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Xanax and Buprenorphine


Dec 8, 2016
If I took a Xanny Bar, would it be safe to snort an 8mg Subutex, say... 30 mins to an hour later? I have one Bar left and two more Subs, but I haven't combined them yet because I wanted to make sure it would be a safe combination first. I know mixing benzos and opioids is a dangerous game so wanted to make sure that these two doses would be reasonable and wouldn't put me in the danger zone.
I doubt anyone can tell without knowing your tolerance and stuff. The uncertainty is further expanded (excuse my clumsy idioms) because you don't tell if it is legit pharma xan and what mg unit.
I doubt anyone can tell without knowing your tolerance and stuff. The uncertainty is further expanded (excuse my clumsy idioms) because you don't tell if it is legit pharma xan and what mg unit.
Xanny Bars are 2mg of Alprazolam; I figured most on here probably would have known that which is why I didn't put the dosage

And I'm definitely not naive to either substance. I have been taking the Xanax for a while now and have also been takings the Subs for the past couple weeks. Additionally, before that, I was taking anywhere between 60mg of Oxycodone, all the way up to 150mg daily (this was right before I started the subs).

I have added small doses of benzos before (Temazepam) to moderate doses of Oxy before and have been fine; however, I know 2mg of Xanax isn't really considered a "small" dose. Lol

And yes, my stuff is legit — it comes straight from the pharmacy. I would never buy or consume any bunk pills from anyone who I don't know really well.
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As long as you have some tolerance to both it should be fine, just keep the doses reasonable. It certainly can cause shortness of breath, which is why its so important that the doses are kept low. I have lots of experience mixing them... It feels great. But you know, Benzo addiction is something you do not want to get caught in.
Was also wondering is this for a once off recreational use or are you switching over to maintenance schedule.

Like if these 3 tabs are finishes, what then
Are you then taking a break or getting more to continue. Reason I'm asking is the question of getting wds after this If you have use them long enough and so on.

That a side if you have the tolerance and history of previous mentioned then I don't see a problem with combining the 2 at worst you will just fall asleep. I wouldn't expect much euphoria wise, from my exp.