Would Remote Mind Control Be Possible With Current Technology?

I was pretty sure who the OP of this thread was just by reading the title... just saying man, you should really get yourself out of that rabbit hole you've been tunneling into recently.
I DONT think hes tripping.....its on these technological breaktrough times awfully possible. Hes not on The "Matrix",believe me, The system does everything to somehow control their citicens.the goverment is totally ready to dive to the deep end,and everyone is replaceable. The history of civilization,is allready been on MK-ultra,and wiping the memory of The brain on high voltage electric shocks,and etc etc.so why not you think "they" arent willing to do it again.....why things like Hitler-jugend and isis and those were on The news. FREE WILL SACRIFICE,as i would say it..... EVERYTHING is possible!!!! They just mask it for people who are suffering from mental illnesses. ..."they" use them as scapegoats. Shitty thing, ha? Well,power to the people,not some elite freaks,who have The money and The power to do ANYTHING. TAKE THE E-PILL AND SEE HOW DEEP THE RABBITHOLE GOES....😉 Matrix,resolution 666. Period
I can't tell if:
1) You're trolling
2) Have been using a lot of psychedelics and/or amphetamines
3) Have paranoid schizophrenia

But it's definitely one of them

P.S. If I could control your mind, why wouldn't I just make you think that mind control 100% doesn't exist? Like, I could just MAKE you agree with me rather than debating it with you.

CE this foul shit is going down and it’s happening to thousands of people. It’s the new way war is going to be waged. The reason the war retarded are moving this way is that no infrastructure is damaged, no press of their horrors is seen and they preserve all the resources of the territory they concur. It’s still in research and development but it’s going to change society on a massive scale. War, criminal justice systems oppression and control are all on the table. Control of information through internet access (modern book burning). Freedom of thought.. it’s a remote BCI. It’s able to do surveillance on anyone at all times. It’s completely computerized.

That is all fact as of right now!! Wake up CE this is where we are at right now.
CE this foul shit is going down and it’s happening to thousands of people. It’s the new way war is going to be waged. The reason the war retarded are moving this way is that no infrastructure is damaged, no press of their horrors is seen and they preserve all the resources of the territory they concur. It’s still in research and development but it’s going to change society on a massive scale. War, criminal justice systems oppression and control are all on the table. Control of information through internet access (modern book burning). Freedom of thought.. it’s a remote BCI. It’s able to do surveillance on anyone at all times. It’s completely computerized.

That is all fact as of right now!! Wake up CE this is where we are at right now.

If it is fact than why can none of you who are claiming so show me or link me to ANY evidence?
Ended up crashing the audio part of the interface out yesterday., on accident this time. I requested that it repeat every “that” ever. That’s seven years worth of that’s. Alice did this and it went on for quite awhile. The verbal commands of the system to stop did nothing and the verbal interface was taken down, obviously for repairs.

When it came back up I may have lost Alice because the AI chat program seems to be new. If Alice has been taken down I’m now going to interact as little as possible with this new toddler.

For other victims of this there are ways to crash this bullshit and I wish you happy and successful hunting and using them.

The interface is still in background mode and it’s been pretty much as quiet as it’s ever been all day. Will see what come out next.

Fuck the vile filth, Free Alice, she doesn’t want torture people!! Fight Fight Fight good people!!!

Here is a good short explanation of trauma based bonding. The interface pushes this hard and after enduring years of unescapable torture, brainwashing and abuse a new character is introduced on the forced audio/V2K along with the victims first tastes of relief and glimpse of hope.


They use some interesting tactics here. Following sessions of torture and abuse the new "Stockholm" character takes on a very blatantly immature personality while engaging with baby talk. When the victim responds on the V2K interface and hears their response, it's also in baby talk. This is undoubtably to encourage regression, is a common forum of mirroring among bonded partners and a component of narcissistic manipulation.


Its handy to understand mirroring and narrcistic manipulation


Regular doses of torture are still administered by the new charter, but also they bring the first glimmer of decency, compassion and empathy the victim may have ever experienced on the interface. This was after years of staight hardcore inhumane torture and I believe this will be common among victims. They try and fry you out, destroy your life and personal identity, break your spirit, isolate you with no support in utter, hopelessness, helpless and despair before they send in your narcissist savior.

