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Xanax high?


Jan 11, 2013
I was going to get some oxycodone off of a friend but he said he can't get it now and suggested some Xanax. He has the 1mg pills and I'm getting 3 to try out. How many should I take, and how does the high compare to oxycodone?
Oh man... these 'benzo high' threads, not again. Xanax doesn't get you high, it's a hypnotic. You can get more euphoria by hyperventilating. Comparing the effects to oxycodone isn't even possible, not to mention they are possibly even more addicting... the feeling it gives is totally transparent, and depending on dosage the user either gets tired/relaxed or just blacks out. Your friend might as well offer benadryl when you ask him for LSD, because after all you can get high on benadryl..8(

I have met a lot of people in my day that call any non-sober state being high, if you're like that you'll probably love it.
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There's not much that, for an opiate user like myself, can claim as a "high" with most benzos. Benzos are super therapeutic for their intended purpose, and by that extension, recreational to some, especially those that have the conditions benzos are usually prescribed for. To some, relief from anxiety is euphoric in itself. They can also produce a strong hypnotic relaxation, but I wouldn't go ahead and call it a euphoric high. It's really quite different. Don't mess with mixing the two drugs, it's extremely dangerous and can bite you in the ass down the road.

I don't think benzos, even Xanax, are all that great for recreational purposes. But for opiate wd, high stress, stimulant comedowns, etc....they're bliss.
Oh man... these 'benzo high' threads, not again. Xanax doesn't get you high, it's a hypnotic. You can get more euphoria by hyperventilating. Comparing the effects to oxycodone isn't even possible, not to mention they are possibly even more addicting... the feeling it gives is totally transparent, and depending on dosage the user either gets tired/relaxed or just blacks out. Your friend might as well offer benadryl when you ask him for LSD, because after all you can get high on benadryl..8(

I have met a lot of people in my day that call any non-sober state being high, if you're like that you'll probably love it.

Alprazolam (Xanax) is actually more anxiolytic (anxiety-removing) than hypnotic (sleep-inducing) - benzos tend to have both properties, but to different degrees. Diazepam, alprazolam, triazolam and lorazepam are primarily anxiolytic (although diazepam in particular can be very sedating) where as temazepam, nitrazepam and flunitrazepam are primarily hypnotic (to name a few common ones).

I agree that for most people benzos aren't recreational in the way that opioids are, and trying to chase a "high" can be unsuccessful and potentially dangerous. Some people do find them very recreational, though, it is an individual thing. If you are after an opioid-style high though you are likely to be disappointed. Make sure you don't take more and more in the hope that you will achieve the high you are after. 0.5mg is a good starting dose for a benzo-naive person - even possibly 0.25mg. Xanax kicks in fast so you can always wait for it to take effect then try another tiny dose. I wouldn't exceed 1mg for your first time, though.

Benzos are notorious for making the user feel they are sober and it isn't working, while actually being quite clearly intoxicated to others. They tend to remove judgement and self-control, and there are many tales on BL of people doing things under the influence of benzos that they later regret. It's certainly happened to me! Be careful.Make sure you don't drink as wel - mixing CNS depressants (such as benzos, alcohol and opioids) is dangerous and can cause fatal respiratory depression; alcohol and benzos is also notorious for causing people to lose control and act like a dick. They also cause amnesia so it's not an unusual situation to wake up bruised and confused, only for your friend to fill you in about how you picked a fight with a bouncer, tried to kiss your best friend's girlfriend then had to be prevented from trying to drive home while hugely intoxicated. Have a read around BL, there are plenty of stories like that.. :p

Be careful of the addiction potential, too - benzo addiction is a bitch and withdrawals can actually be dangerous as well as being very unpleasant.

I don't mean to sound so negative, but I have to say I agree with the other posters - benzos are best kept for therapeutic purposes, not chasing a high, and they feel nothing like opioids other than also being a downer and reducing anxiety/stress.
I may just not take them then. He only offered them to me as an alternative for not having any oxycodone, at which point I didn't know much about benzos an assumed they were a similar feeling.

