• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

web designers/programmers/etc - show off your work


Bluelight Crew
Sep 19, 2002
got any cool stuff you've done online? show it off here i'd be interested to see what youve created.
ive been meaning to phuck with javascript, dhtml and game programming.. i got mario running around but i cant seem to get the animation to run correctly on the net, though it looks right if you have the files on your puter :\

try it

download for better performance

you'll need to use IE because of it's extended styles support (unless your browser supports the hflip filter that is)
[edit: didn't see the online, this is just an executable file]
Well I wrote this about a year and a half ago cause I was really [read: really really] bored. It's been done to death before so I dont claim any originality....It's also very basic...

The "leet-an-ator"


This converts blocks of text from one text box to another into '1337 5p34k'.

Example useage:

Wow, this looked really hard if I typed it all in 1337 but I had the leetantor so I'm ok!

Magically turns into

W0w, 7h15 100k3d r3411y h4rd 1f I 7yp3d 17 411 1n 1337 8u7 I h4d 7h3 13374n70r 50 I'm 0k!

ps. Big fat disclamer - if this does any damage / blows up your pc / brother / wife / girlfriend / boyfriend / dog ect and does anything that means that I have to pay you money - i am not liable, in anyway. Use at your 0wn r15k!
^^ nice game.. what did you make it in?

i think i know how to fix my problem but i need to recode the whole thing anyways since i was just fucking around and now i need to make object orented instead of the mishmash of code i have now
just got a job working for this place and finished this website....
i should be more technical because i have a 4 yr degree in computer graphics...but that is what partying in college did to me...ahahhah
anyways...let me know what you think....
Grasshoppah, thats pretty cool, how much wouldyou get payed for that site?
Ahhh, I am a coder for this site... Old style MUD, no graphics of course but we've just added close to 10,000 rooms to the game...

Discworld MUD
that site definitely looks nice.. though the small green text is difficult for me to read. also you may wish to put a redirect link on the redirect page for those how have auto redirects turned off by default (like me =D)