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dummies in australia (pacifiers)??


Dec 19, 1999
after watching that report on 60 minutes i noticed ravers with dummies. what a great idea, i know i get the grinds badly. australians obviously haven't caught on to this, although i think u would most likely get some weird looks if u tried it.
also vicks masks, good for rolling at home but at a rave, never seen it nor willing to try it. (first that is!!)
r we behind or too old for them???
rolling and strolling, its kinda like bowling. my head's kinda big and it feels kinda swollin'!!
Where have You been?
Ppl have been useing dummies for years and although I dont, my friends always take Vicks sniffers clubbing with them.
I'm in perth..
And i've seen quite a few people with dustmasks, and dummies...
These are most common at underage raves, they look kinda silly, especailly when they go outside the venue onto the street. Kinda asking for trouble i think.
But really, if you wanna blow your socks off while rolling, you can't beat amil-nitrate. It's so small and compact, and blows your fucking head off.. yay

"i'm a junglist"
Dummies were never really that big in Perth, even in the days of huge pants, dustmasks, glowsticks, whistles, white gloves, and those white paper suit things

America is far more behind the times with rave fashions, it seems

The use of dustmasks greatly decreased with the discovery of Medic spray, which can be applied directly to clothes unlike vapour rub
Vicks sticks are far more convenient though. I wonder if sales of them will fall now they have they're associated with E use? Or maybe kiddies will start sniffing vicks all the time so their friends will think they're on E?
A bit off the subject but I wonder how much more money companys like wrigleys have made from the sales of chewing gum etc. to people like us over the last couple of years.
Every 'movement' can be held responsible for some type of fuck-up fashion-wise; throughout history we've seen it time and again. The Rave culture must deal with the fact that pacifiers (dummies, 'binkies') and 'gas masks' are the stupidest looking fashion accessory we are ever likely to be offered!
I know they have some practical use, but jeezus, they are just atrocious looking....all I can think when seeing our American cousins wearing them in the Meetup Photos is "you all look like you're trying just a little bit too hard guys...relax...!"
and I know I'm not alone...
The latest Event info, Pill Tests and Club Listings, online: http://www.the-peak.com.au
don't even get me started on fucking pacifiers.... and lucky miss apple is not here as well.. look out
candyflip: I knew you couldnt resist!! God I hate those fucking things. If we want to be taken seriously, do you think having the public see us with baby dummies is gonna help?? If you get lock jaw, get a mouth gaurd and chop out the front, so no one can see. Just not those stupid binkies!!

WARNING: This post may not meet the standards or expectations of the general bluelight community. I may not be held responsible but can only ask for your support in developing new/better/exciting/informative posts. Thankyou for your support in this hard time - Mr. Horse
Where have you all been i've been using the dummies and dust masks for ages it has to be tried to really experience the fun. Problem with the dummy is that you feel like its still there for the next day or so and the mask becomes a pain in the ass, but is the best to start converstations with and meet new ppl. Try medic spray it comes in an airasol can and you just spray it on the mask and have heaps of fun breathing it in.
Electronic Music is created by Technology, And we are the Product of Electronic Music
The only place you should stick a Dummy while E-ing is up your Arse ... Really think about how fucked up that is .....It's like "Leg Warmers" something that should be left in the past...
As for the dust mask that should only be used on Terrible Tuesday to stop the inevitable but strong smell of Speed and E Farts !!!!!!!!!
There are heaps of posts about this topic all over this board and the other forums but the best hints I've heard of are; chopping off the rubber part from a dummy and chewing that (all the functionality, but you're safe from the fashion police), chewing a deflated balloon, modified mouthguard, big rubber band... basically anything that's durable enough to stand some serious chomping, but not that easy to swallow or choke on if you get too enthusiastic.
Has everyone forgotten the magnesium tablets. I find 3-4 of these beforehand excellent for stopping the grindz.
Dust masks a Fashion???
Jeez, i thought people wore them so their noses weren't filled with black snot in the morning from all the crap going around in the air, not to make a bloody fashion statement!
Nope, but try putting a smear of vicks all round the inside and then wearing it for 10 mins Crazy and see if you like that fashion.
Dummies are just the start, you know you're in trouble when you find yourself wearing nappies to maximise your time on the dancefloor.
Aparently it's all the rage in the Belguim scene.
Keep on PeaKiN!! (King of all pea's)
I don't personally use either of the accessories people are disaproving of here but i do want to say that if i ever wanted to I'm going to and if i feel it makes me more comfortable i will. It's everyones personal choice,,,,sure some people may think you look like a wanker but hey,,,it happens.
i just dont think looking a two year old is what i want to do... people want the rave scene to be taken seriously then they do this?
uh yeah, whatever... bio-magnesium and chewy work fine, and you dont look like a dickhead, enuf said...
i think using a pacifier is a damn good way to get beat up. not IN the party's (of course PLUR) but on the way too and from. i'd hope peeps wouldnt walk around in public with em, an easy way to get your teeth knocked out, and give ppl bad ideas about us partygoers.
OTT - did nebody else see the blood splattered bus stop after back2basics in sydney? it was down the road a bit
I never pill without my little vicks inhaler. It's a must have if you want to get the roll back going.
Never tried the masks though...maybe one day!