• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Best of USA

fake plastic creep

Dec 17, 2003
I am currently in the process of deciding where in the States I might go for a semester long exchange. I was counting on your input regarding some parts of the USA.
Am looking for a place where drug laws are not so strict, where you can get all kinds of shit, people are open-minded, fake IDs easily obtained. :) OK, I know it does not actually exist but I recon New Jersey is better than, say, Texas.
Am trying to avoid rednecks, experience life and meet some interesting people. Feel free to elaborate your recommendations.

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Sounds like you got your priorities straight there...

With what you are looking for, I would suggest a major metropolitan city, like NYC, Philly, LA, Seattle, Chicago, etc.
High Times did a piece on this a few years ago although they probably do it every year. You should probably check on their site for back issues to help you.
I remember (for marijuana) the friendliest places were Ann Arbor Mich, Humbolt County, Cali, i think Colorado and Seattle were in there as well was Cincinatti, Oh. New York was towards the bottom of their top ten. That's all i remember.

you can also try the pull down state to stae laws bar on the NORMAL site :
i'd try little college towns if you want a place where drugs are easily obtained and cops look the other way. plus college towns tend to be full of people around your age. however, living in a college town sucks ass :\
im a uk ex-pat and i've spent some time in boston (4 years) and san francisco (6 years). i highly recommend both although i prefer san francisco.

yo son, there's just one place for that. Umass Amherst, in Massachusetts. It's one of the biggest party schools, the campus is like 70 percent of the cities population, and they have everything somewhere on campus.
DEEEEEEEEEEETROIT, you can get anything you want, IDs,fine drugs,guns, hits on people, its all there man. Detroits where its at. And there wont be no rednecks in sight (in parts)


Saginaw, MI.
You can get alot of stuff there, awesome green, acid in some parts. I kinda live around that area, while there are some shady dealers and half of the town is run by the Sunny Side Crips, there are alot of really good connects in that town. Plus cops dont fuck with ya if yer gettin stoned, you can pull up next to one at a stop light, and your car can be cloudy as fuck and you could be passin a J, i dont think they will mind


Flint/Genesse, MI
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOD DAMN, guns and drugs galore here man. I swear it has some of the finest coke in the world, there is alot of K goin around there too right now. Tons of stores refill your N2O tanks, some really nice homegrown strains there as well. Plus its (i think) a major pit-stop for Psuedoephedrine traffickers. Bulletproof vest are really cheap too, i was offered one last time i was down there.

hope this helps in any way it can
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Shit man, the US's diversity is absolutly mind numbing.

-I'd look at the weather for the cities/towns your looking into too, beacuse if you end up in seattle, and you don't like rain almost every day, your going to be fucking miserable.

-I've lived in new england my whole life, and yeah, its a pretty cool place. The winters are long and cold (they suck) but the summers are beautiful, and the people for the most part seem to be open minded and fun. Although everything tends to be more "compact" and "fast paced" and there really arn't too many "wide open spaces" like you'd find more out-west

-basically you're all set for your drugs if you're going to a large campus. You're chances of finding drugs goes up exponentially the more kids go there. The college campus is like a surreal world of its own. But if you ever get to venture in the "real world" outside the college gates, I think California would be a good place to check out schools.
I would say NYC or LA are gonna be your best bet. Loads of diverse people, drugs, and you always have lots to do.
Living in a college town doesn't suck, its just nothing compared to living outside the university gates.

Its surealistic. Everythings payed for, your around beautiful women, lots of free time, no decrepid old people, basically a very fun vacation. God don't get me wrong, I absolutly LOVE college, but when your inside the campus, the world disapears.

when you actually leave the campus for the city, you notice a hellava difference. The old, the poor, the mean, the nice, its just more diverse in every way possible.
why i hate living in a college town

i think it sucks because of the surreal atmosphere described by psilocybe. it can get to be too much for me at times.

the town i live in wouldn't be here with out the university. its a strange bubble of people in their early 20's who are living on their own for their first time. the main street of this town is lined with bars, prolly about 15 total. aside from one shitty movie theater, bars provide the only other place to hang out. the housing here sucks and landlords charge absurd rent for buildings that should be condemned. there are no decent jobs to be had because 20,000 students all want the same job you do. the nearest "city" is over two hours away. there is one museum and one theater to see plays, both owned by the university. our reputation for being a party town brings in students from all over who start fights, vandalize property and act like drunken assholes. come monday, they leave us with the mess to clean up.