Mental Health Woman is a Meth user and I have no experience


Apr 3, 2016
Lately thru Facebook I ran into an old girlfriend that I had not talked to in many years.

Jump into this: She soon revealed that she have been clean several months from a 2 year meth addition.

I am just barely maintaining opiate addition so I have experience with junkies of all types and she seemed to be to preoccupied with talking about it so that alone made me suspicious.
She basically begged for my help getting away from the sit ans I agreed to help.

Now just days later she vaporized and once she reappeared in text, it was that paranoid rambling.

I am a helping type but over the last few years, to many strays have taken advantage. I had a relationship with this woman from Jr. high until our mid 20s and neither of us did more than pot.

Now 25 years later, I do not know what to do. I know this is not a relationship board, what I really need to know is what are the chances of a meth head coming clean?
slim to none, but it is possible. she has to want it though. I know many people who got clean. Get her in treatment.
No one can give you an exact figure. I'd say that if she gets the right kinds of treatments in place, things will be a bit easier. It really comes down to out-waiting the thing. For a two-year meth addiction, she might need 5-10 years of sobriety before she feels healthy again. But the pain largely means that the body is in the process of coping without being super-rewarded for nothing.
I think this answer depends on the person. Personally I used meth for 3-4 years in my early 20s. While I had several 'long nights' where I went on runners, usually lasting a week, once lasting a month, when I quit I just had to catch up on my sleep to be done. Since it had been a year or more since I stayed up for days, even the sleep catch up was over quick. To this day I have no desire to do meth again, I think it's because I love food, sleep and all things you can't have while spun out. I never smoked it, which I also believe was a huge point in my favor during the recovery process.

I wish you both the best of luck. My best advice, remind her of what she loves while not using. Food & sleep are both amazing!
^I'd consider yourself quite lucky. Many of the people I know who were simply on dexedrine still have massive cravings years after stopping.