

Bluelight Crew
Feb 17, 2004
I just want to share snippets of an essay by a certain James R. Rose. This , IMO, is a candid, well written piece that captures the essence of crystal meth in a few choice paragraphs. :)

Crystal methamphetamine is a drug straight from the science fiction of the apocalypse. It's a cheap
mega-stimulant, often made with drain cleaner, that jacks you up for days, not hours, and is addictive as hell.
It is a highly addictive stimulant that makes the weak strong, the lazy motivated, the fat thin, the trivial profound. Abuse it enough, and it can also make you psychotic.
Many have gotten hooked on the stuff, and their lives have suffered accordingly. Others continue to use it in relative moderation, considering it a terrific party drug and a tool to allow them to work harder, longer and faster at their jobs.
A few have committed horrific crimes while under its influence.
A truth about meth is that the high is fantastic.
Twenty dollars' worth of meth makes 20 dollars of cocaine feel like a double latte. Meth makes the timid bold, the lazy motivated, the weak strong, the tired alert, the fat thin, the sad happy, and the mundane profound. Meth markets itself. It has something to offer anyone.
But it's a devil's bargain: What meth gives, it takes away--eventually. Sometimes more. Sometimes everything.
Medical journals indicate meth is more likely than crack cocaine to cause brain damage. If you have a substantial fissure in your psyche, chronic meth use is likely to crack it open and let out the demons.

It is is a black widow drug. The honeymoon is wonderful.

What follows is nasty.

Not all tweakers, however, let the rot take hold.
There are many functional addicts, able to maintain jobs and relationships, even a healthy appearance. Exercising on meth isn't a problem. Although the appetite is nil, many longtime users train themselves to eat while high, and to remind themselves to complete basic hygiene tasks. If the user learns not to fidget and ramble in public--no small task--the unknowing will often have no clue.
One giveaway are the eyes. Tweakers can't control their pupil dilation and how their eyes rapidly track even slight movements. The peepers always give them away. (well, not always -cc) 8o

Note From the Underground
Of all the separate realities, legal landscapes and metabolic metropolis that thrive beneath the surface of the Cleaver's USA, no subculture seems as pervasive or uniform as the nation's wide-eyed, high-dosage methamphetamine club. . . . This group is a tribute to the idea that some things stay the same across time and space. The members come and go, some leave quietly, to go snitch, croak or disappear, some hang in there after their lights have gone out, and quite a few are dragged off at 6 a.m. Friday morning by blue Windbreakers with yellow writing.

--Speed Phreak magazine, 1995

Touche!!! bump.8(8o;)
Nice! Is there a link to the full essay? I would like to read it.
cool shit :)

man, I hate that I don't like meth just doesn't do what it used to do anymore :(

that was a preaty cool read i loved the "I can do an awful lot of the stuff, but I never saw things like some people do. The mailbox was always a mailbox, even when people around me said it was a cop." LOL to funny
Is it possible to try meth once or twice and not be constantly thinking about it (i know that that questions is trivial but still....u know wut i mean)
Is it possible to try meth once or twice and not be constantly thinking about it (i know that that questions is trivial but still....u know wut i mean)
You'll find that straight after your first use, you will be fiending for it, it'll be the only thing you think about. Give it a few days, and this will dissapear completely.... that's if you didn't go get some more meth in that time, and here starts the cycle of addiction :)
i think its different for everyone.

i downed about 50 mg of d amphetamine ,without tolerance, and was high for a hell of a long time i really liked the feeling and all that shit but i dont really fiend for it at all,but im down for another experience once i get some again.
I think amphetamines and methamphetamines are addicitve in defferant ways to different people, it depends on your life sisutation, such as: work, and home life. It appeals to people that need the effect more than people that dont. Say if you need to setup an entire lunix server for a company and you only have 2 weeks to get it to work flawlessly then you would love meth but if you were a teenager/20's and just hung out with friends and had a easy job and not to many worries then it would be less addictive.

nugsforall said:
I think amphetamines and methamphetamines are addicitve in defferant ways to different people, it depends on your life sisutation, such as: work, and home life. It appeals to people that need the effect more than people that dont. Say if you need to setup an entire lunix server for a company and you only have 2 weeks to get it to work flawlessly then you would love meth but if you were a teenager/20's and just hung out with friends and had a easy job and not to many worries then it would be less addictive.