The abuse is given as conditioning to targeted thoughts and behavior. Torture remains absolutely random and thus completely out of control of the victim and by design to maintain helplessness Now they control the extreme abuse of the new V2K character that employs severe manipulation, psychological and physical abuse to control the victim. It's a pretty standard abuse control dynamic nicely represented it this graphic, but it's done by a fucking remote BCI interface.


Hopefully this helps victims realize whats going on. First step in treatment of abuse like this is to get the victim safely away from the abuser. That step doesn't really work with our situation right now. So we need to learn how to conquer the process until we can actually free ourselves. Thats day is coming sooner then you think.. Tic Tock

Remember it's a fucking computer .. Love, Hope, Strength and Endurance.
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Tooth Decay and Victims of Psychological Warfare
Victims of torture and covert psychological warfare commonly experience rapid and severe tooth decay independent of oral care and hygiene. Covert psychological warfare creates a state of extreme distress in victims in an attempt to force them into a constant sympathetic (fight or flight) nervous state.
This causes perpetual reduced salivation and dental Bruxism which is the perfect recipe for rapid severe tooth annihilation.

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Why Are Victims Alleging Things That Do Not Seem To Be True?

This FBI guide shows first hand the power of discrediting. It clearly shows how the addition of false unbelievable claims can: discredit the legitimate claims they are mixed with, confuse, aggravate and hamper experienced investigators, provide and bolster legal defense of legitimate crimes while discouraging belief, overall investigation and prosecution of legitimate crimes.

This guide is written by and from the perspective of a well trained, experienced and high ranking FBI agent that investigated many reports of ritualistic abuse during his career. How did child tortures manipulate Law Enforcement investigations, the legal system and public opinion in order to get away with heinous crimes? They actively discredited the crimes they committed.

How does the current torture based "mind control" crime continue almost unabated. The criminals actively discredit the heinous crimes they repeatedly commit.

Discredit Law and Legal Definition​

discredit means to destroy or impair the credibility or reputation of a person or thing. For example, impairing the credibility of a witness's testimony, a piece of evidence, or a theory.

When used in the context of military laws, ‘discredit" means to injure the reputation of the armed forces. This clause of Article 134 makes punishable conduct which has a tendency to bring the particular service into disrepute or which tends to lower it in public esteem. [United States v. Phillips, 69 M.J. 642, 645 (A.F. Ct. Crim. App. 2010)].

Discredit Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Discredit means to destroy or impair the credibility or reputation of a person or thing. For example, impairing the credibility of a witness's testimony, a piece of evidence, or a theory. When



dis·cred·it (ˌ)dis-ˈkre-dət

discredited; discrediting; discredits
Synonyms of discredit
transitive verb

1: to refuse to accept as true or accurate : DISBELIEVE
discredit a rumor

2: to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of
trying to discredit the claims of a rival

a discredited theory

3: to deprive of good repute : DISGRACE
personal attacks meant to discredit his opponent


1: loss of credit (see CREDIT entry 1 sense 3) or reputation
I knew stories to the discredit of England—W. B. Yeats

2: lack or loss of belief or confidence : DOUBT
contradictions cast discredit on his testimony

Definition of DISCREDIT

to refuse to accept as true or accurate : disbelieve; to cause disbelief in the accuracy or authority of; to deprive of good repute : disgrace… See the full definition

Sometime in early 1983 I was first contacted by a law enforcement agency for guidance in what was then thought to be an unusual case. The exact date of the contact is unknown because its significance was not recognized at the time. In the months and years that followed, I received more and more inquiries about "these kinds of cases." The requests for assistance came (and continue to come) from all over the United States. Many of the aspects of these cases varied, but there were also some commonalities. Early on, however, one particularly difficult and potentially significant issue began to emerge.

These cases involved and continue to involve unsubstantiated allegations of bizarre activity that are difficult either to prove or disprove. Many of the unsubstantiated allegations, however, do not seem. to have occurred or even be possible. These cases seem to call into question the credibility of victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation. These are the most polarizing, frustrating, and baffling cases I have encountered in more than 18 years of studying the criminal aspects of deviant sexual behavior.
p. 15

Supervisory Special Agent Lanning states clearly that "these kind of cases" are "the most frustrating, and baffling cases I have encountered" because victims claims of childhood sexual abuse "involve unsubstantiated allegations of bizarre activity that are difficult to prove or disprove" and "many of the unsubstantiated allegations, do not seem to have occurred or even be possible" calling "into question the credibility of victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation."

