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You Might Be A Junkie If... v. Oops, I nodded with the needle still in.

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Yeah it's almost a status thing, your not really a full on something to gloat about junkie in my book til you've shot up IN church :D
^ yea i dont think it'd make any difference to me really. Come to think of it, i have shot up in the bathroom of a church before in the middle of an AA meeting. Lol i've snorted lines as well. I also threw up in the middle of a meeting before from taking too much dxm on an empty stomach. That was a task trying to somewhat keep my shit together! Lol
You might be a junkie if you shoot up in your neck (number one) and since that is your ROA youve done the deed in front of the mirror of a public restroom with the only thing keeping people from walking in on you are your feeble attempts at prayer.
I would feel no more guilty shooting up on the steps of a church than I would any other public building, really

True but embarrassing when you sober up. People don't forget!! I wish I could just delete a couple of years of my life.
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If your broke and you shoot on the same suboxone cotton for 4 days because u can still see orange, only to realize the temporary relief you feel is from the needle fixation.
When you're making a post in drug culture while you start to od on heroin in someone's bathroom.
/2014 was interesting
When you think that nothing matters, your life sucks but you keep defending your life style as your own option.
When christmas or your birthday is coming up and you cant think of anything you want (besides drugs and smokes) because your family refuses to just give you money and are even weary about getting you gift cards.
Yeah it's almost a status thing, your not really a full on something to gloat about junkie in my book til you've shot up IN church :D

Oh well fucking la-dee-da Mr Junkier-than-thou! ;)

You might be a Junkie if in one year you spent £2000 on Poppy Seeds, literally just the seeds...

Oh well fucking la-dee-da Mr Junkier-than-thou! ;)

You might be a Junkie if in one year you spent £2000 on Poppy Seeds, literally just the seeds...


Hell id probably be spending mad money on seeds too if i could find some that are worth a shit!
You might be a junkie if you can feel loose bits of reeused needle under your skin

knew a guy in rehab who could show everyone tiny peices of metal under his skin
Not to mention the scars.

I think you may be a junkie when you are nodding out while you're suppose to be having sex.
^ lol Yupp!! Been there!! I posted in another thread that i once nodded out with my ex's dick in my mouth lol I woke up like wtf??!
When your friend and you were walking down the street with purp and told these two guys passing by that's what you got and then they went I got dope.... we looked at each other in surprise and then were like hold up and bought some bags, lmao

/it was my ex-friend's weed. I don't sell weed.
You might be a junkie if you got ripped off for the millionth time, and say "that's it, I'm quitting!!", then just end up finding shit from someone else the same day..

every time is the last time...
^ Always..

Speaking of getting robbed I once got some weird shit that was worthless.
And instead of getting back to fight for my rights I begged for them not to let me get sick.
I was willing to pay what they were asking for. Just so I could work without being on w/d.
Life with drugs suck and your self esteem can never be lower than you thing it has just gotten.
When you haven't showered in 4 days because of complete lack of energy to but you know that you have to shower today because 5 days is just gross and my boss will smell me.
Havent done laundry in a month, no clean undies or socks.

The only thing that was able to get me out of bed was forcing myself to go have a shower before work, ad my god it was so painfull.
Soreness right down to the bone. all over my whole body..

You might be a junkie if saving your wash for the next morning to be able to wake up and function just a little bit is what you try t do but always end up doing the crap out of said wash before bed instead.. :\
You might be a Junkie if you wash your drugs and cottons more than your body.

Just for you, Pappy-Boo. ;)

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