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Your drug of choice

Drug of choice?

  • MDxx (please specify which with a reply post.. if you prefer one MD over another)

    Votes: 318 19.2%
  • Ketamine

    Votes: 59 3.6%
  • Alcohol

    Votes: 49 3.0%
  • LSD

    Votes: 231 14.0%
  • Shrooms

    Votes: 69 4.2%
  • Cocaine

    Votes: 123 7.4%
  • Heroin and/or pharmaceutical opiates

    Votes: 365 22.1%
  • Marijuana

    Votes: 323 19.6%
  • Meth and/or other amphetamine

    Votes: 115 7.0%

  • Total voters
Roxicodone/Oxycodone. I do like other opiates but 'Roxi' produces my favorite buzz with Dilly's in second place.
opiates, for sure. heroin and opana would be my top 2 (im a nasal user)...with methadone being the best for when i hate using lol.

Very socially acceptable, gives you a nice buzz, wont land me in jail for a long time so long as I dont drink and drive...

I just love myself a cold cold beer or a line of 4-5 shots :)

Marijuana is second...

I look at my DOC as the drug I do on a regular basis and love... E, LSD, K... cant see myself 65 rolling and tripping and getting holed.... but I can see myself with a nice whiskey on the rocks and a doobie :cool:

my logic as well, obviously i prefer the high of mdma over alcohol but the downside of depression and feeling lonely isn't worth the amazing high. weed second to alcohol
MDMA, Ketamine, Ethylphenidate and Mushrooms are my favourite. Picking my favourite of the lot is hard but I went with Ketamine because of the unbeatable sense of serenity. Peace at last. And I say this as someone who rarely gets comedowns from MDMA... I actually feel better the next day than before I dosed more than half the time so long as I don't drink alongside. Ethylphenidate works really well for me personally but it keeps you awake and the comedown is disappointing (but not too bad). Mushrooms are good but psychedelics are a bit intense in general and can't be used casually. MDMA... well, it's MDMA.

Oh and,

Fuck weed.
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i am clean now but when i used it was for sure heroin however...
technically i use rx benzos and amphetamines daily but i dont count those alot of times cuz i take them as prescribed...
also i am kind of surprised that weed isnt an overwhelming majority because it sure appears that way in real life but then we are talking about BL here which i feel tends to attract a lil bit more of a hardcore crowd
had to pick marijuana since i smoke to get stoned everyday. I'm addicted to opiates so I take small amounts of suboxone to maintain, not to get high. but heroin is definitely my #2
had to say weed since I smoke daily as well, but a close 2nd would be mdma for me, then pretty much whatever else there is...
chose heroin/opioids cuz if it werent for addiction i would use them daily

sadly i've been unable to sustain prolonged use of said drugs but i would still consider them my DOC if given the choice

weed bein a close 2nd
now that I am oldish (in my 30's), I would say heroin is my doc, because I like to feel warm and chill.. it's also he most evil. in my teens and 20's meth was but you cant really look normal or be functional on meth
Alcohol is my choice! Good for socializing and it is LEGAL :)
do you realize that as of now, close to forty four thousand people have visited this thread.

damn that's a lot of folks looking around bl.
My actual DOC wasn't on this list. IV DMT is the bee's knees.

I did this once, I was at the national rainbow gathering in the Ozarks in Missouri, I believe it was 1996... the shit was a trip :p no pun intended. We smoked it with some northern lights.