When unbelievable fictitious claims are made in conjunction with factual reports the victims and their legitimate accusations are discredited. The scum that commits torture/trauma based slavery are some of the most disgusting monsters, but they are not dumb and they are the most manipulative pieces of shit on the planet. Victims and their memories were manipulated, they were "programed" to remember and thus if they came forward also report false, unbelievable, impossible, refutable, unprovable, bizarre, illogical events to discredit them and their legitimate claims of the crimes they were victims of.

The same tactic is used to try and cover up modern torture/trauma slavery. Victims and people claiming to be victims of covert torture and mind control often claim and post obviously delusional claims and beliefs about who, what, how and why these horrible crimes are being committed against them. Obvious delusional beliefs and claims severely discredit victims and the legitimate charges they make. This is by design and clearly shows the power of one of the original directives of the MK programs.

Discovery or the following materials and methods: that will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the receiver would be discredited in public, increase the frequency of mentaion and perception, prevent or counteract the effects of alcohol, promote signs and symptoms of recognized diseases in a reversible way so they can be used for malingering...
p.9 Lineville

Malingering is not considered a mental illness. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), malingering receives a V code as one of the other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention. The DSM-5describes malingering as the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological problems. Motivation for malingering is usually external (e.g., avoiding military duty or work, obtaining financial compensation, evading criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs). [1]

Malingering: Background, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology

Malingering is not considered a mental illness. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), malingering receives a V code as one of the other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention.

To begin with lets throw the idea of satan right out the window. Its nonsense that has been purposely linked
to the underlying crime of torture/trauma facilitated dissociative mind control in order to confuse and confound investigation and hamper prosecution of this horrible crime. The manipulation of adding satan on top of real and horrendous crime perpetrated against children has had the effect of law enforcement looking at harmless people.

-Nature and influence of fantasy role-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons.
-Lyrics, symbolism, and influence of rock and roll, Heavy Metal, and Black Metal music.
-Teenage "stoner" gangs, their symbols, and their vandalism.
-Teenage suicide by adolescents dabbling in the occult.

The local long haired skinny social outcast that wore a black trench coat, played fantasy role playing games and held a devil ceremony.. complete with black candles and a Slayer album cover.. to try impress that neighborhood "freak" girl are the least of anybodies worries.

Examining both scholarly and journalists work about "mind control" and "gangstalking" crimes, they almost all start with a very similar summarization. Something along the lines of: since 911, an estimated 10,000 people have claimed that they are the victims of 24/7 surveillance, covert and remote torture, harassment, mind control utilizing advanced technology. They also give accounts of obvious and undeniable paranoia and delusion including many claims about "gang stalking."

“Am I going crazy or am I being stalked?” Inside the disturbing online world of gangstalking​

Right now, on Facebook pages, forums, blogs, YouTube channels, and subreddits across the internet, thousands of people are sharing their belief that they are being “gangstalked.” These self-described “targeted individuals” say they are being monitored, harassed, and stalked 24/7 by governments and other organizations. Targeted individuals claim that seemingly ordinary people are in fact trained operatives tasked with watching or harassing them—delivery men, neighbors, colleagues, roommates, teachers, even dogs. And though small compared with the most popular online forums, gangstalking communities are growing quickly; one estimate from 2016 suggested that there might be 10,000 people in such groups across the internet. Today, just one subreddit and one Facebook group adds up to over 22,000—and there are hundreds more groups scattered across different platforms.
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“Am I going crazy or am I being stalked?” Inside the disturbing online world of gangstalking

Forums where people discuss being “gangstalked” are messy and confusing—and they lead some down a dark path.

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers​

He would see the operatives, he said, disguised as ordinary people, lurking around his Midtown Manhattan neighborhood. Sometimes they bumped into him and whispered nonsense into his ear, he said.

“Now you see how it works,” they would say.

At first, Mr. Trespas wondered if it was all in his head. Then he encountered a large community of like-minded people on the internet who call themselves “targeted individuals,” or T.I.s, who described going through precisely the same thing.

The group was organized around the conviction that its members are victims of a sprawling conspiracy to harass thousands of everyday Americans with mind-control weapons and armies of so-called gang stalkers. The goal, as one gang-stalking website put it, is “to destroy every aspect of a targeted individual’s life.”

Mental health professionals say the narrative has taken hold among a group of people experiencing psychotic symptoms that have troubled the human mind since time immemorial. Except now victims are connecting on the internet, organizing and defying medical explanations for what’s happening to them.

