Mental Health worth telling doc about possible hypomania?


Oct 2, 2017
sorry if this is in the wrong place (i was going to post on the megathread but this seemed not completely relevant).
i have major depression and gad, and i take wellbutrin 300xr and klonopin .5mg-1mg as needed.

when i was a child i was tested quite a few times for adhd type things but my mother is a hippie and doesnt really believe in things like that even though doctors told her i probably had adhd and needed medication. i'm mentioning this because my entire life i have had very severe mood swings, hyperfocus, was very disruptive as a kid etc, so when my doctor told me i need to be on the look out for anything that looks like hypomania (because i guess at my last appt i was acting a little off it?), i kind of brushed it off as part of my personality and something that i've dealt w and handled my whole life. sometimes it's annoying, but generally these bursts of energy are fun and helpful. sometimes i guess i do destructive things but never enough to ruin my life.
i spend most of my time very depressed, and these periods of energy are the only time i really get things done. my doctor is worried bc generally they are followed by a crash, but the wellbutrin has been doing a great job of making that crash bearable.

i guess my question is, (if this is hypomania, not an adhd thing), is it worth it to tell my doctor about these current symptoms (crazy energy, not rly sleeping, lots and lots of plans, you know the usual haha)? i feel like she'll try to put me on mood stabilizers which i dont want because i like these feelings, and i like my current mix of meds (i'm feeling better than i have in actually years). if this "hypomania" is not ruining my life (honestly it's actually helping), do i need to deal with it? or do i only need to deal with it if it progresses to a point where it's interfering in my life?

sorry if this is dumb or obvious or sounds irresponsible. I'm 19 and i've never had to deal with anything like this before. i just dont want more meds that might screw up the balance and fine-ness that i feel right now. i have so many friends that were doing better before they got put on mood stabilizers and now they are just sad zombies.

something else possibly relevant is that my mother is bipolar (and has ocd) but just does not take medication at all, and she is really doing fine. She's already kind of angry that i take any medication at all, and told me that unless the "up times" as she calls them are ruining my life, i shouldnt try to stop them. idk how accurate that is, but she's my mother so that's the advice i've been following so far.

Thanks in advance...