME. i got home and found out that my grandpa is in the hospital... so, this way i can be home to comfort my mom AND still make it to mayday next week. see you there!
I'm pretty sure i'll be goin.... tiger and fpit, i would definitely luv to see you guys :)
LOL YOU KNOW BLACKKAT IS GONNA GO TO SHIT ONCE ITS REACHED BLUELIGHT. guys they were underground for a reason lol. but thats aite. lol its all good.
hell yea ima be there. especially since it's free.
i was there last year, it was pretty cool. i haven't been to a party in a while and i don't mind having this one kick off the summer.
LOL YOU KNOW BLACKKAT IS GONNA GO TO SHIT ONCE ITS REACHED BLUELIGHT. guys they were underground for a reason lol. but thats aite. lol its all good.
Ummmm, no. I spoke with numerous people, got verbal OK's and made sure permits were in place BEFORE actually posting the info for this party. This party is open to everyone... ravers, squatters, families, homies, joe schmoe, and The Fuzz. It is an annual party thrown in the middle of a public park for 6 years now.
How very fuckin underground.
Do you really think a post on Bluelight about a public event has the power to "turn to shit" a solid crew that has been around far longer then you? NOT A CHANCE
I do not post parties that are not open to the public. I do not post events where I think permits are questionable. I do not post about a party without asking first.
So you can blow your "underground for a reason" right out your pie hole and try posting something you're knowledgeable about.
Thank you.
[ 01 May 2002: Message edited by: Dazzle ]
^ I agree, blackkats been posted before, they arent the type of people to let their parties get ruined to shit just because a msg board knows about a free party hehe. If they have to resort to personally inviting people to their parties, they will. ;)
I'm happy this party was moved!Lets all meetup!I just moved to NYC from Chicago few months ago so I would like to meet some new people!Where is a meetup going to be?Time?
will everyone be there around 3pm?
Maybe we can meet to the left of the turntable set up?
Sound good?