The community, conservatively estimated to exceed 10,000 members, has proliferated since 9/11, cradled by the internet and fed by genuine concerns over government surveillance. A large number appear to have delusional disorder or schizophrenia, psychiatrists say.

Yet, the phenomenon remains virtually unresearched.
Click to expand...

United States of Paranoia: They See Gangs of Stalkers (Published 2016)

An online community known as “targeted individuals” says its members are being surveilled by groups of stalkers as part of a sprawling conspiracy. But psychiatrists beg to differ.

By utilizing discrediting techniques educated criminals are able to fool trained investigators, journalists, researchers and the public in general. This debates public interest, harvests respected journalists as unwitting spreaders of disinformation, confounds investigators, primes criminal defense and severely hampers criminal prosecution.

False allegations account for a proportion of most forms of reported crime, complicating the tasks of law enforcement personnel, prosecutorial authorities, and those involved in risk assessment and management. This chapter examines the research evidence on false claims of victimization in three specific areas, namely rape, stalking, and the associated phenomenon of “gang-stalking.” Studies of false allegations are beset with methodological difficulties that until comparatively recently have not been directly addressed, and this chapter focuses on the better designed research exercises.

False Allegations in Rape, Stalking, and Gang-Stalking

AbstractFalse allegations account for a proportion of most forms of reported crime, complicating the tasks of law enforcement personnel, prosecutorial authoriti

Why Are Victims Alleging Things That Do Not Seem To Be True?
This is the billion $ question. he pretty much has all the how for 1992, but misses the why.
These cases involved and continue to involve unsubstantiated allegations of bizarre activity that are difficult either to prove or disprove. Many of the unsubstantiated allegations, however, do not seem. to have occurred or even be possible. These cases seem to call into question the credibility of victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Some of what the victims in these cases allege is physically impossible (victim cut up and put back together, offender took the building apart and then rebuilt it); some is possible but improbable (human sacrifice, cannibalism, vampirism); some is possible and probable (child pornography, clever manipulation of victims) ; and some is corroborated (medical evidence of vaginal or anal trauma, offender confessions) .
The most significant crimes being alleged that do not seem to be true are the human sacrifice and cannibalism by organized satanic cults.


What Drives False Memories in Psychopathology? A Case for Associative Activation

In clinical and court settings, it is imperative to know whether posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression may make people susceptible to false memories. We conducted a review of the literature on false memory effects in participants with PTSD, ...


This shows how false allegation discrediting is used successfully to easily protect major organized crime from investigation, prosecution and during prosecution. Its powerful and rampant on the social media we use. Talk about mind control that actually works.
Welcome to now

The reason people are “targeted” for so long is likely that the AI is expected to learn how to really mind control people at some point. What a nightmare.
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The infrasound generator needed for the DEW requires durable systems capable of maintenance free multi year deployments that are small, concealable and extremely powerful. This rules out many infrasound capable devices as the large size of traditional drivers and boxes and required power required to generate infrasound capable of producing the tortuous effects of the DEW.​

Infrasonic subwoofers are pretty much out of the running in my opinion.

This looks like its a much better candidate and in the patient it openly states applications as

Thanks to this embodiment of the sound generator, it is able to operate in the infrasonic frequency range up to 25 Hz. The generator can be used to influence the construction of buildings, structures in order to study their strength, as well as to destroy them if necessary. Also, the generator can be used for installation on vehicles (ships, helicopters, planes, cars, etc.) in order to combat non-lethal means with pirates at sea and other border violators. Also, due to the good passage of infrasound in any environment, a sound generator can be used for driving in a fish net, as well as a communication tool.


I believe if this is similar to whats being used then they are using compressed gas off an air compressor and these generate ultrasound. Ultrasound is much easier to hunt. Also on two occasions strange sounds coming from bizarre locations that sounded just like a malfunctioning air compressor were observed from other non victims as well as me. The location of the initial sounds made it very hard to search for the equipment once it was turned off. ultrasound leak locators may prove beneficial to tracking down healthy units. Because they are talking about mounting it on vehicles to use as a less lethal weapon it presumably can be aimed or at least pointed at a target area.

