Your best survival tips for PAWS?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
I'm not going over my drug history as most will know my drug of choice etc and my decades of use etc.

I've now used 6 times in 9 weeks 4 days and the PAES is really hitting me hard, this is joint equal to the worst I've had, ideas of suicide are starting to raise their head again sadly.

I really don't want a lecture from someone why it's not the right thing to do etc if anyone else who's used heroin for at least 15 years & how they have coped and come out the other side I'd be so happy.

I can usually ride it out but the wolves are really starting to circle the camp and I'm honestly not as strong as I used to be, this time around it's truly going to be a fight for my very Soul.
I wish someone had told me about the depression that comes with opiate use.
Awe. Don't give up, You can't. There will be good days. Or day. Please don't think so negative. Or not always.

It's tough. But it could have been worse. Grow up and don't do it then. Or just out grow the thing ! You are stronger, right ? :cry:
Fresh air helps and smiles and just being you. You are okay. The world doesn't want to help itself sometimes, or even knows how. And then others end up getting caught in the crossfire. You have to be careful now anyway. It's getting more stressful each day anyway. Just want to be fine and stop destructive self behavior. You will be fine. Or you were so far. You definitely should slow down. I mean cut back ! Promise ?
If you don't intend to cease every and all drug use, we have some pharma tools to aid with PAWS. Specially NMDA receptor antagonists/dissociatives like memantine or ketamine are good in relieving PAWS from opioids (you didn't mention your DOC though) but also seem to work with stimulants. Here I made good experiences with DXM. Of course, the argument that it might just be switching addictions is legit but dissos don't come with much addiction when used with some common sense (not every day multiple doses as I did).

And yeah, you're stronger than you might think. But I know PAWS is deliberating because of it's longevity and anhedonia.
Just know you are in the PAWS world and there is nothing that you can do about it really. Yes, just be aware. It can not kill you though, like the other $#!t.
You will be alive AND LIKE IT. :) And we will ALWAYS like you too, NO MATTER WHAT. ✊ Okay. 💪
Trazodone (or somwhing similrly heavy) for sleepless nights. Without sleep the problems are exponential.
Laborious work with plenty of physical exertion and sweating.
Drinking lots of water, juices and staying away from stimulating beverages.
Eat nutritional foods even if it has to be forced down but the physical exertions should help with appetite, so....
Basically pushing through the.torment(s) by brute force. This will also help with the mental feelings of inadequacies and doubts.
Of course there are many substances that can ease PAWS but its a vicious cycle sometimes.
What may I ask is the end goal? To be sober, take a break or to just get through this teriible time?
Zb.. give yourself a minute.. consider taking the min to give yourself a hug.. you deserve this <3 <3 <3 ..