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whats ur least favorite part of the female body?

No Mike I'm not drunk =D but I do sort of feel elated, perhaps it's the new year, eh?
Winding Vines said:
wow i really shouldnt have read this thread, it automatically made me insecure.

no need to feel that way, same can go for guys...
I would say I love just about everything about the female body. Most of what is going on usually drives me crazy.

If there is anything its body hair though. Any hair thats not on the head or down under is pretty unsightly. I love normal hair though...a girl with great hair is just irresistable.

But again, it doesn't turn me off that much. The last girl I had sex with had been staying in for a long time (both depressed at the time) and hadnt shaved for a while. We laughed over it, and it certainly wasn't enough to keep me out of her bed.
I dislike the pooping anus only. Thankfully, I've been told women don't poop. Ever ;)

Other than that, I'm not a big feet fan. I just dislike feet. I always have and do not really have a legitimate reason other than the fact that I find them repulsive.
^^^ bwahahaha. Nor do we ever fart right? Riiiiiiiiiight.

I have a thing against noses. Don't ask, it's just a thing.
Elbow skin, especially when their arm is straight. It kinda reminds me of a shaved scrotum.
it's not every girl, but sometimes you'll run across man hands. Fuckin hate that, bangin body, great personality, but If you hands look like a dudes.....
I spent way to much time thinking about this and the best I could come up with was a woman's toes..
I agree with Winding Vines...this thread is making me insecure as well..

Whats with all these anti-feet people? You all are crazy..I think cute feet on a hot chick just makes her better...that said..ungroomed feet (or any other part) for that matter just add to unnatractiveness. Women are best when they pamper themselves like queens.


Not saying a woman's toes make me ill, just that was the only thing that came to mind as a least fav. female part :)

I think it may be because my last girlfriend had these really cold feet! Brrrr!
Mahan Atma said:
There's NO part of a woman's body that's ugly... except the anus. Don't you hate porn shots where the guy is fucking the woman, and he's pulling her butt cheeks apart, and you can see her anus? Gross, man.

Hmmm I don't know, some can look nice I guess on a girl. Ankles are ugly, there hows that...
i find it really unrealistic and oddly inhumane that so many have this major problem with feet. i could see if there was a scary texture to it, or if they were a complicated body part --but they are so not, and they are hardly different from hands. so what the hell is wrong with them?feet, like hands, are one of the most sculpted and uniquely moving parts of the body. people do not take enough care of them. so that girl had very cold feet? let it be known that this could easily be an energy block as much as it could be poor circulation. Either way, it's indicitave of the feet not getting the attention they need for all the incredible performance they do. Energy blocks that make the feet cold come from the fact that the feet is where you rise up from. if your feet aren't ok, parts of your body--if not your whole body--are probably fucked up. Nevermind the fact that feeling parts of the feet can single-handedly inform you of body problems.

For a society so anti-feet (and most of you are -that's why foot fetishists are in such a minority, probably a misunderstood one at that) why do people obsess over them so much through footwear. I've never met a person from ANY income level who hasn't put an emphasis on flashy, stylish, and/or high-end/priced footwear. if people bitch about how their feet are fucked up, tell them to stop abusing them with overrated Sex and The City footwear. if you think putting your foot in a 5 inch dagger of a shoe is sexy, then you deserve the ugliness that your delusion will result in. stop spreading the 'feet is bad' message to those who do take care of our feet, that makes us feel insecure.

as for hair -humans are not sea creatures. there is a reason for hair, ok? grooming it is one thing, and is usually healthy, but shaving yourself completely bare is proving what? that you can look prepubescent and slide better in grease? well can't we all? since hair grows/feels different on every body, why not retain some individuality and keep what's different from everyone else rather than do something anyone can.

cared for hair on legs can be smooth and silky as opposed to being competely bare and heavily lotion-ed which feels slick and slimey.
^another good point. it wouldn't make sense to call someone attractive if you find bad parts. if there's only certains you're attracted to --then you are 'attracted.' there's all the difference.
Sif be insecure darlings... as if it matters whether you turn everyone in this thread on or not! :)
theres always going to be someone who isnt attracted to you, ya can't please everyone.. so just look how u think is sexy and be happy happy joy joy.
i know i am not that attractive, but i don't care too much, i try and look pretty for myself these days, and some people think my style is ickky but thats okay with me :)
yerr. umm.... its all good and well to be an individual, and if you dont feel the need to shave, good for you. but my opinion is.... im not so turned on. i mean, yeah cool, havent shaved for a bit no worries.... but never shave ever :S i know this is stupid, like the feet thing (hehe) but im pretty sure this was a thread about personal opinion? good for you if you dont feel the need to conform there though