Would you like to be a doctor?

Kind of rights that Josef Mengele had during WW2, just being much more caring and benevolent than Joseph? Yep, not see you becoming MD in peacetime with that kind of prerequisites. :ROFLMAO:
Pretty much. šŸ¤£

Not to derail the thread but there is a serious side of me that wonders how many people have died while waiting for the FDA to approve certain treatments or pharmaceuticals (not singling out the FDA here though i.e. happens everywhere). Particularly relevant to palliative care or possible end-of-life scenarios e.g. where a pharmaceutical company has developed a product with potential and the patient really has nothing to lose.

But fair enough. Itā€™d be nice to be able to test and experiment and push the envelope. Tired of seeing ā€œthe LD50 in rats and mice isā€¦ā€! šŸ¤£

Oh and cloning (would be a pet project).
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i would prescript everythink without question excpest opiates
Just make sure you get the spelling of the pharmaceuticals correct would be my advice! :ROFLMAO:

Mind you (and you know I'm only messing with you): I've yet to see a prescription where a normal person can read what's written on it! It's either a prerequisite for a GP to have an illegible handwriting, or a part of their studies, or it's a module that's part of a pharmacist's degree!
My former grad school just stated they are requiring masks again. That place has got problems, and they'll blame it on me.
@The Wizard of the Creek Masks are a dance, let alone the state dance. Yeah man, they kicked me out and I clearly have not gotten over that. I mean, I tried to be a doctor, but not the kind they wanted. So glad I'm not there now.
@The Wizard of the Creek I went to SUNY Binghamton for a Ph.D. in chemistry. Nearly finished, but they won't let me defend my research for a diploma. So it's like this, I have the knowledge to be a MD, JD, Ph.D. without any diploma. You can't get a job without a degree. And they won't hire a fancy B.S. chemistry for industry or high school.

I consider my time in the hospital medical school, and the invega injections beyond equivalent. I consider my time in the courts dealing with the harassment and fleeing police my JD. And the chem Ph.D. is my shit.

Ideally the drugs I would recommend are the illegal kinds, psychedelics, marijuana, K, cocaine, opiates, those. And they just hate that.
So when I say they're blaming me...My phd advisor fucked the girl I was convicted of harassing, put the heat on me to cover his ass. He kept his job. I go to jail and get expelled.

Now contrare to MsDiz and JessFR opinion, free speech in the constitution should allure harassment laws unconstitutional, no? I'm pretty sure I never layed a finger on her.
Doc? Me? No way.

Even if the knowledge was uploaded into my brains overnight and i could start working tomorrow morning.

I would have to see all kinds of stuff... in my patients, stuff that is wrong with them. Repulsive. And i only need benzos occasionally, to get rid of anxiety and get some sleep, and i get those anyway. Beer is legal and weed is common, so prescribing myself meds would be useless.
Ha ha, I've been donating stimulus funds to Mansfield and BU.

The best revenge is living well. And Bitcoin is starting to enable that.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I wrote a book about these things. Been looking to write a movie script based on at least parts. I can send you copy if you pm me an e-mail.

There is no such thing as failure, there are only results. @The Wizard of the Creek
I'd like their paypacket but not the likes of the job itself - like sticking ur finger up someones ass for a prostate exam & such..... I'm sure there's worse than that too.
Can GPs write themselves scripts? Was under the impression they couldn't. That's not to say they don't have multiple patients (pals) with such extreme pain that they require strong opioid meds like oxycodone or suffer frm debilitating anxiety that require a heavy benzo script. Hell, some may be in such a state that they require oxycodone, xanax & soma. Would prob be quite a few requiring that level of meds in my surgery lol šŸ˜‰šŸ˜Ž
They sure can!

Under federal law, physicians in the United States are not prohibited from self-prescribing medications. State laws governing physicians, however, vary greatly, and some may prohibit physicians from prescribing, dispensing, or administering certain medications to themselves or family members.
Ah ok, think maybe it's different here in the UK
I would be a good doctor

I would be a good judge

I would be a good cop

I think being a good cop would be the most difficult.
Why would you be good at all three? I couldnā€™t be in law enforcement. I have family in law enforcement and I justā€¦ couldnā€™t do it.
I can say with certainty that this job is not for me. It is too complicated, and the people who work in this field are real heroes. It takes excellent desire and stamina to become a real specialist in this field. Unfortunately, I don't have those qualities. But if you have them, you can safely try to master this field. I advise you to read the blog of a medical student on this site https://medstudentsjourney.com/. In it, you can find helpful information that will help beginners. I hope my commentary helps me to express my point of view.
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i would love to be an animal doctor! yes! can we grant my wishes, please? thanks
Just one name, Harold Shipman. Britian's most prolific serial killer, with over 300+ victims (probably more). Most dispatched with a big dose of diamorphine.
MDs are so, so different from Ph.D.s!
Never. I despise shrinks for example. Neurology is the only subject area that is interesting.
Never. I despise shrinks for example. Neurology is the only subject area that is interesting.
Nothing bad about shrinks in general. The problem is just psychiatry, not psychology.
Psychology is actually useful and has long-term uses, psychiatry is just drugging people.

My personal answer is: It depends entirely on the field. I'm a musical therapist/musical educator(since 26th of January was when I got the educator part with a main emphasis on gerontology)
and I come into contact with shitloads of doctors, so many doctors in fact that our organisation had to implement a "maximum amount of doctors in the house" clause.

I don't have a title, but I do things most doctors aren't even allowed to do, which is using music for therapy.
Still studying and doing more to progress.

Tbh I think I'm actually more useful than many doctors, especially psychiatrists, Gods I hate the field,
they just prescribe drugs, and then ppl like me have to deal with the emotional fallout..

So no, I would not prefer to be a doctor over what I do rn.
I would enjoy a title in my field, it's on the way but might take a few years still.
Studying while working, sucks a bit.
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Be a chemist....which is a type of doctor. You can get things doctors can't even dream of amd don't have to.deal with a bunch of ignorant sick ppl.amd their buttholes.