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Opioids Withdrawal advice needed!! Heroin/percoset

The only way through it is thru it, it takes as long as it takes, and you'll be OKAY, just think positive, and take care of yourself..

Shit you've still got 30 Perc 10's why not try a fast taper,, 50mg a day over 6 days?? After that WD won't be so severe..or sell them to score some more junk, you decide.

Good luck
I just went thru this a few weeks ago. I took Imodium tablets(need a lot at one time), Advil pm for pain and sleep, and lots of hot baths. I found it very hard to sit still and find something to concentrate on. You won't feel like doing anything. Clonidine does help. I know here in NJ if you go to the ER with withdrawl symptoms, they will prescribe something for nausea and to help you sleep but don't expect any opiates or benzos
Google the Thomas Recipe. It's mostly all stuff you can get without prescription though having a benzodiazepine makes withdrawal much better. You could substitute Kratom or Lopermide.
honestly you can make ur shit last longer then that. sorry but if your low you cant get high or be nodding. either face the withdawls or only do a $5-10 bag a day/ 2-5 pills. you said you never went more then 3 days without it? well the first 3 days are the worst so you already experianced it full board pretty much.

.-HOT BATHS BRO, HOT BATHS. cures the legs completely for like 40 mins.
.-forget about sleep, dont try, allowing your brain to focuz on your legs makes them feel worse. just stay up till tomarrow and pass out after being up for 36-48hours.
.-OTC didnt do anything for me except loperamide, i wouldnt take more than 10 pills. no matter wehat ppl say is safe or that they took and were ok. its an opiate. and will total take and edge off.
.-movies/youtube. i can suggest things im currently into. network a youtube channel. good mythical morning youtube channel. VICE munchies/mother board/ everything they have youtube channel. the movies pulp fiction, jackie brown, TRAINSPOTTING, looper, primer( FUCKING BEST MOVIE IVE SEEN INFOREVER) djano and inglorious bastards, and live die repeat - this movie is FUN, i mean FUN like first i dont know how i dont know about it, its a 2014 blockbust with tom cruise, and it is like FUN, not cool, funny, exciting, but FUN( although it is all of those things too). the UK top gear is fucking awesome and seriously hilarious. watch all the gymkhana's by ken block on youtube - there is 7.
.- music will help the soul in anytime of need

Good luck bruh

my number 1 advice is to lower you dose and just take 2 pill a day bro. i hate to say it but dont be a fucking bitch about needing as much as you need, cuz you dont. 2pills is totally enough to cover the worst, at most 4 pills. 5$ of heroin should also be plenty to stave off withdrawls. you said your only 2 years in and its your first withdrawls. you can def make it by with the shit you have. 14 days and all those opiates??? i hate to be the one but quit crying man. i mean you could even go for 2 days without right just to lower your tolerance ( that will be hard with the cure in you possesion but hey)

also save those valium for when u need them dont take them till your out, these WILL help you ALOT. if i ever opened a rehab i would ween ppl on subs to like .25 them swap them to like 2.5mg of hydro then lower to codien then quit the opiates and give them valium for 7days maybe a zanny at night. the pills will/should keep you mind busy at the least, but i suggest taking them at night to be able to sleep becuase 12 hours of only 20% withdrawl is worst then sleeping for 6 and not experianceing anything for those 6 hours) good luck again.
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I have to say thank you to everyone who provided input and took the time to respond. I totally freaked with Thanksgiving being so close and on Thanksgiving before the family party I scored some H. So I wimped out. I really want to get off all this crap and be done with it. I am thinking the next best time to try and withdrawal will be while the kids are on Winter Break from school and spending a week at their dads house. My goal until then is to make my last score of H last until my percos refill on the 12th and then try to follow the REAL dosage of the pills and not try to reach that high. It's so hard though when you have that full bottle of pills just sitting there staring at you!!! I am determined to get off these drugs though....I definitely think this is more of a mental challenge more than a physical one. The thoughts of withdrawal freak me out. I refuse to go to an emergency room or clinic to withdrawal because once you're marked as a "drug addict" you can never shake that label. Thank you all again and I am sure I will be asking for further advice in the future!!!