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would you ever pay for sex?

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You guys mean to tell me that if you had the option of paying X amount of dollars to fuck Carmen Electra (for example) you wouldnt?
Someone who you wouldnt have a chance with in a million years otherwise?
Originally posted by Exx_head:
Nope. I paid for a lap dance once and it was cheezy and I felt used afterward. I can't imagine paying for sex as long as I'm having hot sex for free, and for what those boys charge, I'd better get sex, a massage, showered with compliments and breakfast in bed, and I don't think that's going to happen.
I love you!
...And on another absolutely serious note, I wouldn't pay for a sexual encounter even though I have been very tempted on occasion, because of my one hang up about sex.
As open-minded as I am, the one thing that sex ALWAYS has to be for me is connected. Whether Im with the hottest jock stud I have seen in months, or whether I am just settling for the cutest thing that was available when the need hit me...I give it 150% of my attention, intensity, desire, and yes even emotions. I am FULLY in the moment, so much so that I have had countlesss tricks chase me afterward trying to date me because they swore that we had a connection like none other they had ever experienced. Im not boasting here, just saying that in a world where casual sex is so often about self-interests, I make sure that even a back-alley blow job carries the full intensity and connectedness of the first passionate embrace between two forbidden lovers. (note...I have never engaged in a back-alley blow job, but the principle would hold should I ever do it).
Now, of course, not every guy I'm with puts in an equal amount of himself (though I tend to illicit more from most boys than they are used to giving to a trick). Yet, even for the guy who's just there to get off and get out, I know that he is with me in that moment for no other reason than that is where he chooses to be. He is with me because he finds me to be a suitable sexual partner, even if I was a last minute "settle for" at closing time. With a rent boy, no matter how connected I try to make it, we both have the shared knowledge that if it weren't for my money, he wouldn't be fucking me.
I wouldn't fuck Carmen Electra if she paid me, but for the sake of argument, I answer Blue Adonis' question with a resounding NO.
I don't want to fuck ANYBODY who doesn't want to fuck me. PLAIN & SIMPLE. PERIOD. I don't care how hot he is, how perfectly he matches my ideal man, whatever. My paradigm does not allow me to view any sex as good sex when it is entered into for ANY other reason than we are both horny and into each other, even if only for that moment.
Now, I've been to clubs that have go-go boys, and I've occasionally thrown a few dollars their way, but that is more part of the ambiance and supporting their efforts to put some money in their pockets. Im not really looking to get anything from them, so my money is more of a gift.
I have had one notable occasion where I was at a fully nude strip bar with some friends at a conference in D.C. There were absolutely phenomenal men working there. One in particular kept working his way to where we were at and paying inordinate attention to me. Finally, I chuckled and told him that I wasn't a cash cow and he needed to start focusing on some of the other wallets in the room. He looked at me and smiled, pulled my head his to his amazing chest where he then dropped his own head and told me over the music, "I've got more than enough money already and I'll have twice that by the time I leave. You are much hotter than your money, that's why Im over here all the time."
He and I had a very pleasant night after that.
Its all about desire, and if my money is more of a turn on than I am...then fuck my money not me. I am totally supportive of prostitutes, and have been tempted many times. And I won't even say I will absolutely never do it. But in the end, I always walk away from the idea because I picture what it must be like to have sex with someone who is not having sex because he wants to.
Having said all of that, let me return to the original point of my post...
Exxhead, you are too fucking amazing! Where the hell have you been as of late?
[ 26 October 2002: Message edited by: beachboyty ]
[ 26 October 2002: Message edited by: beachboyty ]
After much thought. I'd say yes I would pay for sex.
However, what kind of sex is the question. Now, if it's some hot asian chick that I would never have a shot in hell with in real life.. and she'd going to rock my world for 5 hours.. HELL YEA I'd pay for it.
If it's just a girl that I could meet in the local bar's or whatnot.. no.
In other words.. for some extra freaky sex that I would not nomrally have.. I'd pay for it.
if i weren't in any relationships, of course i'd pay (a reasonable amt) for sex. like jay said, though, it'd have to be something special.
More to the point, would you pay ME for sex, and if so, how much?
Originally posted by Sleeping_Door_Mouse:
A friend of mine just paid 20 dollars for 2 girls to suck his dick....everyone congratulated him....i said thats fucked up...
Damn, thats a nice deal, you wont happen to have these girls contact info, would you ;)
I'm with beachboyty on this one... you should both be gaging for it - if you're totally horny and into each other you gotta work on getting better sex ;)
Would i pay for sex? yes
Why you ask..well..i live in the US and it's illegal and taboo so that naturally makes me want to do it. Plus there is the fact that you could have some mad crazy porn star sex w/ some hottie who u normally might not have been able to hook up with.
Been so long since I got laid, right about now I'd pay a big ol fat mud wrester named bunny to shag me. Or I might just be be drunk, ignore me.
I have once. It cost me AU$125 and I didn't even get off. My friends took me to a brothel cos by age 20 I was still a virgin. I didn't get much out of the experience because it seemed incredibly fake and contrived. Oh well. Live and learn.
I find the idea of paying for such an intimate act repulsive and I would/could never do it no matter how enticing the lady. I can see why people do it and why they would like it, don't get me wrong I'm not narrow minded it's just that, for me, sex is intimate even if there are no feelings involved.
It isn't purely about physical attraction I have to know the person more than just "you've got 15 minutes, here's a condom" and I'm talking about even casual sex not making love.
In my opinion why bother paying for it when you have 2 perfectly good hands at your disposal?
I've paid for specialty sex... dominatrix or shemale prostitutes that entertained my partner and I.
~*MEOW*~ said:
would you ever pay for any sexual act?
and why?
and what would you think if you had found out someone you cared about had?

without a doubt I would

regardless of what anyone wants to say, sex is a commodity to be sold like anything else, and its not a big deal at all if done in a professional and sanitary way


some of the time (ok maybe a whole lot of the time) I am looking to get off, dont feel like masterbating, and I dont want to deal with all the bullshit of going to meeting someone and then all the akwardness of afterwards and so on. It's much easier and honest just to get to the point, have sex, pay them, and go to sleep. If I want to go out and meet people for the company/convorsation, then I'd like to do so, but I dont like the idea of going out and meeting people for the purpose of having sex with them when you really dont want to meet people (even though it seems to be so popular these days).

would I care if someone i cared about did it?

hell no

unless it was someone I am dating and they were unprotected (thus putting me at risk)
i only have had sex with women that were hookers.. never had sex with a woman i didn't pay for and i am told i am good looking.. the problem is that i just dont want people in my life.. i dont know why.. i dont have any friends either.. anythign that involves sharing my life with a person i will reject outright.. i'm 28 and haven't had sex with anybody in abotu 8 years. its all about ppl..
just add to that i do have friends that are aquintences etc - but i keep them at a distance from gettign into my life
^^^ its so sad to hear you say that. I hope something happens to help you change your mind because you should experience what sex is like with someone you HAVE allowed into your life. Anyways answering the thread question, I would never pay for sex. I never have to and i would feel awful. maybe its cos im a girl. but yes i would be extremely disappointed if i found out someone i care for had done. upset for them in a way
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