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Worst Actor/Actress?

Worst Actors
1. Collin Farrell
watch "in bruges". it may help you see him another way

Keanu Reeves
i liked him in "johnny got his gun"

Channing Tatum
the trailer for the movie "dear john" makes me want to kill myself... actually, i already want to kill myself, so it makes me want to have both him and the girl disappear into nothingness
and the director, and the producer, and people who go see such a movie (i'm on my tolerant mode today)
I'm pretty convinced both Tara Reid and Seth Rogan only got into Hollywood because of knowing the right people and fitting the right character stereotypes, rather than by having any real range or talent.
Larry David

Just finished watching 'Whatever Works'. My god he's bad in that movie. His semi-acting, playing himself thing works for Curb. I love Curb. But this was just awful.

He should never be cast in anything ever again.

She does only play one character in all her movies but thats what she's good at. Why would she play anything other than a ditsy blond? She would do a horrible job at it.

The sign of a good actor is being able to... well... act.

If you're a ditsy blonde and you portray one on screen, does that really qualify as acting?

Re:Selma Blair
I kinda changed my mind about her after I saw Storytelling.
I agree.
Smiley Face was awesome and I think Anna Faris is finee but I wanna see her play a serious roll. :/
Keanu Reeves, Christian Bale, the English cunt that only ever does rom-coms. . . . what's his face? - Grant!

Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, Lisa Kurdrow, Linsay Lohan, Keira Kneightley, Nicholas Cage makes the list too, purely because he does not really vary his on screen persona.

Honourable mentions to Arnold, Sly, Val and all those other meathead fools.
will ferrell

he acts exactly the same in every movie and annoys the shit out of me.
Honourable mentions to Arnold, Sly, Val and all those other meathead fools.

Val Kilmer?

He's not a terrible actor, damn you!

He's certainly not in the same category as Arnie and Sly anyway...
Dicaprio is a good actor, but you wouldn't now it watching Romeo + Juliet or Titanic.
I thought he was rather good in Romeo & Juliet. Maybe I was just smitten.
So did I. ^^ Gahhhhh... I love Romeo and Juliet.
Billy Zane was pretty good in Dead Calm...but he only ever plays assholes ;)
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Johnny Depp?

Seriously, if there's an "eccentric" role to be played, no big deal, we'll just get Johnny Depp to play it, right? He's weird, he'll do it, right? But when it comes to actual acting, can he do it? Not so well. Sorry, the man is extremely over-rated.