Indicator's of a struggling student ...


Sep 5, 2003
This forum doesn't have to be all seriousness and studying :)

Here are some possible signs that you may fail this semester:
  • It's Week 7 and you ask someone for directions to your lecture.
  • The guy at the arcade asks if you want the 'usual machine', then a crowd gathers as 'that awesome DDR guy' owns Dance Dance Revolution for hours on end.
  • You got an A+ in Hydroponics and Organic Chemistry ... but you aren't studying science ;P
  • You open your textbook and realise you don't know what chapter the class is up to.
  • The tutor crosses your name off the roll after assuming you have joined another class.
  • You proudly hand in your tutorial homework on time, but it turns out you did last weeks questions.
  • It's the half-way break of your two hour lecture and you never return after ducking out to drop off a quarter-pound of coke.
  • The members in your group project all know each other from County Jail.
  • Your Uni back-pack contains a packet of chips, an old bong, a moldy sandwich, 2 glowsticks and some 3 year old party flyers.
  • While your friends are studying ... you are on Bluelight.
Your turn :)
"I'f I stop doing ___ now than I'll probably be able to sleep at ___ and than I should be ok for class tomarrow!"
^ that's a classic..

The best is when its the day before the final, you open your text and you hear that "creak" noise that only an unopenned book can make. =)

Or one time I was in a class with my roomate and its getting towards the end of the quarter and the prof. goes, "ok now, you'll want to look in your book for this..." and my friend goes, "hold up, there's a BOOK for this class?" hahahaha
When you have a 3500 word essay due tomorrow, you haven't started and you choose to get stoned and grab some krispy kreme doughnuts. :(
when you open your class presentation with "i apologize, but i'm baked out of my gord", then proceed to analyze the subject while facing the blackboard and doing the "groping hands" on your back to amuse the class...
i have about 40+ pages to write in the next two days! AHHHHHHHHH procrastination sucks.
the staff at the campus bar(s) know you buy name, as well as what you drink. <---me, my first two years of school hehe
You say to yourself, No I won't take a 3 hour lunch break and hang around with friends chatting or playing pool or just sitting around, and then 3 hours later you are still struggling to get up and get some work done :\
God's honest truth, my wife and her best friend were roommates together (met in freshman dorms and stuck together since). They aer both special in their own right, but towards the middle or end of the semester Dana, the friend, walked up to my wife and asked what she was dong.
"I'm studying for the exam coming up" Susan replied.
"Where'd you get the book?" Dana asked.
Apparently, it was midterms or finals, and the girl hadn't gotten any of her books. She thought they were 'given out to you' like they were in highschool. Never realized you had to go buy them. Never really realized she had to study. Ended up missing one class for the semester because she simply forgot about it...the one that my wife was studying for.

Would you believe Dana is now a teacher of small children? 8(
TheLoveBandit said:
Would you believe Dana is now a teacher of small children? 8(

I'm afraid now...

When at the spoof awards at the end of the year you get the award for:
'the most likely to fall asleep in class' or the 'least likely to be seen in the *insert the building you should spend the most time in b/c it houses your major dept.*'

You might be a stuggling student... ;)
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Your postcount increases at a phenomenal rate and you aren't planning on slowing down anytime soon...
when doing the dishes or scrubbing the shower is more tempting than studying... its amazing how clean apartments/dorms get right before finals :)
when you put off a huge project until 10pm the night before the stupid thing is due, put a good 2 hours of work into it, and then decide to go to bed... with the intention of getting up early to finish it up.

i always fucking do that. i dont think i've ever once gotten up early enough to get anything accomplished...
Back in my irresponsible days (i.e. last year) my aim used to be to get so drunk and stoned on a Thurday night that I would pass out by midnight and thus get enough sleep to make it to my 9 oclock lecture!

I feel bad about this one: When I lived at an on camps college my friends and I were massive stoners: One of our crew had a physics exam at 9 the next morning and for some reason we all decided to go and smoke buckets (gravity bongs) in HIS room while he studied. He resisted temptation and studied his ass off untill 6am when he finally cracked saying "fuck it, I'm going to fail anyway, I might as have a cone". He went to the exam wasted at 9. The really sad thing is, he ended up with 48% for the subject.