
Dec 31, 1999
i just got in a very bad accident where i flipped in my friends blazer (heheh). i go tot he chiropractor every other day and. last fri i rolled on a white buddah and when i got adjusted on monday every bone in my back cracked(not literally, like a knuckle cracks). it felt great and he said it was all good. i also can crack my knuckles really easy on and after E. is this stuff bad for your back? i heard mdma fucked up animals backs
After I blow up I have one of my friends crack my back for me. It feels awesome! Turns me into a complete noodle every time. As far as E having a negative effect on the spinal chord, I have never read anything about that.
hey there sorry to hear about your back
i was also in a car accident and hurt my back.
when i asked my dr.'s (a neurologist and pain management specialist)and no mdma does not hurt your back....i asked because when id roll it would hurt worse the next day and it is to dehydration (even the slightest will effect spinal fluid level), increased movement(even if your not dancing)
and muscle tension.
the spinal rumor started when the did trials and did spinal taps thus draining out some spinal fluid.
and yes i asked dr.'s they cant do anything do to confidenciality rules.
hope this helps
~special k~
"you will remain the same till the pain of staying that way is greater then the pain of change"