I was actually there all day... swung by the main stage at 3 and 4 but it was much too crowed to spot if anyone made it or not. My 5 year old son and I just kicked back, blew bubbles and enjoyed the music...
... no Frankie Bones. That sucked, but oh well... had a ton of fun anyway.
this past weekend may have been the weirdest that i've had in a looooooooong ass time... after madd crazy drama i finally made it there @ 5 but i was denied sleep the night before and i was practically sleep-walking. lol...i really wish that i had slept and gotten up early this morning and went b/c i would have had a much better time; i was just barely functioning and would have much rather been sleeping...
Hey, I got my ass out there after trekking around the Natural History Museum to find a beautiful day in the park. I felt a little out of place especially since NO one was dancing.
Nonetheless, I got to hang out with my friends. It was good seeing you again, PLURmonster. It's great to see you contributing to a cause. Frankie Bones.