I think you hit it with your first comment about it being addictive in different ways .. that teen with an easy job might like stimulants to help him through school, or just to feel on top of the world. It can still be just as addictive however, no matter your life situation.

If it weren't for the crashes and health concerns I'd probably do a lot more.
Meth addiction.

Is it possible to try meth once or twice and not be constantly thinking about it (i know that that questions is trivial but still....u know wut i mean)

yes. it is entirely possible to try it once or twice and NOT be constantly thinking about it. Meth is not an addictive substance after one or two or even 5 to 10 tries. Meth addiction comes from regular (e.g. every weekend for a prolonged timespan) usage.

It also depends on whether your personality tends to be easily addicted to substances, (which i do see as being a valid and relevant factor) or not.

After a period of time, you find that you cannot do particular things (e.g a whole weekend of partying and dancing) without the help of meth - particularly if you used it regularly TO dance all night (just as an example)

If you wind up injecting meth, and do not keep yourself in check, you will find yourself in alot of hot water. Some people get addicted to the rush, others get addicted to the needle. Meth is HELL easy to get hooked on if you end up using needles as your preferred method of use.

Admittantly, i myself, am a meth addict. I do, however, after a long and destructive path of NOT having control, finally have the upper hand on my habit. However, it took having to move cities and losing many people that i loved, for me to gain control and balance in my life, and to find a way in which i could slot my habit into my life, in a way that it didn't disrupt my obligations.

As i said, it not addictive after the first or second time that you use it, but it IS addictive after regular usage over certain periods of time. (Although, that said, the length of said periods of time is all very dependant on the individual).

I hope that answers your questions somewhat. If you have any further questions, please dont hesitate to email me on [email protected]

<i> I think amphetamines and methamphetamines are addicitve in defferant ways to different people, it depends on your life sisutation, such as: work, and home life. It appeals to people that need the effect more than people that dont. Say if you need to setup an entire lunix server for a company and you only have 2 weeks to get it to work flawlessly then you would love meth but if you were a teenager/20's and just hung out with friends and had a easy job and not to many worries then it would be less addictive. </i>

I personally found (for an example) that if u r in a place in ur life where it provides an escape 4 u, so that u can forget about the crap that rules ur day 2 day life, then the high from meth creates a place 4 u that u can escape to. This is another addiction factor.

{Sudden sickness in stomach} Grabs stomach tighly...Blahhh -Vomit-

Thank you...nominations for best supporting actor are accepted.
doomgirl---my sentiments exactly:) (almost)
Admittantly, i myself, am a meth addict. I do, however, after a long and destructive path of NOT having control, finally have the upper hand on my habit. However, it took having to move cities and losing many people that i loved, for me to gain control and balance in my life, and to find a way in which i could slot my habit into my life, in a way that it didn't disrupt my obligations.

i am in that tightrope line, easing my way back into a more responsible focused living .I am just so very thankful that i have not hurt my family in any way (w regards to my drugs) and probably the person i hurt most is myself and my God. Baby what i do.
My family doesn't even know of my usage / habit. I have managed, (rather difficultly might i add) to sheild them from this aspect of my life. I have managed to do it tho! it takes alot of will power and restraint to keep myself in control, and, as time passes, it is becoming easier and easier. I do however, see myself moving further and further away from the possibility of disaster striking a second time! (which is coupled with much relief!!!)
that makes two of us. and i actually live with my family, so yes, i am to be the recipient of the BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS AWARD in my drug drama *bow* thank you thank you. Joking is tough but seeing how we were both able to manage ....this just goes to show that we are truly responsible and good people because we are able to shield our loved ones from our *hyde* sides. (hmm...i wouldnt call it bad side....) you know what i mean :)