• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

web designers/programmers/etc - show off your work

I've not got any current sites at the moment where you can see my code but over the years here are some sites i've built or worked on:

www.statravel.co.uk - STA Travel
www.g-club.com - Casio G-Shock
www.which.net - UK Consumers' Association ISP
www.timeout.co.uk - Timeout
www.bigfoot.com - Bigfoot
www.mediasurface.com - Mediasurface Ltd
WS Atkins Intranet
Various Internal Reuters sites
www.oup.co.uk - Oxford University Press
www.footballfc.com - News International Football site
www.thesun.co.uk - The Sun Newspaper
www.page3.com - The Sun's topless girls site
www.wwe.com World Wrestling Entertainment

forgotten said:
Excellent work! I would hire you, if the need ever arose.
sweet as , and since you are the mod of the links database it makes it all the more better (i dont know why ? maybe cause you look @ more sites)


buzzy said:
I've not got any current sites at the moment where you can see my code but over the years here are some sites i've built or worked on:

www.statravel.co.uk - STA Travel
www.g-club.com - Casio G-Shock
www.which.net - UK Consumers' Association ISP
www.timeout.co.uk - Timeout
www.bigfoot.com - Bigfoot
www.mediasurface.com - Mediasurface Ltd
WS Atkins Intranet
Various Internal Reuters sites
www.oup.co.uk - Oxford University Press
www.footballfc.com - News International Football site
www.thesun.co.uk - The Sun Newspaper
www.page3.com - The Sun's topless girls site
www.wwe.com World Wrestling Entertainment

wow some big sites there, no wonder you have 1337 under your name .. how did you get that ?
^What are you talking about? :)

Also, there are some cool things in this thread. I wish I still had the very few programs I ever wrote, but alas, I do not..
I'm talking about this:

no wonder you have 1337 under your name .. how did you get that ?

Thanks to those who responded positively to my site, I really appreciate it :) A lot of hard work has gone into it!
anna! said:
..it's his avatar..
tricky ! i should of seen that.

and btw. anna your work is excellent and has the potential to be even better.
anna!, I know, I was merely trying to be sarcastic and crack a joke...I know that is buzzy's avatar, but it was apparent someone else didn't know it was an avatar, and thought it was something the Admin's had apparently but under his name...

I'll drop the jokes though, I guess they don't work...aah!
Oh, gotcha. I guess it was too subtle for my no-sleep mummy-brain.
I use VB6
QuickJoin, a multi-game server launcher:

Another gamespy-like browser for many games, I never finished (contract ended with gamehappy.com):
smot2k3... we need to tag-team this shit man.

I program stupid database shit at work (adodb, vb6 front end to sql server back)...

It pisses me off because I want to make the leap to .net (i have .net and .net2003) but I don't have any practical use for it YET... Until my boss lets me upgrade all the machines to Win2K and install the .net framework.
agreed... .NET will probably be a little tricky to convert to from vb6. But from my experience with it, it is much more like c++ in having more all-around OOP.

Here's another database app, done with IIS (asp pages), random access files, and a server program screening quake 2 servers:


I do a fair bit of programming only once in a while. But it is a hobby to me, so I try to make the best and have fun while doing it - thus my game-oriented programs and going-for-the looks user interfaces.
no web design (other than the new pillreports site that is still in the process of being built) but here is some retouching that ive done lately to amuse myself


and the parent directory has some of my photography. ill put my design up sooner or later. i actually have a site done but someone *kicks buzzy* hasnt built it yet.
chrissie said:
no web design (other than the new pillreports site that is still in the process of being built) but here is some retouching that ive done lately to amuse myself


and the parent directory has some of my photography. ill put my design up sooner or later. i actually have a site done but someone *kicks buzzy* hasnt built it yet.
those are some cool touchups, i also went up a directory and looked at some of your photography , some of it is well wicked ;)

id like to use your photos in future work (fully credited of course) pm if you are interested.