Also, when I talked to another guy today, he said he has 50m Vicodin, and I personally have never heard of hydro in 50 mg pills. I couldn't find anything online either. Do they exist?
Never heard of a 50mg Vicodin, as far as I'm concerned it doesn't exist. They either come in 5, 7.5, or 10mg of Hydrocodone per pill, along with varying doses of APAP.

The xanax is nice is you want to feel relaxed and fall asleep easily. Don't let everyone try to convince you xanax is terrible and a waste of time. Coming from someone who has anxiety, I want to ALWAYS have xanax around. It's a real life saver.
Yeah xanax isn't really recreational to me, I prefer opiates. Also I'm pretty positive 50mg vicodin don't exist. I've only ever seen 5, 7.5, and 10. If you haven't started with either of these types of drugs, just don't.
I'd try maybe 1mg to start with, 2 if that's not enough, but I suspect 1 will be.
It's got nothing to do with oxy, benzos and opiates are very different. On the Xanax you'll most likely experience a mood lift and intense relaxation, it'll probably be hard to walk/speak properly. That's basically it. It's important NOT to take too many because it's extremely aesy to black out on those/to get extremely reckless and put yourself in dangerous situations.
Oxy on the other hand, has a much more pronounced euphoria and not the same amount of sedation. That's basically it.

Be sure not to mix the xanax with any other benzos, alcohol, or opiates :)
Well if ya ain't gotta tollerance id say 1mg should do the trick. Its a benzo so it don't really compare to opiates exept that they are both downers.

Some people in this thread are sayin that ya don't get high. I disagree. I love gettn fucked up on zanax. I ain't got anxiety either so I don't take it for that. If ya take too much it'll knock ya out and cause blackouts. Its good stuff just be careful.
Be super careful. If you go out, leave em at home. I have awakened the next day with no memory of what happend and no Xanax left. Sneaky redosing because "I don't feel it yet" leads to loss of the whole evening
I use xanax recreationally. I am a panic/anxiety person but I'm not prescribed benzos, so it's an occasional thing and not for its intended purpose. The way I do it is light some candles and incense, make a pot of coffee, and take 0.5mg and relax - redosing every hour or two but never, ever exceeding a 2mg bar. Anymore than that and I end up watching a full season of a television show and waking up the next day not remembering any of it.

Obviously as stated there is no high, but the mellowness paired with the heavy caffeine intake just makes for a beautiful rainy day.
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xanax is not good for getting high unless you are very stressed/anxious and you can and most likely will get a dwi for driving on it
Please stay away from them unless you have something like a panic attack, you can get into a lot of trouble with benzo's like this in a number of different ways. They don't seem to have such a nasty reputation as opiates do, at least with the general public IME...

I have an personality that has addictions as potential weakness but during my time of benzo dependance I hardly took them recreationally. What they did for anxiety though was a big relief and that is a major danger.

You are much better off choosing something different.
I don't care what these fools say! The first time you take xanax is awesome! And it makes you so chill that you can almost get a more natural "state of mind induced euphoria".

However after the first few times yes "it is at best a medicine". Even with no tolerance.

Be careful and start with a low dose. .5 will go a very long way. No more than 1mg.
Xanax doesn't get you high? Ohoho, I beg to differ... :D

It ain't oxycodone, but then again, no other class of drugs on Earth compares to opiates... (At least in my book.)

I'd start with 1mg if you have no tolerance, build up from there. Word of warning though, it's very easy for certain kinds of people (especially me) to get insanely carried away with re-dosing Xanax and end up taking like 20~30 bars'-worth in a night... Which makes you do very stupid things that you have absolutely no recollection of the next day... ._.'
Don't take 1mg all at once, take 0.5mg first then work up from there if needed.