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Your favorite/"safest" legal amp/stim?


Aug 13, 2017
I'm on the hunt for a stim similar to meth. Euphoric, productive, comedown isn't hell.

I'm new to RCs in general when it comes to stims. What do you guys prefer? Not looking for sources, just names and reports.
propylhexadrine is pretty good, proper isolation from the lavender oil and cotton is key though, lavender burps and eating cotton will ruin the experience...
I editted out the 'US' from the title, this is Drug Culture, and so it is not specific to any region. I would have allowed it, but there are regional forums as well that are more suited for a thread meant for people from the same geographical region. If you'd like me to restore the old title and move it there, feel free to ask (here or via PM).

OT: I've only used meth twice, and don't intend to ever again. But it has the best stim rush (I IV'd it) I've ever experienced. I even prefer it over high quality coke (IV'd). A lot of people report coke to be their fav. Oh well, I've always been more into the amphetamine type compounds.

Don't get me wrong, GOOD coke can be pretty damn amazing as well (for my only when IV'd though), but IMhO nothing can beat that feeling from a high quality shot of meth <3.

A nice RC stim I've found is 4-FA. It's not as good as meth, but honestly, what is? It's a very good stimulant in its own right though IMO. And it has a similar (allbeit somewhat weaker) effect profile and it feels a bit like meth lite. It has a nice rush to offer if you're an IV user as well.
2-FMA (2-FluoroMethAmphetamine) is pretty straighforward and clean feeling stim, feels balanced on both dopamine and adrenaline.
(2-FluoroAmphetamine) is pretty good too but not as clean feeling.

I have heard good things about 4-F-MPH (4-Fluoro-MethylPhenidate) but havent tried it yet.
Ethylphenidate (EPH) is euphoric and moreish but has strong vasoconstriction to it.
Isopropylphenidate (IPH) does not give you rush but good for keeping the attention on and general stimulation, mostly dopamine action.

MPA (Methiopropamine) could be fun and give you rush but it lasts a really long time and I suspect cardio-toxicity with it so beware, mostly adrenaline action.
EthylHexedrone (HexEn) is an ok stim, vaguely reminding of coke action, I usually mix it with IPH. But there is a long lasting mild vasoconstriction again with this one so be careful.

3-FPM (3-FluoroPhenMetrazine) was pretty interesting first few times, then I lost the interest to explore it more. It definitely has some serotonin action and it feels pretty nice, apart from pain in balls and really really long come downs (with weird brain zaps). Some people who IVd it, swear by the rush it gives, I can easily imagine it.
4-FA (4-FluoroAmphetamine) is an interesting chem, but I wouldnt use it as a stim - it has too much of serotonin action (at least for me). It is pretty good for going out though, it has MDMAish charachter ;)
I havent tried 4-FMA (methylated version of 4-FA) and I would imagine it being less euphoric and more clear headed.

Was never into PV (pyrovalerone) kind of stuff - for me the side effects always overweight the high with those but YMMV. I do not consider MMCs as stims as well.
As for the Propylhexedrine, it may feel good first few times but IMO it's not worth the side effects you get from it, also extraction to HCl is a must IMO.

I hope that helps! ;)