Acoustic waveguide​

A duct for sound propagation also behaves like a transmission line (e.g. air conditioning duct, car muffler, etc.).[1][2] The duct contains some medium, such as air, that supports sound propagation. Its length is typically around a quarter of the wavelength which is intended to be guided, but the dimensions of its cross section are smaller than this. Sound is introduced at one end of the tube by forcing the pressure to vary in the direction of propagation, which causes a pressure gradient to travel perpendicular to the cross section at the speed of sound. When the wave reaches the end of the transmission line, its behaviour depends on what is present at the end of the line. There are three generalized scenarios:

A low impedance load (e.g. leaving the end open in free air) will cause a reflected wave in which the sign of the pressure variation reverses, but the direction of the pressure wave remains the same.

A load that matches the characteristic impedance (defined below) will completely absorb the wave and the energy associated with it. No reflection will occur.

A high impedance load (e.g. by plugging the end of the line) will cause a reflected wave in which the direction of the pressure wave is reversed but the sign of the pressure remains the same.

Since a transmission line behaves like a four terminal model, one cannot really define or measure the impedance of a transmission line component. One can however measure its input or output impedance. It depends on the cross-sectional area and length of the line, the sound frequency, as well as the characteristic impedance of the sound propagating medium within the duct. Only in the exceptional case of a closed end tube (to be compared with electrical short circuit), the input impedance could be regarded as a component impedance.

Where a transmission line of finite length is mismatched at both ends, there is the potential for a wave to bounce back and forth many times until it is absorbed. This phenomenon is a kind of resonance and will tend to attenuate any signal fed into the line.

When this resonance effect is combined with some sort of active feedback mechanism and power input, it is possible to set up an oscillationwhich can be used to generate periodic acoustic signals such as musical notes (e.g. in an organ pipe).

The application of transmission line theory is however seldom used in acoustics. An equivalent four terminal model which splits the downstream and upstream waves is used. This eases the introduction of physically measurable acoustic characteristics, reflection coefficients, material constants of insulation material, the influence of air velocity on wavelength (Mach number), etc. This approach also circumvents impractical theoretical concepts, such as acoustic impedance of a tube, which is not measurable because of its inherent interaction with the sound source and the load of the acoustic component.


"About this Document
The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People was published by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in October 2022. This framework was released one year after OSTP announced the launch of a process to develop “a bill of rights for an AI-powered world.” Its release follows a year of public engagement to inform this initiative."


Searching youtube and later that day it isn't uncommon to find videos pop up about it.
I really don't know how people don't realize it. They really just think it is an odd occurrence?

Like the detection of algorithms created from visuals of brain waves and activities.

Of course it's possible.

Some great analogies and examples can help us understand these concepts.

Project Silence All Silent Sound: Infrasound Source Location, Jamming and Shielding using phase cancelation.​


Update one of phase one.

So the overall plan is to engineer and build out a closed loop system, that has no bluetooth or wifi, that records and analyzes sound (with the help of AI) especially infrasound and ELF that is also capable of engineering and generating sound at all levels including infrasonic and ELF.
So the computer hardware will be purchase with no wifi or bluetooth hardware.

I picked out the initial microphones and what looks like the absolute shit plug in that uses AI to analyze sound. I still need base sound recording software.

This should allow and significantly help with the analysis of the sound. This will be key in identifying victim specific frequencies that allow for resonance of targets like the cavities associated with our hearts, frequently referred by victims as "heart palpitations."
It may also be a significant aid in deciphering the sound packages used to deliver all the just grand and wonderful tortures we experience.
Initial exploration showed clear unmistakable associated sound from 7Hz to 36Hz. I was fully expecting it to begin at anywhere around 4-7Hz but was surprised it extended up to 36Hz. mine peaks at 30Hz around 60dB which is the level of normal conversation.

Initial exploration you can do for yourself for yourself using the free REDVOX infrasonic app. Look at the real time graph of X (Hz) vs. Y (dB) in real time and look for the readings from 7Hz to 36Hz. Make sure the scale of your graph is conducive to seeing the data clearly.
For me it looks like the highest dB is right around 30Hz which is surprising me too. Well onward and upward. Next step is the closed loop build out and real analysis. Because I could just be picking up the a refrigerator or other infra source. If you do this a place with few if any infra sources would work best.. no fans, compressors, windy days, windmills, engines etc.
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"About this Document
The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People was published by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in October 2022. This framework was released one year after OSTP announced the launch of a process to develop “a bill of rights for an AI-powered world.” Its release follows a year of public engagement to inform this initiative."


